- Last updated Sep 3, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 2620
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/3/2015 (TGT Launch)
- user-21652277
- Registered User
- 9
- 42
- 24
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This is my egg druid which i have been climbing the ladder with since tgt. It is super aggressive and super fun! Highest rank i have been with it is legend rank 3 :)
Obviousy you want to mulligan for your 1-2 drops and innervate, except PoW, you want to topdeck that later. The aim of the deck is to fill the board with weak minions, buff them, then savage roar to win :D
Jeeves is a great way to draw cards when you run out of options, do not underestimate him. Always remember to use soul of the forest after you pop the creeper, for maximum value, and try to use Mark Of The Wild on either Dragon Egg or Ooze.
Enjoy and gl!
To resume this deck:
I lost 5 in a row... how the **** is this deck works?
In my experience with this deck you absolutely need a good starting hand that has both 1-2-3 drops as well as a buff you can apply or the whole thing just falls apart and runs out of steam. Also it seems to have way too mny four drops for what it wants to do, and those tend to clog your starting hand a lot.
It makes me kind of sad really, this deck is everything I disenchanted over the past while, and now I find myself wanting to play it. Oh irony, why are you so cruel?
do u attack face or go for board contro?
I don't have Jeeves and dust to craft it. Is azura drake a good replacement?
hmmm, I understand... but you think Mark of Nature could fit due the Eggs and stuff or have enough spells? I have 2 acolytes and 1 cult master here tho.
P.S.: I have to say, the deck is going great even without Jeeves (in my case, when I was using azura drake to replace it, even not drawing it)
It's a nice Deck but in the current meta v's what I find is priests constantly this deck really struggles.
Nice deck i will try it out :D
Why do you have violet teacher instead of FoN?
Won 5 out of 6 games, great deck and so fun to play.
I've won most of my games without drawing Jeeves, so I don't think the deck relies on it
Thanks for this deck! Having fun with it, and the games are quick if you lose. I do think it relies heavily on Jeeves. Without that, it gets destroyed quickly.
It's fun when you get a good starting draw. But other than that, it's way too reliant on getting a good draw to combo the cards with one another, and aggro/control decks just destroy it.
man this is an awesome deck thanks for sharing. dont have gormok so added another violet teach. might put in a mukla
Mukla's Champion seems really slow - by the time you can get value from it, it is turn 7. By turn 7, the game should be won or lost already.
Honestly, Arcane Golem seems like the best substitute for Gormok the Impaler. It is a 4 drop that deals 4 dmg on impact (tho cannot pass thru taunt), and also leaves a body on the board with 4 dmg.
I tried it with Leeroy Jenkins in place of Gormok and it was pretty good for a finisher
ragequit is a common site if this deck gets a smooth start :D