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TGT Control Priest

  • Last updated Sep 29, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/2/2015 (TGT Launch)
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So this is the deck I have been using with incredible success on the ladder lately.  I'll admit I haven't done a LOT of ranked with it yet, but I've been getting on many win streaks  up to 1 win before rank 11(I got 1 win away before the season ended).  If I put more time into it I'm sure I could've gone much, much higher.


Basically this deck has some early game strength with 2 SW:P's in it.  It has 2 Dark Cultists, 2 injured blademasters for a lot of early game control.  It has one fencing master, which ideally will be used to bring a turn 7 paletress, but it can also be used with coin to prepare for injured blademaster.  or without coin you can use it to prepare for blademaster+cleric+heal draw card.  


To counter heavy aggro, I put in senjin shield masta and sludge belcher.  They both are really strong against aggro (It beats every aggro I've seen with ease with the exception of some fantastic hands from face hunters).  Against control players I put in cards like bomb lobber to take care of the bigger threats.  If they're slower you can conserve SW:P to take out bigger 4-mana or 5-mana threats.  Against the high-health targets I put in vol'jin and Sylvanas.  Voljin takes out the tanks and Sylvanas keeps board control.  Ideally at this point you should have board control against Aggro(holy nova helps here).  Against slower decks, this is where you start to take control.

After that point you SHOULD have control of the board.  Sometimes that just doesn't happen yet, however.  In this case I brought 2 lightbombs to deal with those pesky grim patrons or high-damage targets.  Lightbomb is perfect for dealing with targets like doctor boom, Varian Wrynn, and any time the board gets out of hand.  To close out the game you usually start with sneeds to bait out any removal(giving you a legendary often), and then depending on the board you use ysera or confessor Paletress.  Ysera is very tanky, and if left alive becomes a single creature game winner.  Confessor Paletress is better against open boards where you have baited out their removal.  

Hope you guys like the deck!  My biggest threats I've found are usually REALLY high aggression face-hunters(I can beat them but it is harder without zombie chow and deathlord.  I took them out because they made the deck weak against control decks like warrior) and sometimes control warrior.  Control warrior is iffy and can go either way but I'd probably put it at 40/60 or 45/55.  This deck EXCELS against ramp druid, and tends to blow out of the water paladin(especially aggro) or decks like mech mage.


Hope you guys like!  Suggestions are welcome!


Side notes:  I only put 1 shadow madness in because you really can only count on getting incredible value from it once or twice in the game.  It allows you to steal deathrattles or make a 2-for one trade, but you can't rely on it too many times per game so I put one in only.  I only put one cabal shadow priest in as well as in controllier decks you don't tend to get a lot of small minions so you should only really steal the 1 great 2-damage minion you see.  Sylvanas is better against control decks.  I put one convert in the deck because generally each class has one or two amazing cards that would make the deck just that much better!  Using convert on a card like tyrian or gromash (warrior charge legendary) is simply value and so I put just one copy in the deck!  And lastly, Holy Champion is the 1-time use card that you use when you have a board of damaged minions to holy nova.  Use her at the right moment and make her really big!  She basically has soft taunt because leaving her alone can be devastating!