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Zk83's Legendary Midrange Druid

  • Last updated Sep 10, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/25/2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • zk83
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Card NameThis deck aims to win against other decks by getting incredible starts with the combination of wild growth and innervate. It adds early game stability against aggro with cards like living roots and Darnassus Aspirant. Going into the mid-game it has fantastic 4 drops like piloted shredder and azure drake to keep up the board presence and heading into the late game, this deck aims to lower the health of your opponent to a range where Force of Nature+ savage roar= lethal.


This deck is fairly simple to play. Mulligan for innervate, wild growth, living roots and daranssus aspirant. Keep swipe against paladin and throw the rest. It may be tempting to keep shade but if up against aggro sometimes throwing shade and looking for your 1 and 2 drops is more important as shade is a long term card.

Things to keep in mind:

Force of Nature Savage Roar Combo= 14 damage

Force of Nature 2x Savage Roar Combo= 22 damage

When your opening hand contains innervates and coins,

plan out your turns such that it is mana efficient.


Note: After further testing, this deck has chopped a living roots for a belcher. Belcher is a great minion to have and improves your odds against hunter

 20 Up Votes!!! Here's your class by class review:


Against hunter, you really need good starts. Mulligans: Living roots, D. Aspirant, Wild Growth, Innervate, wrath. Tip: If you hand contains 2 wild growths, consider chopping one. 2 WGs is too slow against those face hunters. Also, if you are going first without the coin and have a shade and 2 big minions, chop all of them. having to hero power on turn 2 is undesirable and the shade is too slow.

General Strategy:

Playing against midrange and aggro is about the same. the hunter will have a lot of good early game drops. However, you can retake the board with cards like keeper of the grove or trade into his minions with d. aspirant. Keeper is a game winner as he will most likely kill most of hunter's early game drops as well as silence Savvannah highmane in the late game. You will also like to use it and cards like living roots to prop his freezing trap. Eventually by turn 5-6 you must stabilize the board from the hunter and start pushing for damage. Usually it becomes a race of you drawing your combo/ savage roar and him trying to burst you down. If ahead on the board, A of lores will do you well to heal 5 to your hero. Its usually a game saver as well. Overall, playing against hunter unfortunately comes down to card draws on both sides. I rate this matchup, whether midrange or face as 50/50



Mulligan: Innervate, living roots, Growth, Wrath, Shade, Keeper, Swipe
Keeper, Wrath and Swipe are more important than the rest of the cards. So if you don't have any of them. You might even think about throwing back a Shade or Innervate.
In the early game you just try to not get overrun. Keeper of the grove is a fantastic card in this match up as it can be a really huge tempo swing with all those juicy targets to aim at. you can silence a Void Terror, Void Caller or an Egg. Also, you can kill the pesky juggler. When you have a good way to kill the Nerubian that comes out of the egg  you should think about killing the egg as well. Zoo has many buff cards an even a 0 2 silenced egg can still kill your 4 health minions with PO. Another important card here is Swipe. It can kill so many minions at once with all the 1-Health Imps after their implosion. Last thing, be sure to be able to deal with malganis if you are planning to kill the v caller. BGH is best to deal with that giant ass demon.

Overall Druid vs Zoo is a good matchup as long as you can get a good draw. Your late game cards will overwhelm him.

Mulligan: Innervate, Roots , Growth, Shade, BGH, Keeper, ET(mostly with Coin)
Against Handlock you just wanna curve out well and play one big minion after another. Play around molten giants by keeping his heath at around 14 or 15 and keep your keeper for silencing a big taunt. the problem for handlock is that the druid combo is very hard to avoid and as long as you get him down to the combo range, its most likely lethal. Nuff said.

Druid owns Handlock

vs Druid

Just like hunter, this comes down to a battle of the wild growth/ innervates. Hard mulligan for those cards and you should be doing well against a druid who doesn't have them. Play on curve, get him down to combo range and burst him down. Usually, going face if you have the initiative is the play as he will be afraid of the combo thus he will start trading. Thus, always calculate you burst damage available and whether you can set up lethal.

Druid vs Druid Obviously 50% 

Ok so 30 Upvotes on this deck! Here is your 2nd Update:



The Shockadin (aggro paladin) has seen a rise in popularity recently. Thus, if you are meeting a paladin assume it to be the aggro one. However, there is also the new midrange paladin that features cards like the murloc knight

mulligan for: Growth,Innervate, Wrath, Swipe

Swipe is a fantastic card to keep as if they go turn 3 muster fo battle you can go swipe and destory their whole board.Always look out against their quarter master combo so be sure to clear those 1 1 s if you can. Just like against hunter, you want to ramp up to stuff that will give you board presence with innervate and you should be having the board against the midrange or the shockadin. I feel that against shockadin this is a 50-50 but against Midrange I tend to win most of the games.Btw, you do want to keep a keeper against midrange to silence tirioin.

Vs Mage


Mulligan: Innervate, Growth, Wrath, Shade, Keeper
Ragnaros is the  best card you have against Freeze Mage as he's immune to freeze. Other then that, always keep your Keeper for Doomsayer unless you have another way to kill him.
It's better to not kill a mad scientist  as they have the chance to draw into the secrets first Do kill their Acolyte so they don't get more than one card draw. 
It's important to get as much damage in so as to force them to use their ice blocks.
Once you got in range to pop the Iceblock, make sure to keep something in hand that can deal damage even when your board and face is frozen. Like Druid of the Claw, Swipe, etc.

Mulligan: Innervate, Roots,Growth, Wrath, 
Just like against hunter, this comes down to card draw. However, I think that this match up is unfavoured for druid as they entities are hard to pop without giving away a good minion. Perhaps try to pop their secrets with a keeper of the grove as that really is one of the worst guys you can give them. Again, play on curve and make sure to kill their flamewakers ASAP as it really is a havoc. If your early turns are good, you can probably win them once they run out of steam. Just like against all other aggro decks, this unfortunately boils down to luck.

Vs aggro mage, you are unfavoured.

Next update will deal with Rogue and the annoying Warrior. 45 upvotes and it will be coming very soon!

Next Update: Thanks for the 50 Upvotes, now we will deal with the ever popular patron warrior:


Innervate,Growth,Wrath,Shade, Aspirant

This is a combo deck vs combo deck matchup so what you want to do is to get them down to that combo range before they can combo you. To do that, you need to prevent them from drawing into their combo by killing their acolyte with a wrath or silencing it. Actually, this match up is quite simple, kill them before they kill you.

Vs Control Warrior

Mulligan: Innervate, Growth, Wrath, Shahde, Aspirant

Ever since the release of TGT, Control Warrior has seen a resurrection because of Varian Wyrnn. This match-up is similar to patron warrior, Kill them before they overwhelm you. HOWEVER, do not go face all the time, you will need board control in this match-up. Since their deck is slow, you will have more time to draw into their combo then against patron. However, you cannot drag the game too long as their minions like Ysera, Rag, Varian Wyrnn, etc will win them the board and the game. Having said that, just play on curve and you should be fine.

 By the way, if anybody knows how to upload a photo to hearthpwn please leave a comment below. I have been trying to upload my proof of legend but I don't know how to.