Reynad's OP Dragon Priest
- Last updated Sep 22, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 3880
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/24/2015 (TGT Launch)
- Reynad
- Pro Player
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A quick video of Dragon Priest in full stride
It's OP use it.
Just for clarification Chillmaw is for Patron Warrior, Voljin is mainly used for high health late game drops such as Ysera and then smiting the minion. Rend is used for the manyyyy legendaries that have sprouted because of TGT
-*LOOK HERE IMPORTANT STUFF* EDIT----- Reynad has added in 2 shrinkmiesters, 2 cabal shadow priests, a second shadow word death, 2 shadow madness and has taken out 2 smite, 2 velen's chosen, ysera, rend and vol'jin. He wanted the deck to have a better curve and early game so the deck doesn't lose all control because of enemy early drops
*LOOK MORE IMPORTANT STUFF* EDIT--- I know the changes made the deck worse but reynad was just trying stuff out. You can revert to the old deck because it had a higher win percentage just wanted to put his edits in the deck so its up to date ~ Loki (PS i personally think the original deck is better)
Can we get an update on this deck
downvoted, reynad deck doesn't have Salty Dog
Kudos, great deck!
-Cabal Shadow Priest / +Mind Control Tech :: Not 100% about this one, but seemed legit giving I'm lacking a Cabal. In the few games I've played it's been dead, but I see the potential against certain classes.
-Chillmaw / +Nefarian :: Don't have Chillmaw or Ysera and this was a suggested sub, which seems to be working well.
What about entomb? Could you put that in there somewhere?
What is the point of having a Dragonkin Sorcerer if you only have one buff for it?
If you think Blackwing Tech is something reasonable to tech out of dragon priest, you're losin' it.
Are Ysera and Neferian good if you don't have Chillmaw?
I also have Alexstrasza, is there any potential for her in this deck?
Absolutely there's room for Alex. -1 Dragonkin, +1 Alex
Fantastic deck. Due to a lack of Ysera, I've found Nefarian works really well.
I modified the deck to:
-1 Cabal Shadowpriest FOR +1 Velen's Chosen
-1 Shadow Madness FOR +1 Velen's Chosen
-1 Shrinkmeister FOR Chromaggus (sense I don't have Ysera, I plan to craft her ASAP)
-1 Chillmaw FOR +1 Lightbomb
I really don't know the decision of getting ChillMaw instead of Ysera. This deck would run out of steam after a while without the Ysera cards.
It is playable in current meta?
Yes, it counters aggro decks.
looking for a replacement for Wyrmrest Agent.
Isn't one, it's one of the reasons dragons work in priest so well.
I don't understand why the shadow madness in this deck?
Shadow Madness because say the opponent has two 7/7s. You can shrinkmeister a 7/7 twice and then trade it into the other 7/7, killing both of your opponent's minions. This is also the most efficient use of Shrinkmeisters with things like Cabal Shadow Priest. You can steal a 6/10 with double shrinkmeister Cabal. Hope this helps :)
I swapped out the two Twilight Guardians for Hungry Dragons and, while risky, it's been working really well for me so far as well as Chillmaw for Nefarian. Currently 5-0 with the deck.