[TGT] Wing's Legendary Dragon Mage
- Last updated Aug 25, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4080
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/24/2015 (TGT Launch)
- wingsofwaxiii
- Deck Architect
- 16
- 23
- 60
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
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Hey there everyone!
I am a 16x Legend Player with 2x Top 100 finishes who goes by the battletag WingsOfWax or WingsOfWaxIII on other social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch, and YouTube).
Wing's The Grand Tournament Decklists & Guides:
TGT Dragon Mage - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/308495-tgt-wings-legendary-dragon-mage
TGT Token Druid - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/308819-tgt-wings-legendary-token-druid
TGT Totem Shaman - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/309043-tgt-wings-legendary-totem-shaman
Today was the release of TGT and I'm excited to say that I achieved Legend today with TGT Dragon Mage. Currently I'm 10-1 with the deck and thought I'd share the fun with you ladies and gents.
The deck when piloted and drawn well can beat anything, but it takes a bit of time to understand what the optimal plays really are.
Edit #1 (8/25/2015) - Decided to make the following changes to better combat midrange and aggro decks. -1 Coldarra Drake, -1 Antique Healbot, +2 Illuminator.
Here is a brief breakdown of mulligans and playstyle:
Vs Aggro -
Opening Hands - 2x Frostbolt, 2x Mad Scientist, 2x Explosive Sheep, 2x Fallen Hero, (If Coin = Yes) 1x Twilight Guardian.
Try to mulligan for your early 2-mana Spells and Minions to keep hold of the board early in the game long enough to reach a stable point in the mid to late game. Always deal with your opponents board position when given the option (lethal comes later). Try to hold your Explosive Sheep to get a bare minimum of 2-3 cards since your opponent typically doesn't play around an early sweeper (until this deck becomes more well known). One of the best plays you can make against an aggro deck is Mad Scientist (Duplicate) into Coin + Twilight Guardian, there's just too much beef your opponent has to fight through. Alexstraza should be saved until your Ice Block has been popped or just defensively in general in most matchups.
Vs Midrange & Combo -
Opening Hands - 2x Frostbolt, 2x Mad Scientist, 1x Explosive Sheep, 2x Fallen Hero, 1x Twilight Drake, 1x Twilight Guardian
You shouldn't need to hold onto Explosive Sheep (unless your up against a Paladin or Warlock) but the other 2-mana Minions and Spells tend to become helpful when trying to stall long enough to get to a Late Game. Try to make optimal plays for board control until eventually you out value your opponent with card advantage and syngergies. Alexstraza should almost always be used as a defensive ability/minion, so wait until that block has been popped, unless you feel comfortable and safe going aggro mode. Don't be afraid to use Fallen Hero as a 3/2 body to trade with or build a board presence, the ability is just icing on the cake if you find the chance. Save your Polymorphs for large and difficult minions such as: Sylvanas, Alexstraza, Archmage Antonidas, Ysera, etc...
Vs Control -
Opening Hands - 2x Frostbolt, 2x Mad Scientist, 2x Fallen Hero, 2x Twilight Drake, 1x Twilight Guardian
The only tough control matchup I have really had was Handlock, mostly because there is no easy way to deal with 8/8s, which if becomes popular could be fixed with a Big Game Hunter. All other control strategies tend to fall over to this deck because of its card advantage and Dragon syngergies. Play your threats wisely (weaker before bigger) and make profitable attacks for value. Try to save your Polymorphs for when you are really desperate or need to deal with a minion that is extremely hard to deal with (Sylvanas, Archmage Antonidas, Tirion, etc...). Setup your Duplicates to give you High Impact threats all while pressuring your opponent. Be sure to play around sweepers (especially Brawl - no more than 2 minions at a time).
Potential Changes:
-1 Nefarian
+1 Ysera
I would make this change if your finding yourself in need of more grind worthy cards in control matchups.
-1 Antique Healbot
-1 Coldarra Drake
+2 Illuminator
Seeing a lot of Hunters and Aggro? Maybe this would better suite your needs.
-1 Antique Healbot
+1 Big Game Hunter
A lot of Handlock in your personal Meta? I would either cut Antique Healbot, Explosive Sheep, or Twilight Guardian to make room for the big guns.
So far this is the only TGT Deck I've tested, but I'm having so much fun with it I'm not sure I want to start testing another strategy yet. It fills my "Dragon" (casual) needs and is highly competitive at the same time.
I have also just finished up a series of guides to help newer or budget players develop decks that can be purchased for under 2,000 Dust each (also Requires Naxxramas Unlocked) and compete with the current Meta enough to help you achieve your goal of High Ranks or even Legend.
Burst Rogue (1480 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/263019-burst-rogue-legend-grinder-race-hunters
Budget Oil Rogue (1900 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/263606-budget-oil-legend-grinder-guide-videos
Budget Zad + Combo Druid (1900 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/267369-budget-zad-combo-legendary-druid-guide
Budget Zoolock Warlock (1340 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/267487-budget-zoolock-aggro-legend-grinder-guide
Budget Control Priest (1400 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/270038-budget-control-priest-legend-grinder-guide
Budget Hybrid Hunter (1080 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/270052-budget-hybrid-hunter-legend-grinders-guide
Budget Aggro Paladin (1820 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/270278-budget-aggro-paladin-aggrodin-legend-grinder
Budget Mech Shaman (1580 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/270317-budget-mech-shaman-legend-grinder-guide
Budget SMOrc Warrior (920 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/271749-budget-smorc-warrior-legend-grinder-guide
Budget Mech Mage (1360 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/272893-budget-mech-mage-legend-grinder-guide
Budget Tempo Mage (1200 Dust) - http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/272918-budget-tempo-mage-legend-grinder-guide
Here's to hoping this deck/guide is in some way beneficial to your Grinding Experience! The deck has performed extremely well for me and won games I thought were not possible to do so.
Interested in learning more? Feel free to stop by my stream, in which I play Ranked mode with a variety of decks.
Follow On Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/wingsofwaxiii
Subscribe To YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wingsofwaxiii
Follow On Twitter : https://twitter.com/WingsOfWaxIII
Follow On Tumblr: http://wingsofwaxiii.tumblr.com
Don't forget to +1 if you enjoyed the read/decklist.
Thank you for checking out this deck and I hope it does well for you,
I thoroughly enjoyed this deck up until Blizzard released WOG and introduced the new rule set. I am wondering if you'll eventually update this deck to standard.
Finding this deck awesome so far. It can really beat those control warriors easily. Priests are a bit harder. Struggling against aggro whenever I don't get Flamestrike. Only draw comes fromAzure Drake and Duplicate (which can't be considered draw, technically), so a bit weak there. Loving the deck nevertheless, but wondering how LoE could have affected some of its cards.
I'm testing same setup with a few modifications:
-2 Illuminator
-1 Alexstrasza
+1 Antique Healbot
+1 Chillmaw
+1 Ragnaros the Firelord
hey guys! what do you think about my dragon mage deck? I made some modifications to the deck list above. I have two variations, one which I played to rank 5 last season with (heavier control), and another that I felt would be better against aggro but isn't working out as well thus far.
fb x2
explosive sheep x2
fallen hero x1
mad scientist x2
effigy x2 (helps keep board control, with all our minions being so big its hard to play the card you get duplicated sometimes)
ice block x1
blackwing technitian x2 (trades very powerfully with almost everything)
illuminator x2
fireball x2
polymorph x2
twilight drake x1
twilight guardian x2
azure drake x2
blackwing corruptor x1
flamestrike x1
chillmaw, rend blackhand/Dr boom (switched between them), ragnaros, alexstraza, ysera
-1 effigy -1 twilight drake -1 fireball -1 illuminator, -ragnaros, dr boom instead of rend blackhand
+1 duplicate, +1 bran bronzebeard +1 antique healbot, +1 fallen hero, +1 blackwing corruptor.
I'm also about to try out your version of the deck but with justicar trueheart instead of emperor. Justicar + coldarra is another win condition.
currently trying out your deck with -1 emperor +1 justicar trueheart, -1 flamestrike +1 chillmaw, -1 nefarian +1 ysera
It could work as a more tempo oriented deck, but it definitely lacks some dragon synergy. There's just too few of them.
Gimmick deck?
Really liked this deck the first three times I played. Turned out I had amazing luck...The next eight times none of the cards fell into the secret or dragon synergy. Three of those times I didn't have a card to play till turn four. It was a blast when it drew perfectly, but it's way too dependent on specific cards to start.
I would use Chillmaw instead of Coldarra Drake
Is this working now in ladder?
only card i miss is Alexstrasza ...any replacement?
I stumbled on this deck and really enjoy it in the current meta, which is now pretty well-defined. The best thing you have going for you is the element of surprise because nobody really knows what's going on until around turn 4. It's probably outclassed by dragon priest, but I would rather play this than freeze mage, which just takes way too long, or echo mage (see freeze mage with at least a chance at some retaliation), or mech mage, which just feels cheap, or tempo mage, which just has a ton of RNG. The deck just seems to play the way that I like to play the game even if it isn't tops.
So far, I haven't had much problem getting to turn 10 aside from when a face hunter gets a perfect draw (and let's face it, you're usually dead when that happens anyway). I do wonder if Chillmaw would be a decent substitution for one of the Flamestrikes, but he might do more harm than good. I also wonder whether Ysera might be a decent substitution for Nefarian or Rend, although she will drive the curve up significantly.
Thanks for the deck!
This deck is pretty awesome. Im slowly climbing ladder with it. from rank 17 to 13 with it. Except i made some minor changes.
-rend blackhand -coldarra drake +the black knight +chillmaw.... I put in the black knight for the warlock + dragon priests ive been seeing so much of lately...Chillmaw for the aggro decks..
When the meta shifts, i'm sure those 2 cards will be swappable as they are tech choices for me.
Having tons of fun, don't have enough dust for Alexstrasza yet so I'm using Ysera and changed something for Ice Barrier as a temporary replacement, It's been fun, especially when you duplicate twilight guardian twice
Made a control warrior die by fatigue with a duplicated Alexstraza baited via execute.
10/10 would pile on again.
This deck, unlike most of yours, doesn't perform nearly as well. Of course it could be that the learning curve is VERY high on this deck.
U have to duplicate the right minion or ur screwed. Control the board and hit late game . If u miss the duplicates ez game to the opponent
Great deck!
The look on huntards face when you Duplicate a Twilight Guardian
for me when i duplicate Illuminator
Personally it is a good 6 drop. You will have a good amount of cards and it will greatly help your play with the mana deductions. Has a game last night where it stayed on the board 3 rounds. Works very well in the deck.