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[S17] Infinite Paladin – Crush the Meta, Climb ...

  • Last updated Aug 13, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/10/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • blenyc
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Deck introduction/overview [collapsed to save you from scrolling]:

I've been frustrated with Paladin, my favorite class. There are seemingly only two viable options – mid-range paladin (that everyone knows how to deal with now) and aggro. An aggro deck doesn't feel fast enough, and in the end, you end up losing control. Frustrated by being outpaced by the current meta and not having viable solutions, I created the Infinite Paladin. 

The Infinite Paladin is created with three main philosophies:

  • Infinite threats: Create and present endless threats that must be answered, eventually exhausting opponent's removal and keeping large minions on the board.
  • Meta Response: Viable solutions to the current Meta without over commitment
  • Perfected Mana Curve: Allows you to continuously develop your threats no matter what you are holding. What happens with mid-range a lot of time is in the end game, based on your luck, you end up with a hand full of small minions that aren't viable in the late game. With this deck, you are able to create many more threats even in the end game thanks to late game Sword of Justice, Coghammer, Blessing of Kings, or Blood Knight + Divine Shield combo. 

The Infinite Paladin is a tempo deck that has a modest early game that begins to snowball into sustained threats while also answering the opponents thanks specifically to Sword of Justice, Blood Knight, and Coghammer. Because of these three cards, they are able to make meta specific solutions viable even if they do not gain their direct value. I get incredible drawing power out of the deck thanks to Acolyte of Pain and mid game Solemn Vigil with Lay of Hands in the late game. If lucky, I will get additional cards thanks to Harrison Jones. 

For example, Kezan Mystic becomes a playable 5/4 with Sword of Justice. Additionally, being able to drop Coghammer onto a Harrison Jones later in the game forces your opponent to deal with it. 

I have seen tremendous success with this deck. Although it isn't perfect against all decks, it does present a great base to sub cards in and out based on what you are facing. I will provide that later. The only deck I have problems with is Priest, but Priest is the true rival of Paladin. For Priest, I play this deck extremely aggressively.

Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain, cut well old friend, and then farewell

  • [Update: 08/13/15]
    We made the front page! Thanks everyone for their support and community feeling of helping to improve this deck. The response has been wonderful. Over the weekend I'll be writing a ton of strategy and modifications to the deck based on your specific meta. So keep checking back! 

    I have also been testing 1 Blessing of Wisdom thanks to the suggestion of dEx_HS over Acolyte of Pain. It seems to be working decently thanks to Divine Shield. I have used it multiple times as a defensive measure to slow down Aggro decks. I've been getting 2 cards on average with it. Such value. So draw.

    BIG shout out to Kristophesaurus for playing the deck on YouTube. Seriously. That means a lot! 

  • [Update: 08/12/15]
    Thanks everyone for the solid support and response! Been pretty awesome. I will be writing up strategies and modifications to the deck tonight, but I did want to leave you guys with one modification that I am using. 

    I have been running into a lot of Priests, Control Warrior, and Freeze Mage. I've modified the deck slightly to handle these decks and I am seeing a lot of success, going 7-2. I am not reflecting the base list because the modifications are to get me through ladder, and isn't meant to be taken as the foundation. 

    -1 Blood Knight +1 Owl
    -1 Kezan Mystic +1 Spellbreaker
    -1 Blessing of Kings +1 Piloted Shredder

    With fewer mech, I haven't been able to utilize the full value of Blood Knight. Additionally, the higher in the ranks, the less aggressive decks there are, and because of that, Kezan is not getting enough value to run. Blessing of Kings was far too slow against control decks, and so I have modified with a more aggressive 4 drop for PIloted Shredder. Found it frustrating at times when I did not have an offensive 4 drop after opponent has to deal with aggressive early game from BK or Coghammer. 

    silence everything. Aggressively. Northshire Cleric, Mech Warper, Mad Scientist, etc. Try it out. It's working very well for me. 

Sword of Justice

This card is usually deemed to be too slow. But in running two, I have found that I am unafraid to use it as a weapon as well as boosting my curve afterward. I will almost always coin into it on turn 3 in order to drop a 3/3 Shielded Bot. The Sword of Justice allows me to play cards such as Kezan Mystic against classes with no secrets or Harrison Jones against classes with no weapons and be comfortable. It makes the world of difference for targets like LoathebSludge Belcher,Sunwalker who become more powerful than they already are. It forces your opponent to deal with.

Likely scenario – playing Sword of Justice turn 6, minimizing a Loatheb with Aldor Peacekeeper who becomes a 4/4 and Turn 7 dropping Dr. Boom for complete board control (2x 2/2 dynamite, 8/8 minion). I also love coining on turn 2 for Sword to drop an Acolyte of Pain on turn 3 for a 2/4 body with draw. 

Blood Knight: 

I have gotten ridiculous value out of Blood Knight lately. Against other Paladin deck it completely wrecks them and finds value against Mage and Annoyatron. Additionally, it allows me to create late game threats by popping my own shields from Argent Squire, Minibot, Coghammer, Sunwalker, or even Tirion. If I am equipped with a Sword of Justice, I have no problem dropping them to create a basic 4/4. 

Ironbeak Owl

I am extremely aggressive with Owl. 100% I will silence a Mad Scientist, Knife Juggler, or Piloted Golem to gain early tempo. If I have a Sword, it leaves a decent 3/2 body that forces the opponent to trade most of the time. 

Solemn Vigil

Solemn Vigil gets a lot of flack for also being too slow. But this card saves my life mid games almost every single time. I am able to soft consecrate (without equality), trade down, and get the card draw for 0-2 mana almost every time. 

Blessing of Kings:

This card is also considered slow. But it allows me to trade efficiently when I can not afford to use Truesilver (hence running 1 Truesilver, and 1 BoK versus 2x Truesilver). It also allows me to hide the threat to unleash it when I choose. Additionally, it works great in the end game because I am able to create a threat that an opponent must deal with. If silenced, it sets the way for Tirion to get full value.  

Kezan Mystic:

Almost a must have in the meta today. Sword allows me comfort and security to drop it on turn 4 if class has no secrets. If I draw Kezan, I will usually pop the Mad Scientist to simply steal the secret. 

Sen'jin Shieldmasta:

Gets amazing value turn 4 if Sword if played on turn 3. A 4/6 taunt for 4 is great value. It's fast enough for today's aggro Meta. 


Why am I only running one Sludge Belcher?

Because I run taunts at the curve above and below it. Senjin is fast enough for the aggro Meta, while double Sludge is too slow. A lot of times people end up playing Sludge turns 5 and 6 which ruin your curve. I prefer to follow a turn 5 sludge with a Sunwalker. If I have to play Sunwalker on turn 7, I am okay with that because it is much more powerful than belcher. FYI: With Sword activated, it leaves a 2/3 taunt body that isn't bad at all. 

I will continue with questions, substitutions based on your meta, and more write ups against all decks if voted to 25. I highly encourage and invite you to pilot this deck. It will take around 3 matches to feel comfortable and feel the force of the curve and tempo, so give it a try.