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Legend 6 Demon Zoo

  • Last updated Sep 5, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/7/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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The deck I used to climb from rank 9 to rank 6 legend this season(s17). Fairly standard with a few changes.

This deck had a very high win rate for me with very few weak match-ups.

I've made a few changes to make the deck stronger in the current TGT meta. This deck is still very strong and perfectly viable with TGT release.


Rank 6

General tips:

1. Try to only use your void terrors on deathrattle minions or your 1/1 Imps and Spectral Spiders unless you have no other choice. If you are expecting a board clear soon, prioritize using it on your 1/1 minions. If not, prioritize using it on your deathrattle minions. Always attack with your minions before playing the void terror and, if possible, combo it with power overwhelming.

2. Always place your deathrattle minions on the same side of the board adjacent to each other. This allows you to make the most of your Void Terrors and Argus. As a general rule I always place my deathrattles on the right side of the board. If I have multiple deathrattles I keep my Haunted Creepers closest to the middle so they will spawn the 1/1 spiders in the middle of the board.

3. Plan out your play before playing any cards. If you are going to life tap, do it first UNLESS you are planning to trade in a Voidcaller and you already have the demon you want it to spawn in your hand. If you tap first in this situation you could end up with a weaker demon being spawned. Also, play your weaker demons first when you are in this situation to ensure that you get the strongest demon possible from your Voidcaller. The only other situation where you shouldn't tap first is if you're playing a Doomguard from your hand.

4. If you're expecting a board clear, play as many deathrattle minions as you can. If you have a lot of pressure already you can hold off on playing your other cards until after a board clear. If you don't have board pressure already you'll still have to play your minions even if it could be playing into a board clear.

5. Force your opponents to waste removal on early Void Terrors. This will make your Mal'Ganis a lot stronger when you play it later in the game.

6. I like to always play my Imp Gang Boss on the far left side of the board because it spawns 1/1 imps on its right. Having the imps in the middle allows me to place my Dire Wolf Alpha in the middle and use my now 2/1 imps to trade. Once the imps die it will also buff the larger minions on the edges of the board.

7. If you're playing against a fast deck, prioritize heavily on board control early on. If you can control it until the game turns into a top-deck war, you will almost always win as a warlock.

8. If you're playing against a slow control deck, try to get in as much early face damage as you can. Apply as much pressure as you can so that they will be forced into inefficient trades later on to save their hp. Try to use your 1/1 minions to trade when you're expecting a board clear soon. Otherwise force your opponents to trade unless you can trade very efficiently or they have taunts up.