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It's Magic! Malygos Hunter (post-TGT update)

  • Last updated Sep 29, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/29/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Greetings Traveler,
First up let me introduce myself to you:
I’m Blaine "xBlaine" Shepherd and I’m part of Vengeance eSports.
I pretty much hit legend on EU every season.
I hit Rank 1 with this Deck this Season. (dropped back to Rank 5 trying to do a Priest daily)

Today I’m bringing you my version of the Malygos Hunter Deck which got kinda famous in the last couple of weeks.

I started to play this deck right after I saw it on LotharHS stream.

The Deck is based on the Idea of being a counter play to most of the Meta Decks right now.
The Wild Pyromancer and Explosive Traps are a good counter to most Aggro Decks while Snipe and a Spell damaged buffed Explosive Trap also get rid of the Grim Patron Decks.
Thanks to the amount of draw power  this Deck offers you’ll be able to close out games faster than most of the other control decks f.E. Freeze Mage.

When you get into the game you basically start of with a lead your opponent will mulligan for an early aggressive Hunter Deck  like Face Hunter or Mid Range Hunter.
All of their early removals are kinda useless against this build because they only get rid of cycle cards like Loot Hoarder and Mad Scientist.
They also gonna burn a lot of Removals spells onto Azure DrakeSavannah Highmane and Sylvanas Windrunner therefore your Malygos is mostlikly going to be safe later on.

The most important thing that you have to know in this Deck is when to use your damage spells. It’s not like you have to keep them as a finisher often you need them as a removal or as a trigger for the Wild Pyromancer.
If you have all your damage spells and Malygos reduced by Emperor Thaurissan once you can go for a straight up 30 damage burst.  
Each Arcane Shot turns into a 7 damage spell and each Quick Shot into an 8 damage spell.
But we shouldn’t forget about the secrets Explosive Trap and also Snipe scale with Spell damage. If you know your enemy doesn’t have a removal for Malygos and you drop him on turn 9/10 with a Snipe as a back up you gonna enjoy the tears in our opponents eyes when their Ragnaros get’s sniped for 9 damage.
An Azure Drake with a Snipe gets instantly rid of things like Emperor Thaurissan and other 5 HP minions like Sludge Belcher.
Snipe overall is a really strong secret even without a buff it can easily clear of a Grim Patron combo by killing the Warsong Commander.

The card draw in this Deck is really important.
The meta is pretty fast and this deck doesn’t have a 2 mana draw 1 Card hero power so we use our early minions draw through our deck faster.
Minions like Loot Hoarder and Acolyte of Pain are really good for the early trades against aggro Decks while Azure Drake is better against control Decks like Priest.
Mad Scientist also thins out our Deck by searching out one secret after dying.
You have around 12 cards in this Deck that could potentially give you at least 1 card out of your Deck.

Wild Pyromancer was always a strong card in control hunter decks because of the combo play with Hunter’s mark.
Hunter’s Mark is going to set the HP of a minion to 1 and after that the Wild Pyromancer is going to clear of that Minion.
In the current format the Wild Pyromancer can easily clear of a whole board by using Hunter’s MarkArcane Shot or a secret to trigger his ability.
Use Wild Pyromancer’s ability to clear of your own Sylvanas Windrunner with a Hunter’s Mark to get control of an enemy Minion , this can be super useful f.E. to get control of a Ysera.
The Pyromancer also works out perfectly with the Acolyte of Pain you can gain up to 3 draws thanks to the Pyromancer.

You may have noticed that I run some cards which are kinda useless against a bunch of Decks f.E. the Harrison Jones and the Kezan Mystic.
I run both of these cards because i encounter more Mages and Warrior Decks than f.E. Handlocks or Priests.
If you encounter nearly 0 Mage Decks but a lot of Handlocks replace the Kezan Mystic with a Big Game Hunter.
You face more Grim Patrons than Zoo? Replace 1 Explosive Trap with another Snipe.
You went 10-0 with this deck and now you went 0-5?
Did you misplay? Or did the Meta on that Rank switched?  
You always have to change the list depending on your Match ups.

You always Mulligan depending on them playing a controllish or an aggorish Deck.
The Deck has a bad match-up against Priest and Controll Warrior*
If you are not sure about your enemy playing aggro or controll, always mulligan against aggro.

Against control Decks you can keep cards like:

- Mad Scientist
- Gnomish Inventor
- Eaglehorn Bow
- Azure Drake
- Emperor Thaurissan

Against aggro Decks you wanna clean their board early and trade with your cycle cards so keep:
- Loot Hoarder
- Mad Scientist
- Wild Pyromancer
- Eaglehorn Bow
- Acolyte of Pain
- (you can even keep Explosive Trap)

First up no you can’t replace Malygos he may only be one win option in this Deck but hella this Deck is even called Malygos Hunter.

Harrison Jones -> Acidic Swamp Ooze
The both remove weapons, you just don’t get the card draw.

Sylvanas Windrunner -> LoathebSludge Belcher , Savannah Highmane
All of them are reasonable replacements for Sylvanas they are kinda sticky on board and help you to stall out the game , would recommend to craft Sylvanas tho.

I replaced Bloodmage Thalnos for a second Loot Hoarder even though the Bloodmage got Spell damage and cycles through the Deck he doesn’t trade of really well early you can try to run 1:1 and you will see that having a Loot Hoarder against a Knife Juggler is better than a Bloodmage.


If you have any Questions about this Deck feel free to ask them.

Check out LotharHS Stream for some Malygos Hunter Games.
He’s a nice guy and always up for some discussions on Stream about the Deck.

Would also be great if you follow me on my social Media Pages:

If you made a Video playing this Deck feel free to post it I will add it into the starting post.
Hope you don't mind all the english mistakes :c
Greetings w3Blaine


For some gameplay featurin' a Deck close to this one check out this video on Lothar's Stream.

The Deck has a bad match-up against Priest and Controll Warrior*

#EDIT2 (02.08.2015)

Thanks for the gameplay buddy :)

TGT UPDATE!!!!! (27.08.2015)

I really likek King's Elek its a nice add since you mostlikly gonna draw another minion.
I replaces the x2 Loot hoader with 2 King's Elekk.
Since i don't really encounter many mages atm I replaced Kezan Mystic with Powershot it's a great removal in combination with Hunter's Mark , Wild Pyromancer or Spell Damage overall.

Update: 29.9.2015
Easy climb to Rank 5.
High winrate against Aggroish Hunter , Zoo and Secret Paladin.
Sucks against Warrior tho.
Dreadscaleis awesome-