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[Grand Tournament] Taplock Ft. Wildfred Fizzelb...

  • Last updated Jul 25, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9420
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/25/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hello! This is a deck that is most heavily based around your Hero Ability with cards like Floating WatcherChromaggus, and obviously Wilfred Fizzlebang. The only Inspire card in this deck though is Tournament Medic, and he serves quite well to keep you healed up. Its goal is to dominate the board early enough to secure your Wilfred Fizzlebang > Life Tap combo. In the best cases you Wilfred > Tap > play the 0 mana card (hopefully getting something large like Loatheb, Chromaggus, Dr. Boom, Mal'GanisLord Jaraxxus or Sylvanas Windrunner. This isn't the final version of the deck, and I hope there are more cards in the future reveals that boost this decks power even more. It will be updated accordingly. 

 Let me know what you guys think in the comments! Have any suggestions? I'm more than willing to consider alternatives. 


Mulligan Strategy: 

Mortal Coil is a good keep against any deck that would play something early. Always kept with Zombie Chow but tossed back against extremely slow classes. Very good against aggressive decks though. 

Zombie Chow is a great keep and is one of your most powerful drops you can get early in this deck. Combined with Mortal Coil it's able to contest whatever your opponent plays very effectively. 

Acidic Swamp Ooze is your other good early drop, though you should definitely save it in your hand against classes with strong weapons (Paladin, Warrior, and Rogue). 

Garrison Commander will want to be used to combo with either Chromaggus or Wilfred Fizzlebang, but you wont ever get that far if you lose board control early. Don't be afraid to keep and play him in the early turns. 

Darkbomb is also a good keep early. It kills most early drops that would threaten you. 

Imp Gang Boss is the best early drop you have besides Zombie Chow if you can get this guy out on turn 3 (or even 2 with The Coin) you can set up for a great turn 4 which will start to snowball. 

 Card Explanations (every card!):

Mortal Coil - kills early drops from the opponent and is really good to help finish off targets. The Imps from Imp-losion and Imp Gang BossZombie ChowMaiden of the Lake, and Tournament Medic all have low attack and Mortal Coil is very good at assisting in kills. It also has good synergy with Chromaggus being cheap card-draw.

Zombie Chow - is a sturdy one drop that can help secure the board early, which this deck really needs. It's obviously a really bad card to draw late game, especially with Wilfred Fizzlebang, but having it in the early-mid game is super good. 

Acidic Swamp Ooze - is a fine early minion to play, but is crucial against weapon heavy classes (Paladin, Warrior, Rogue). When your opponent has a super buffed Assassins Blade or when there's Deathsbite being held by a Patron Warrior, you'll definitely want a way to remove it. 

Darkbomb - works well to remove early threats or help finish off a target you couldn't quite kill. It's a solid spell that's strength is fairly obvious. It's more important to have board control with this deck, and because it only deals with one minion at a time running only 1 is best. 

Earthen Ring Farseer - at this point is just a slight placeholder 3-drop. I'm hoping there's a 3-drop in the next expansion that can fill in this cards spot. If not, the heal for 3 isn't bad and it helps smooth out the curve. 

Imp Gang Boss - is one of the best cards Warlock has. It fits this deck by filling out the curve gap in the 3-drops as well as establishing early board control very effectively. By helping secure board control on turn 3 it helps you get that powerful turn 4 that this deck can have. This card is so good!

Defender of Argus - with so many Imps around this card shouldn't have a hard time hitting two targets. It also gives this deck more taunt which it will certainly need to survive against aggressive decks. 

Hellfire - is the AoE of this deck. It helps secure the board when your opponent has a fast start and is more consistent than Shadowflame. This deck has enough healing to cope with the self damage, and your minions should be able to survive the damage late game. 

Imp-losion - slightly crowds the 4-drop spot, but is such a good card it's hard not to include. It really helps secure that early advantage you'll need and can turn a board to your favor better than any other Warlock card in the midgame. 

Maiden of the Lake - allows you to cheapen your Life Tap combos with either Wilfred Fizzlebang or Chromaggus. Running two isn't really necessary, and it's better to have a more sturdy card that can secure board control or apply pressure.

Piloted Shredder - is the card that applies that pressure. It's still the King of 4-drops and will give you a strong foothold into the late game. The occasional instant loss from a Doomsayer drop is unlikely enough that you shouldn't worry about it. Though, when trading a Shredder in make sure you do it before playing anything else just in case...

Tournament Medic - might also be a placeholder card. If there's a better healing card or just a better 4-drop to replace this with it might get scratched. For now, it's good with Defender of Argus and has slight benefits compared to Antique Healbot. It's unlikely for it to heal more than a Healbot on average, but the body is slightly better and the Inspire synergizes with the deck theme better. There might be games where this card just completely carries you too, which would be pretty awesome.

Voidcaller - with the large Demons in this deck, Voidcaller can gain some serious value. It's best targets are Mal'Ganis and Floating Watcher, getting Lord Jaraxxus called isn't terrible either, a 3/15 is pretty spooky.

Antique Healbot - gives you that heal you'll likely need at some point. With all the fearless tapping you do you're going to get pretty low. It's a fantastic draw from Wilfred Fizzlebang and Chromaggus too. 

Floating Watcher - has synergy with the overall deck theme of tapping, and is what makes Voidcaller worth running two of. If you don't want to run Floating Watcher, take one of the Voidcallers out and replace it with a second Maiden of the Lake or Defender of Argus or just swap the Floating Watcher for a card of your choice. 

Loatheb - can keep you alive for another turn, stave off AoE or removal, or just be an amazing draw from Wilfred Fizzlebang. In fact, it might be close to the best draw from the master summoner in most situations. It is also the most solid 5-drop this deck has which provides significant threat and cannot easily be removed.

Sludge Belcher - is a great taunt and a sturdy 5-drop that is a staple in most control decks. If there is somehow a better taunt card than Ol' Sludgy in the new releases then he'd probably get swapped, but I doubt that will happen. 

Siphon Soul - is a good removal card that is cheaper than Big Game Hunter but slightly less flexible. Can be a massive tempo swing with Wilfred Fizzlebang.

Sylvanas Windrunner - provides excellent board presence and easily draws out removal. Played at the right times it can put your opponent in really difficult positions. It's possible though that Emperor Thaurissan will be better by accelerating your Wilfred/Chromaggus combos. That's something that will definitely require testing though and will be a tough call to make. 

Wilfred Fizzlebang - is the reason I made this deck! His power is so enticing and has insane potential. A lot of luck combined with proper timing can make for some absolutely unbelievable wins. I'm hoping to see more cards that make Wilfred strong, Maiden of the Lake and Garrison Commander are already awesome cards to combo him with too. I can only hope he works with Chromaggus and gives you double discounted cards when you tap, but I'm unsure if it works like that (if someone has a source they could show me that says it does, or does not work would be much appreciated). 

Dr. Boom - is a fair card. It's tough to say if it's good, but this deck needs a 7-drop and he's called Dr. 7 for a reason. 

Chromaggus - was a card I had high hopes for when we first saw him in the BRM previews, and I'm glad he's finally getting a chance to shine. When your deck is built around an ability that draws cards, doubling drawn cards looks pretty fricken good. If he works with Wilfred Fizzlebang's ability then he's just that much better.

Lord Jaraxxus - you can't run the Trifling Gnome without the Eredar lord of the Burning Legion!

Mal'Ganis - is pretty fun when he's only 0 mana. Self explanitory. 


What you might be thinking: Justicar?!

While Justicar Trueheart is a great card, the "upgrade" it gives to Warlock is hardly an upgrade. It's way to slow of an effect to replace healing and isn't worth the deckslot. If you contrast it to Tournament Medic, they have roughly the same effect (unless you're on 2 or less health) but Tournament Medic is cheaper, the body stays on board longer, and it can be silenced. Justicars battlecry will probably also reset your hero power making the [turn 10 Wilfred > tap > free Trueheart > free tap > second free card] a possible dream play. Though that is super unlikely and does not justify running Trueheart. She's a super good card, but her power with Warlock is not good enough to play her in this deck. 

**Coming Soon!** 

Card Replacements: 

Snape Kills Dumbledore