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Guile v3.0

  • Last updated Jan 11, 2015 (GvG Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/26/2014 (Beta Patch 4482)
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Last Update: 01/10/2014: Minor tweaks to fit the current meta. Dropped one Quartermaster for a Coghammer. Swapping Bolvar Fordragon in and out with Piloted Sky Golem for fun in the early ranks (15-1).

Bolvar Fordragon CAN and SHOULD be replaced with a Sylvanas Windrunner or Stampeding Kodo; I am running it honestly to draw out removal and testing ways to POSSIBLY make it a viable card, even as a turn 10 or fatigue turn drop. (He was replaced; it's too painful when you draw him as the 29th card, haha)

Deck has been updated for GVG. 

Card choices:


  1. Bolvar Fordragon - probably the one card I have in the deck simply to have in the deck. Can be replaced with any 5 drop, including Antique HealbotStampeding Kodo or even a 6 drop with [card]sylvanas windrunner[/card] (Removed, for now)
  2. Zombie Chow - too good to not play. You should almost always be mulliganing for this, even vs control warrior as it draws out many a fiery war axe :D You should always run 1, 2 are too many.
  3. Arcane Nullifier X-21 is a great one of to add to the deck to buy you time until your board clears are drawn or turn 6 rolls around. Can be replaced with a Hammer of Wrath But I look at it as gain 5 life and hurt at least 2 minions on the board if played on tempo. Great taunt with Kel'Thuzad late into the game as well. Swaps in and out with the Antique Healbot
  4. Antique Healbot is a great one of and serves as a potential 12 hp gain. With Kripparian having made the 'ResidentSleeper' Druid deck popular, you almost have to play it because half the Druids on ladder rush your face and the other half do the exact opposite. Also helpful with the current ladder climb decks being hyper aggressive after the season reset.
  5. Perfect time to segue into Kel'Thuzad - a great card to have. The dream is a immortal Tirion Fordring :P but works great with the Sludge Belchers in the deck and Dr. Boom 10/10, add this to your deck. Note that he is played for value the turn you play him, NEVER play him as a naked turn 8-10 play. (Removed, not enough value any more and too much of a win more card).
  6. No Sylvanas Windrunner & Ragnaros the Firelord!? Nope, you can add sylvanas in for Bolvar... he's not that great aside from drawing out removal, which is essentially the same purpose Sylvanas serves most of the time. There was no space for Ragnaros the Firelord.. but he's a great addition and can serve as a win condition.
  7. Muster for Battle - simply put, the answer Paladin have needed. Turns your hero power into a threat that must be removed due to Quartermaster, helps you remove something turn 3 combo'd with your Shielded Minibot and/or Zombie Chow and draws out board wipes just to be dealt with. 11/10 - always play this in your Paladin decks.
  8. Quartermaster - see above. Sometimes I run 2, other times I drop one for a tech card (The Black KnightCoghammer and Mind Control Tech ... or a second silence, usually)
  9. No Stampeding Kodo as it's too slow
  10. Dr. BoomTroggzor the Earthinator are probably the two strongest neutral legendaries in the game at the moment for the 7 drop slot, just poor old Troggzor doesn't fit the meta. Not enough spell heavy decks to add him. Dr. Boom is an auto-include in any mid-range / control decks I play. Affects the board too much to not play him.
  11. Big Game Hunter is interchangable given the meta with Mind Control Tech. Many handlocks and demonlocks forced me to add him into the deck.
  12. Spellbreaker is a decent body and the Meta requires a silence card be played. Can substitute for Ironbeak Owl
  13. Ironbeak Owl replaced the Spellbreaker because that 2 mana was worth more than the 4/3 body for the trade.
  14. The Piloted Dudes (Piloted Shredder and Piloted Sky Golem) - decent bodies and super sticky. Often draws out removal (SW;D, poly, hex, execute, shield slam, silence) - 10/10, play these in anything that's not a face/aggro deck. Please.
  15. Harrison Jones helps with card draw and there are too many weapon classes to not run this in the current meta. Killing a 4/1 or greater weapon is amazing. Make sure you don't fatigue yourself if using on Doomhammer or Blood Fury [Jaraxxus' weapon].
  16. Coghammer - I keep going back and forth on this card. Sometimes, it's game breaking when you get it on a Sludge Belcher or Sylvanas Windrunner or unshielded Shielded Minibot but other times, I find myself forced to use it early to get a shield on a dude or Zombie Chow or the like due to having to remove a X/2 creature and having it in my hand. In a deck like this, it's got immense value if you can afford to use it late but I will keep it in the mulligan IF I am going 2nd vs what I think is an aggro deck. For now, it's back in the deck.



  1. Control matchups are probably the easiest mulligan for the deck, so I'll start there. Try to go for turn 1 or 2 drops. Aldor Peacekeeper can be kept, same goes for strong 4 drops (Piloted Shredder or Truesilver Champion). Anything else should be tossed.
  2. Aggro matchups, depending on the class and matchup, you should either aggressively mulligan for 1 and 2 drops, both of which are pretty sticky in this deck or go for the Equality Consecration combo. I would toss back Equality in favor of Consecration if I don't have it in the deck. Generally speaking, especially VS Zoo, Face Hunter or Mech Mage, I shoot for this. 
  3. Zoo vs Handlock - this is a very tough mulligan as you are aiming for the exact opposite starting hand. Regardless, Shielded Minibot and Zombie Chow are good cards. The Ironbeak Owl, since it's a one of, is worth keeping, same goes for Big Game Hunter. BGH is a lot more dependant on what you already have though and I would toss him back for Equality/Consecration.
  4. Warrior matchup should almost always mulligan for Harrison Jones. I would never toss 1-3 drops back in favor of it though.
  5. Druid matchup doesn't have any specific strategy other than try to outdamage them if they are force/roar variety and outheal/damage them if they are 'resident sleeper' variety. If the former, strong and sticky minions are good. If the latter, do not over commit and save your Loatheb for an opportune turn. 
    1. Special sidenote about the Mill Druid - KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CARD COUNT. Keep in mind that they only need 5 mana to have you draw 6 cards! Not as bad as mill rogue, but fortunately, this is a less aggressive variety when it comes to the milling.
If you want to see any info on any specific mulligans, just PM me or leave a comment.

The general strategy of the deck is pretty straightforward when it comes to control. Bide your time, build your board with sticky minions and survive until the mid-game. This is where the deck starts shining due to the fantastic board clear available to the Paladin with Equality + Consecration and strong/sticky minions available in GVG and to the Paladin. Don't be afraid to drop your 5, 6 and 7 drops (LoathebSylvanas WindrunnerPiloted Shredder and Guardian of Kings., respectively) to draw out removal. I would value Sludge Belcher and Dr. Boom higher than these cards so they weren't part of that list. This, combined with the Paladin's innate defense with up to 30 points of life gain (yep, you read that right) should lead you to a steady victory. The general strategy is essentially the win condition where you overwhelm your opponent with strong, sticky minions and if played to fatigue, a 2nd life.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions please.