Falconepunch55 very effective dragon paladin
- Last updated Jul 17, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/17/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- Falcone
- Pro Player
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The dragon paladin deck has been a deck that has been highly anticipated to work but no one has yet made one to actually do well..... Well until today! Falconepunch55 is a twitch streamer who has recently managed to create a fun and reliable paladin deck to finally work! If you would like to see him play it at its best tune in to his stream at 5-10pm BST everyday twitch.tv/falconepunch55 . I hope you have as much success as I have had with this deck! Good luck
Very good deck.
I have a pally dragon deck with Wild Pyromancer and less low cost cards, but it's not very efficient..
I just swapped [card]Emperor Thaurissan[/card] for a Defender of Argus. It can protects your Juggler and saves you versus OTK decks.
Awesome deck only changes i had to do was - Ysera - Big Game Hunter + Alexstrasza + Mind Control Tech
This deck is really good! Went from 18-12 in almost no time. It didn't do so well against handlock for some reason but most of the other match-ups it worked really nicely. I always seem to have a good mana curve with this deck.
Nice deck, I mean really great deck, feel quite confident playing it.
Changed Ysera for Deathwing, since I don't have Ysera. It saved my life once :) Not that bad card against handlocks for example.
But had tough times against Archmage Antonidas, 5/7 without silence in the deck is little bit difficult to deal with...
is this deck good for laddering (rank12) against all crazy sort of decks but most of the time aggro !?
Is Emperor Thaurissan that good in this deck ? It's great in a combo deck, but here ...
There are expensive cards in this deck and it's nice to reduce their cost, but they are all dragons and there is already the Dragon Consort to reduce their cost.
I agree with you, I don't think Emperor fits here. It's hard to decide what to replace him with. Good options potentially include: Sylvanas, a second Corruptor, a Quartermaster... or another dragon... which could be Alex or Chromaggus.
Actually, even something like a volcanic drake might make sense, as you could potentially get a heavy discount on a turn when you trade a bunch of little guys.
Which of these options sounds best to you?
I have to say I don't like equality in dragon pala. I actually play with 2 seal of lights instead of equality. It is good for truesilver combo to get rid of 5 live drops including getting healed. With that, you even can take out the zombie chows and some other stuff. Also, since Azure drake has only value with concecration, I just have one azure drake in my deck but everyone needs to take themself which cards to choose
I had no hope in the deck, but it's actually really good. One problem with Dragon Paladins was aggro but this deck can do really well against Hunters.