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[S15] Top12 EU Argent Demonlock FULL GUIDE

  • Last updated Jun 16, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6020
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/11/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Argent Demonlock by FatFag.

Hello guys. 1st deck from me on this site. Sorry for my English, i am not a native speaker.

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About the deck

I am not the inventor of this deck. There is a hundred variations and a lot of ppl playing similar decks. Its just mine variation of very common demonlock with small guide. I gave up both Flame Imp's cause they dont do their job. Almost all the time they just die for nothing and dealing 3 dmg to your face. I swapped them with Argent Squire and deck became more stable early game. They actually very good in current meta, helps to trade with paladin, annoying mages with their Flamecannon and absolutly insane vs hunter. Much better with Defender of Argus.

If you do not know how to play midrange decks - here some tips:

  1. Control the board. Almost all the time you want to trade, except you can provide lethal in 1-2 turns.
  2. Play around. Choose the worst nightmare that opponent can do next turn and play around it. Sometimes you will need to play around 2 or even 3 worst variations.
  3. Do not overextend your board if your opponent gonna aoe you down or you have no cards in hand to refill it back. 
  4. Use your heropower. If you feel that your board are strong enough use lifetap, you need to dig through your deck to find answers for next turns.
  5. Steal the tempo. You need to pressure your opponent and play your game, not his. If you can steal coin from mage/rogue/druid by playing Abusive Sergeant turn 1 - do it. Swarm your board with 1/1 if you want to fish Swipe or Consecration on your conditions. 
  6. Be mana efficient. Plan your next turns. Do not coin out 3 drop if your hand heavy and full of 4 drops. Save the room for a Lifetap.

Card explanation

Power Overwhelming - cheap and strong. Beautifull for trading and finding lethal. Also activates our Nerubian Egg and you can save the value of stats with Void Terror.

Voidwalker - early game annoying taunt. Great in almost all matchups, saving your minions from enemy's weapons and help our spiders/eggs to finish wounded enemies. Musthave card in opening hand.

Imp Gang Boss - very sticky 3 drop. Need to be killed in 1 shot which cost alot of resources for your opponent. You can increase your board size for yourself by damaging him on your turn and play Defender of Argus on 2 minions or even summon early Sea Giant. Works great with Knife Juggler.

Void Terror - Value savior. You can eat your 1/1 tokens before AoE, activate your Nerubian Egg in slow matches and it saves the value from Power Overwhelming if minion survives the trade. Can fish Big Game Hunter from your opponent and save your Mal'Ganis, Sea Giant and Dr. Boom.

Imp-losion - refills your board with fresh 1/1 tokens and helps finding good trades. Do not expect 3 dmg without Knife Juggler, always plan your turn depending it hits 2. YOLO is good too sometimes.

Voidcaller - the reason why you play this deck. Insane value minion. If your opponent do not have silence in his hand and you have a demon in yours you almost win the game by playing it. Do not keep him on board alot vs decks when your opponent can silence him later, find and make a good trade - get his value asap. Sometimes you still need to play him on turn 4 without backup demon, its ok when you almost sure that he will survive till next turn or you know that your opponent will do weak turn silencing him. I am always save him in hand if going 2nd with coin.

Doomguard - BIG MOTHERF***ER. Insane stats on charge. Will crush your opponents board and face. Grants lethal for zoo decks since beta. Try to call it from Voidcaller to negate his drawback. Almost all the time you do not want him in your starting hand, you can save combo Voidcaller + Doomguard vs slow matchups like warrior but only if you are going 2nd.

Mal'Ganis - very strong specific card. Can save you from lethal and make your opponent to loose alot value on killing him. Even silenced its still 9/7 body which cannot be ignored. Can mess up your opponents plan more then any other card in game. Strong turn 9 if you have alot of 1/1 imps or other demons on table. Also big surprise from Voidcaller

Abusive Sergeant - trade helper. Sometimes situational 1 turn. Help you pop your eggs and can be used like lethal finder. Staple for all zoolike decks.

Argent Squire - sticky 1 drop. That card what differs my deck from others. Can kill 2 minions vs hunter. Good for checking all kind of traps. Removes buble from Shielded Minibot and can trade Zombie Chow with Abusive Sergeant. Do not die to Leper Gnome or Mad Scientist like Flame Imp always do. Amazing with Defender of Argus.

Dire Wolf Alpha - good to buff your 1/1 spideys or Imps. Helps to trade and pushing some dmg to the face. Another zoo staple. I am running 1 because i am prefer some deck slots for big dudes like Sea Giant and Dr. Boom.

Haunted Creeper - very sticky minion. Annoying your opponent. Provides some stuff on the board for your Power Overwhelming, Abusive Sergeant and Defender of Argus. Good combo with Knife Juggler and Sea Giant. You want it in your starting hand. Also leaves some 1/1 tokens after AoE.

Ironbeak Owl - silence. Let you atack thru taunts or negate some bad deathrattles like Mad Scientist or Sylvanas Windrunner. Always save it in hand  VS hunters and other warlocks. Running only 1 cause i need deck slots.

Knife Juggler - RNG and butthurt maker. Can be used like 2nd turn drop sometimes, but you always looking for value from juggles. Combo it with Haunted Creeper's deathrattle, Imp-losion or just spam the board with 1-2 drops. Much more imbalanced with Dr. Boom.

Nerubian Egg - the powerfull 2 drop. It will be buffed and trade a creature leaving 4/4 body.  Also good AoE stopper and silence fisher. Dont keep them for long if you are not playing around AoE, buff and pop them. Or just eat it on turn 3 with Void Terror.

Defender of Argus - provides good trades and saves yours weak minions. Very important card vs hunters and combo druids. Vs aggro matchups buffing your creatures with Argus starts a race to the face.

Sylvanas Windrunner - this beauty took a place instead Sea Giant. Ive met alot of warriors, priests and control warlocks and this change won me a bunch of games versus them.

Dr. Boom - balanced.

Sea Giant - this guy can be huuuge problem to your opponent if he cant counter him quick. With all this 1/1 tokens on the board it can be played very quick and protects your board from AoE or just steal the tempo. There is 4 BGH targets in this deck including Void Terror, so this guy will not be always shotted down.

Mulligan guide and overall strategy


Druid - decent matchup, spam them quick and control the board, try to pop your Nerubian Eggs and Voidcallers before they got silenced. Always play around Swipe. Mulligan into good curve. Its good to keep Power Overwhelming. If you are going second keep Imp Gang Boss and Voidcaller. Taunt druids sometimes very hard, but midrange-combo are good just dont lose your board.

Paladin - kinda tricky matchup but you will win if you get good curve. You never know what pally it is so you should always mulligan into very fast hand. Keep Voidwalker, Argent Squire, Haunted Creeper and Nerubian Egg. Keep Imp Gang Boss if you already have good start and Abusive Sergeant/Dire Wolf Alpha if you have what to buff. Turn 4 is very important, you should try to avoid both Truesilver Champion and Consecration. Other time just control the board and play around board clear. Keep Ironbeak Owl for Tirion Fordring if you can. 

Rogue - hard matchup. You need to pressure them quick. Spam them as hard as you can in early game before they get buffed knife. After that play around Blade Flurry. Clear ALL their minions but pressure face too. Mulligan into good curve. Discard Knife Juggler he will die for 0 mana in 90% games. Play sticky minions but be sure that you can handle his threats. Void Terror extreamly good in this mathcup - turn 2 Nerubian Egg into turn 3 Void Terror will rekt them up. Do not use Defender of Argus in midgame on minions with deathrattles, you need them behind taunt in case of AoE.

Mage - good matchup. Be sticky on board and push into their face. Tempo mages are much slower then you so you will easy crush their board. Mulligan into 1 - 2 drops. If you are going 2nd keep Imp Gang Boss and even Imp-losion if your hand already good. Check Mirror Entity with minions you can kill this turn or with Nerubian Eggs. Always keep Ironbeak Owl in case of freeze mage - you will need it for Doomsayer

Priest - hard matchup. All priestes have alot of AoE you need to be very sticky on board.  You want to mulligan into good curve. Deathlord on turn 2 or 3 is very difficult to kill. Keep Knife Juggler, Power Overwhelming, Abusive Sergeant and some bodies which you can buff. Push face hard and play around board clear. Try to trade out all targets of Cabal Shadow Priest in midgame. You can keep Voidcaller + big demon if your curve already good and you are going 2nd.

Shaman - good matchup. Mulligan into sticky guys and buffs for them. Always keep Ironbeak Owl shamans have alot of targets for silence. Keep Nerubian Egg, Abusive Sergeant, Knife Juggler, Haunted Creeper and Imp Gang Boss. Clear their board and play around Lighting Storm. If you met a mech shaman - kill ALL his minions, he will run out of steam very quick. You can keep Voidcaller or Imp-losion in case of coin.

Warrior - control easy, patron is tricky. Mulligan into straight curve, you do not want to skip turns at all. Save Voidwalker, Knife Juggler, Abusive Sergeant, Imp Gang Boss and some guys who will not die to Fiery War Axe. You want to push face fast and be ready for Death's Bite. Always try to prevent their draw. Kill their Armorsmith and Acolyte of Pain in 1 shot as soon as possible. Versus patron warrior you want to fish Execute in early game, once both are gone your Doomguards and other serious s**t will be unstoppable. Keep Voidcaller and Defender of Argus if you are going 2nd. Protect your deathrattle minions with taunts in case of control warrior, same rules as versus rogue, you want to have some board after Brawl. Punch warriors in face very hard!

Hunter - good matchup. You will loose only versus impossible good hands when you have all lategame cards in yours. Mulligan all cards in Argent Squire, Voidwalker, Haunted Creeper and Abusive Sergeant. Keep Imp Gang Boss and Knife Juggler if your hand is good enough. Always save Defender of Argus if you are 2nd. Trade all hunters minions in early game and setup some good guys for Defender of Argus. Once you have taunted your board - go race. DO NOT MULLIGAN OUT Ironbeak Owl! Mal'Ganis from Voidcaller is always win. Be careful with board size, do not die to Unleash the Hounds.

Warlock - malygos is decent, zoo is mirror and handlocks are hard. Always mulligan as playing versus aggro. You cant afford to skip 1st turns. Keep Haunted Creeper, Abusive Sergeant, Argent Squire, Nerubian Egg, Voidwalker and Imp Gang Boss. Always keep Ironbeak Owl - it is very important! You always want to board clear even versus handlock. Whenever you pushing all damage left to the face if you are playing versus zoo or malygos, you cant do it versus handlock. You need to push him for lethal range but without ability to play 2 Molten Giants with taunts. Play around Hellfire and Shadowflame if its not zoo.

Possible card swaps


1st of all - if you have no Mal'Ganis, Imp Gang Boss or Voidcaller you should play another deck. This cards are unique and cannot be replaced.

You can swap Sylvanas Windrunner for Loatheb or any other card you need.

You can find a place for Bane of Doom if you want. Yeah, sometimes you get Mal'Ganis or Lord Jaraxxus but in mine experience this is slow and unpredictable card.

Swap 1x Haunted Creeper for 2nd Ironbeak Owl if you like to silence all targets in your sight. 

2nd Void Terror is possible too.



Thanks for reading, i hope this guide will help someone! Upvote if you like it, it will motivate me to write another guides for the decks i use to climb in ladder. If you have any questions - ask, i will answer on all of them. Enjoy the deck!

With kind regards, FatFag.


as bonus :)

guide version 1.0-release.