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[S14]Legend Top 11 Murloc Aquarium

  • Last updated May 26, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2120
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/17/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hello guys~

I used this deck to climb from rank 5 to legend in  5 hours with a 70% win rate.

*update Reached legend #13 highest this season using this deck to climb in legend.

*update  One of my viewer cawacawa climb from rank 3 to legend in 2.5 hours with a 19-3 record.

Extremely fun and fastest tempo deck you can play :)

Definitely Not a troll deck! You can laugh at your opponent after they see your Murloc and think you're a troll deck, and then finish him in 5 turns.

Yes, you haven't read wrong. This is a current meta MURLOC deck  that can climb very fast to legend. Your win rate will stay about 50% after you reach legend, so I don't recommend you to use this deck to climb in legend.

The main advantage of Murlock deck to climb is that it ends most of the time before turn 8, either you have the board to win or you don't. So if every game is less than 10min, it is very fast to climb when the win rate is 70%.

I am one of the earliest Murloc player that used my own created Murlock deck to climb to top 10 legend back in season 2-4 before the first Murloc deck appear in this website. I have made some changes to that deck and use it again in current meta because of my love of Murloc. It worked surprisingly well.

You will feel tremendous joy if you use this deck to win because your opponent cannot do anything even if they play perfectly to stop you from winning in turn 4 or 5.

Special Note* If you are trying to craft this deck, do not craft Old Murk-Eye, it will appear when you have all other Murloc cards.

S14 Legend #13 Prove

S14 legend#13

Using murloc deck prove #in case people don't believe:)

 legend #17 prove of using murloc deck


General Strategy:

  • This is not a face deck. Control the board most of the time in first 4 rounds before you buff up your murlocs.
  • Mulligan and play order of first 4 rounds are the most crucial part in your game. If you don't play them correctly, you'll very likely lose the game.
  • 2x Arcane Golem, 2x Power Overwhelming and 2x Soulfire are always your finishing cards, they can give you up to 20 damage to suddenly end the game even if your board got cleared after turn 5.
  • Sometimes use Soulfire as removal orPower Overwhelming to remove taunts if you have a good curve to do so.
  • Always useColdlight SeerbeforeMurloc Warleader, and protect Murloc Warleader at all cost.
  • Mulligan and play order are extremely important in this deck that I have to repeat it. Check the mulligan part below before jumping to start the climb.
  • Since you have 18 one and two drops, think carefully what to put in first 3 turns and predict what board clear the opponent class can have in each turn. More details against each class are listed below.

Win conditions:

1. Win by board advantage: Use early cards like Flame Imp and Voidwalker to protect your murlocs. Buff your murlocs in turn 3 and 4 by Coldlight Seer or Murloc Warleader to deal lots of damage to his face and remove his board. You'll win next tern if he doesn't have immediate solution to all your threats.


2. Win by Combo cards: You can end by playing Arcane Golem or Bluegill Warrior with Power Overwhelming and Soulfire to deal 12 damage in turn 5. You will have a high chance to draw a +4 damage card to end your opponent after turn 6. Because after turn 6 u'll have about 15-20 cards left, you have 6x 4 damage cards and 4 charges. So the chance of drawing one +4 damage to face is about 1/3 to 1/2 with tap. Sometimes u can even draw +8 damage, about 1/6 chance to end your opponent. So this deck is not luck dependent. You can actually calculate your outs and chances to win in a turn.


Mulligan and Matchups:

Easy matchups: Handlock(80%), Priest(75%), Freeze Mage(75%), Control Shaman(75%), Ramp Druid(70%), Control Warrior(70%), Mech Shaman(65%), Grinder Mage(65%), Patron Warrior (60%)

Fair matchups: Oil Rogue(60%), Demon Zoo(55%), Paladin(55%), Face Hunter(55%),  Control Hunter(55%), Mech Mage(55%)

Hard matchups: Flame Walker Mage(50%)


General Mulligans against all classes:Flame Imp, Voidwalker, Murloc Tidecaller, Murloc Tidehunter(If you have at least 1 one cost)

Note1: Keep one Coldlight Seer or one Murloc Warleader [/card] if you have a solid turn one card and a turn 2 [card]Murloc Tidehunter

Note2: If you play first always save a turn one card.

Note3: If you have coin, always coin turn one if you have a good curve: e.g. Turn one 2x one cost or 1x two cost, Turn two 2x one cost or 1x two cost, Turn 3 1x three cost or 1x one cost and 1x two cost or tap+ 1x one cost.

I wont repeat these mulligans as these apply to all classes.


Mulligan: #General Mulligans, Young Priestess, Knife Juggler, Ironbeak Owl

  • Assume they are zoo during mulligan because Handlock is easy to handle.
  • Tempo is the key against demon zoo.
  1. Tips against Demon Zoo: Ironbeak Owl their Nerubian Egg before they can proc it.
  2. You can use Soulfire on Imp Gang Boss because of the tempo or sometimes even on Voidcaller .
  3. Always assume they have Imp-losion in turn 4. Avoid playing 3 or 4 heath minion in turn 3.
  4. Tips against Handlock: Always assume they have Hellfire when you know they are handlock. Keep their coin in mind if you play first and play around Hellfire by Turn 3 tap and play some less valuable minions.
  5. Do not play too many minions before turn 4. You can rush minions after turn 4 because if he has Hellfire, he has already used it. If he doesn't have it, you can rush minions on board anyway.
  6. Play around their Molten Giant by clearing their board and leaving their health at 13-15. So you can end next turn by your board minions and combo cards.
  7. Murloc combos is good against handlock.
  8. Always clear their board to avoid Shadowflame.



Mulligan: #General Mulligans, Leper Gnome, Young Priestess, Murloc Tidehunter, Knife Juggler

  • Against Mech Shaman tempo is the key
  • Rush out minions and trade with his board early to avoid his mechs buff up each other.
  • No need to hesitate to play 1 health minion since he doesn't have any natural ping
  • Mech Shaman doesn't have Lightning Storm. No need to afraid aoe clear.
  1. Tips against Mech Shaman: Pretty much rush out your minions in first 3 turns without tapping and trade with him to gain board control.
  2. In turn 3 shaman like to keep Powermace. But just keep it in mind, it isn't much threat compare to Fiery War Axe.
  3. Use your Ironbeak Owl to silence Annoy-o-Tron or Piloted Shredder if you don't have any better plays. There isn't much target you can silence on.
  4. Start going face in about turn 4 after you have cleared his small mechs. Make him lower life than you so he has to use his larger mechs to clear your small minions.


Mulligan: #General Mulligans


Mulligan: #General Mulligans


Mulligan: #General Mulligans, Leper Gnome, Young Priestess

  • Oil Rogue is most popular in current meta
  • Rogues has many small mana clears such as Backstab and deadly Poision
  • Need to think carefully each turn about their possible clears, I'll suggest some turn and cards to play around in the tips below.
  • Keep the coin into consideration is very important. Because she will have different action in the turn 2 and 3 if she has or doesn't have coin.
  1. Tips against Oil Rogue: Turn one Avoid playing a 1 health minion. They will definitely weapon you. Young Priestess + Voidwalker is a good start.
  2. Do not try to play around Back stab. because you simply cant play around it. So don't think about it.
  3. If they have coin, in turn 2 take into consideration about their coin SI:7 Agent. Try not play 2 health minion turn 2.
  4. In turn 3, it's Fan of Knives turn. Try not play lots of 1 health minion like Murloc Tidehunter in turn 2. Rogue always keep Fan of Knives against Warlock.
  5. In turn 4-5, Rogue will want to play their minion Violet Teacher, Piloted Shredder, Azure Drake. Use this time to push out minions and pressure him.
  6. Last advice do not play too many minions on board against rogue. Sometimes they can Bloodmage Thalnos +Fan of Knives or Blade Flurryto clear your board.
  7. Rogue is tough to play against, but they won't have every card they need to clear you. Try to play around as many of her cards as possible and keep up your tempo. Every little detail is very important against rogue. As you can win the game by keeping one minion alive by playing around her clears.


Mulligan: #General Mulligans, Young Priestess

  • Patron Warrior is a bit harder than Control Warrior, but their start is pretty much the same.
  • The probability is a bit strange but Warrior will have weapon every game against us.
  • Remember you will deal lots of damage in his face even if he use weapon to clear you.
  • Win condition is deal enough damage in first 6 turns before he can use any of his combos, and use our combo to end him.
  • Flame Imp is a good keep
  1. Tips against both warriors: In turn one play around their Cruel Taskmasterand Fiery War Axe if possible. Do not just place one 2/1 on the board turn one if you have other choice, he'll just  Cruel Taskmaster you and the game is completely in his favour.
  2. If you have a coin, coin out 2x 1cost minion turn one would be nice because he cant kill both with his Fiery War Axe, you will deal a lot more damage on him.
  3. Always becareful of Whirlwind and death rattle of Death's Bite. Do not leave too many 1 health minion on the board.
  4. Expect he has Death's Bite turn 4 and play some small minions and tap instead of a large minion.
  5. Keep going for face except when you can clear Acolyte of Painor Armorsmithwithout dying any minion.


Mulligan: #General Mulligans, Young Priestess, Leper Gnome, Ironbeak Owl, Knife Juggler

  • When playing against hunter, assume they are face hunter.
  • This is a game to race the health. Evaluate when you need to go face and when u need to trade.
  • Knife Juggler and Voidwalker are your best start.
  • Do not rely on your murloc combo, hunter's tempo can clear your murloc easily or race you down before the combo.
  1. Tips Against control hunter: assume they have Unleash the Hounds, try to play around it by turn 3 tap + 1 cost cards, or play some minions that has more than 1 health.
  2. Tips against face hunter: They only have Explosive Trap as secret. Always keep this in mind when playing. Sometimes you may want to use Power Overwhelming to proc his Explosive Trap to push through 2 or 3 more damage before the minion dies to it. A little damage is crucial in a face race situation.


 Mulligan: #General Mulligans, Young Priestess, Knife Juggler

  • Aggro paladin is more popular in current meta.
  • Think again and again about going face or trading early game as it depends on the board situation.
  • Knife Juggler and Voidwalker are good keeps
  1. Tips against Aggro Paladin: If they play Knife Juggler in turn 2, clear it because they will play Muster for Battle in turn 3.
  2. Muster for Battle is hard to play around, so just play optimally and hope they don't have it.
  3. In turn 4 becareful of Truesilver Champion and Consecration. Try to build a board that does not get cleared out by either one of them. Ideal board is 3-4minion with one 3 or more health.
  4. To play around Consecration, tap instead of playing more small minions. If he doesn't play Consecration on turn 4, you can safely assume that he doesn't have it and rush out all minions.


Hope you guys enjoy the MURLOCK Aquarium !

If you like the deck click on the rate button or comment to support me :)

This is my first guide in hearthstone, if there Is anything wrong or the instructions are not clear, please don't hesitate to criticize me in the comments below.

I will read the comments and answer your questions, and hopefully improve my guide quality.

The tutorial video is at the top of the guide, in case someone didn't notice it when reading xd

If this deck has more than 1000 views I'll add the play orders against each classes. (achieved)

*update: Warlock, hunter strategies are up

*update: More classe strategies are up

If this deck has more than 10k views I'll add the complete instruction against all deck types in current ladder. achieved))

*update: 2 new Murloc tutorial video posted at the top of the guide


Personal Information:

Legend in hearthstone(asia) and challenger in League of Legend(euw)

You're welcome to follow my stream and twitter below.

My stream: http://www.twitch.tv/princephilip95

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rift_PrincePhil?lang=en-gb

Playing for Rift Gaming UK as league of legend starting line-up.http://www.rift-gaming.com/