The milk priest - Drench the heretic hunters in...
- Last updated May 16, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 5820
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/16/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- user-16608943
- Registered User
- 5
- 19
- 40
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Total Deck Rating
Are you tired of those pesky heretics that awaken your unquenchable thirst for the glorious milk?
Falther not in thy belief for brought to you by the glorious and almighty Cow pope comes the milkpriest!
Do you face those filthy handlocks filling their hands with delicious milk, not sharing until turn 4? Unleash the mighty coldmilk oracle and let it rain! It tricks anyone into thinking they play a worthless milldeck so they unleash their whole hand for you to let the glorious milkbomb take care of!
Since you are chosen by the milky white lord you will always have the answers (shadow word milk/milk fire/holy milk) to what your milklords spray out!
As that werent enough you have enough glorious heals to outlast any deck while washing away their worthless board with milkform. They play ysera? Milk´jin and heropower her.
They flood the board? Milk bomb.
As if that's not enough you can speed up the milking with the milk emperor followed by the cowpopes own prophet milken and double milkblast for a whopping 20 bottles of pure white gold!
But BEWARE! This deck is not for the unfaithful, it takes alot of planning and making sure you have the answers chosen by the milkgod for you to prevail in the valley of thirst!
Now go my acolytes! Milk the shite out of them!
Vs control mulligan for: Deathlord, lightbomb, shadow word death and shadowform
Vs aggro mulligan for: Deathlord, shadowform,shadow word pain, pyro and ressurect
Milk madness is for stealing milkrattleminions to bolster your army of believers.
im rank 19 can i use this deck ?
All shall kneel before our bovine diety! I cast out that heretical coldlight oracle, as our inquisitors discovered fish do not lactate! I have replaced him with the mighty milk dragon Malygos!
I think Malygos can replace Velen, which would be just fine. Voljin can be replaced by both alex and tbk. though alex is really slow so i'd go with black knight.
There is only one card besides Vol'jin that can efficiently deal with Ysera and Malygos, and that is Mind Control.
But I'm lactose intolerant ;c
This deck is udder madness
I have to give this deck +1 just because it is milk
Oh, wise Cow Pope, can you give this miscarried soul an explanation of your faith? Why does all these cards are referred to milk? I always heard about them as Shadow Madness, Coldlight Oracle, Vol'jin... not like Milk Madness, Coldmilk Oracle, Milk'jin...
Is World of Warcraft (MIlkcraft) the answer? I know this universe, but I don't know what milk are you talking about anyway, magnificience?
Ill be doing some milking on my twitch stream :D check it out!
you can also check some previous milkings in the highlights! :D
Mooooooooo my friend.
I am sending the mooless souls to the grassless hell!
Surely it's strong against facehunter.however Shadow priest-Blast priest compound, or sort of classic shadow priest, is to some degree weak against mechamage.I've considered some counter measure, nevertheless to find'em little effective.
I'm hyper curious about how you deal with mechamages.
Just Save the Wild Pyro to clear the board my friend.
Actually,my friend and I, like what you've said,use 2 pyromancer in deck to counter the mech mage, however proved to be sort of weak.As most of the mechs have 3 or plus health, damage of pyromancer-coin-shield combo comes a little insuffficient.
Whatever, the deck shall be encouraged on awesome diction of Shadow Form.
I've found this to be extremely strong against mech mage.
Alculard , I made an account to show my joy of the milk drenching. No longer will I be shammed into healing +2 to my adds, my chains are free . Might even buy my own cow now.
Praise the lord and the glorious milk. Let it flow free eternal.
Hello uh... cow pope... I ran a deck similar to this and tweeked it a bunch. I'm curious as to the inclusion of the resurect. I feel maybe something like a doomsayer (turn 2, prevents them from filling the board or punishing them a mage's mirror entity) is better but maybe I'm just not catching the vision.
Also, I'm afraid I may have joined a cult. Am I supposed to say something about heretics and how the lactose intolerant shall be brought to heel in a future fortified with calcium and salvation?
Well, after going from rank 10 down to rank 13 with literally zero wins I have to say, this is officially a cult and a very matchup dependent deck. You want to play shadowform priest, I recommend this deck but this deck just outright loses to druid and I ran into 5 of them. Seems to also insanely struggle with freeze mage (popular), handlock (growing in popularity), mech shaman (just die before you can do anything), and dragon anything (deathlord always will summon their most powerful minion it seems)
eh, I'd say the deck is weak. The Tharaussian/Velen/Mind Blast combo relies on too many cards to be in your hand to reilably pull off the combo. The times I did have the combo in hand, it was at expense of having cards to deal with the board. I ended up pulling off this combo once in 15 games. Not the best record for a combo you're counting on.
Granted, I never got to run into Hunter in the 15 games I've ended up playing this deck but even one of the examples you give, having a coldlight Oracle to burn a handlock, isn't a strong play unless you get lucky and burn the card priest can't deal with, Juraxxis. I feel this deck is stronger if you remove things like the coldlight and resurrect in favor of more dependable cards that help you survive longer. Even if you put those cards in, the deck will struggle against druid and handlock, but at least it let's you live against mech shaman.
Let me show you how its done! i will show you an example of how to milk a freeze mage properly! watch the following video below and have your faith restored young acolyte! :D