Atramedes Heroic Cheap Wreck
- Last updated Dec 6, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 14 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Boss: Atramedes
- Crafting Cost: 1040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/30/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- Vernitrax
- Registered User
- 12
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Hi, thats easier that I expected ;)
We got encounter that try to punish us for playing cards, that may be problem for tempo deck. But not this one. We play Snowchugger, muligan for it, thats the best card you can get, when you got it then freeze him every turn, and it will be easy ;) His board isn't impressive, he plays some eggs, small minons, you can freeze them and kill him before bigger threats comes.
I will update guide more with my thoughts and tips for you, if you got any questions ask in comments :)
Gl, and may the rng be with you!
I tried couple times and didn't worked for me. Then I've made some changes to beat him.
<pre>Discarded:x2 Mana Wyrm
x2 Sorcerer's Apprentice
x2 Unstable Portal
x2 Mechwarper
x2 Spider Tank
x2 Acidic Swamp Ooze
x2 Mirror Image
x2 Frost Nova
x1 Ice Block
x2 Animated Armor
x1 Demented Frostcaller
I hadn't chance to use Demented Frostcaller so I don't know if it works well or not but I used all others in my first game. Animated Armor is really important because he won't kill it if he has "lethal" on board. So he try to push your face with everything but only does dmg 1 by 1.</pre>
First try! Thanks!
Third try here, but super lucky with the final top decks xD
Thanks! Good deck! 4th try for me.
Great deck
I got Kvaldir Raider from unstable portal early on my first try, drew both water eles and then hero powered to pump the Kvaldir and used the eles to freeze the boss every turn to sweet, sweet victory. Thanks for the deck!
Second try, great deck.
This deck works perfectly, thank you. You should probably add a little more information about the strategy behind it, but it was easy to figure out once you start playing it.
First Try
no idea, bug or bad draw? ask blizz ^^
first try!
Nice one.
First try. Really easy.
Easily got it first try when I got Snowchugger at the start!
Wow, This Deck worked first try, I did get a bit lucky in that he didn't have a turn two, and i also got Mekgineer Thermaplugg from a portal, but damn, the Cold of cone was great, and his weapon got to 21 attack. Nice Deck!
Took a few tries to get the right draws, but I could see from the start that it would work with a good starting hand. I only had one of each mech so it took a few tries to get him in at the right time. One thing you might want to add to your strategy is when to play the Snowchugger. If you play him too early the boss wipes him out quickly. The key is to put him out there when he's not the biggest threat. Even when it worked he only lasted a few turns before finally getting whacked with a spell, but an Ice Lance followed by a Water Elemental kept the boss on ice until he was dead.
Great strat though for budget players. Cheers
P.S. Replaced the missing mechs with 2 Acidic Swamp Ooze, a Goblin Blastmage, and Ice Block for that "if I had one more turn" scenario mages frequently experience.
This is great! The first few tries are not very fortunate but once you get the freezing going...Thanks!
Thanks for this deck, it was a close fight but got him on my first try!! :)
Got him on the first try! Thank you for the deck! Hilariously easy.
dropped the other mechs in favor of more freeze spells, this was a walk in the park. And I didn't even get a snowchugger until turn 6
a very nice deck, first try thanks!:D