#1 NA Legend ErA's Midrange Hunter
- Last updated Apr 28, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 16 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 2540
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/28/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- ErA
- Pro Player
Tournament Decks:
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ErA's Midrange Hunter
The Matchup Table
In the past few weeks Midrange Hunter was on the cusp of being #1 again but struggled a bit as it was forced to run cards like Abusive Sergeant.
Now that Quick Shot is avalible Midrange Hunter has entered its prime. Era seems to be the first to craft a solid Midrange list with Quick Shot as he has managed to hold #1 NA all week with this list and many others have had success with it as well.
The Kezan was added to deal with Freeze Mage which was popular at the start of the week and is good against vs Face Hunter which has historically kept Midrange Hunter down.
Lastly, Explosive Trap is back in Midrange Hunter for the first time in a while as a nod to the heavy Zoo presence in the meta.
#1 deck - Ladder Snapshot #13 (4/25/15 ; tempostorm)
Works amazingly, made laddering so much easier. would replace 1 Houndmaster for explosive, but that's just me
Best ways to beat the Mirror or Face Hunter? I've been tracking my games lately, and I've played against Hunter 12 times out of 50 games; I won 2 of those games....I've since dropped Loatheb and added the 2nd explosive trap. Any other tips to beat Hunter?
Great deck I am currently on a 7 win streak, since I am too lazy to craft Kezan I have been running with Harrison Jones, great for matchups like Paladins and Control Warrior as Harrison not only destroys enemy weapons, but the extra card draw will help supply you with minions for field control against massive board wipes.
I put in Kel'Thuzad. He avoids BGH and is just a nice big body. The effect he has is also pretty good!
Mad scientist is one of the most overpowered cards in hunter and you should never take it out.
I find it funny that during Nax, a very similar deck to this was the "cancer" deck. How the meta has changed.
Anyways, awesome deck. I'm currently 8-2 with it at rank 11.
I've been playing with great success. Destroying everything, it's beautiful. That Kezan vs mirror is auto-win.
The only ones that completely destroyed me were Handlock and Aggro Paladin
I haven't been running against many secret decks, would Sylvanas Windrunner be an adequate replacement for Kezan Mystic since I have had the problem of either running of of steam/card draw or not drawing the late game cards.
there are so many matches where this plays like a face hunter, for the first 3-5 turns. People start making plays like it's face and then suddenly you drop a Loatheb or Highmane and they're screwed
over 100 games on this deck so far. can anyone else confirm that taunt druids, cw, and aggro mages are the toughest matchups for this deck? everything else is pretty ez.
I Agree with especially with mechmage
So, I dont have Dr Boom... Replaced with Kel Thuzad... I either win 5-10 in a row or lose 5 in a row... I don't see how everyone is getting legendary with it.
Literally the same, I dusted up to about 1200 dust today to get Boom, so I'm close. KT one me the first game, but most of the time its just a win-more/dropping it on the board for no value
taunt deck beats hunter? quite the revelation you've had...
Thx for the Deck. 10 Win Streak FTW
Love the deck, currently 37-9 this season and on a 10 win streak. Only made 2 switches:
-1Houndmaster, -1Quick Shot, +1Piloted Shredder, +1Sludge Belcher
for a bit of a better matchup against aggro. This deck tears through mages (aggro, tempo and freeze), zoo, handlock, paladin and other hunters, only weak matchup is warrior, which I haven't seen too much of on the way up the ladder. Love the inclusion of Explosive Trap, I've faked out tons of players expecting Freezing.
Dr. Boom is a pure value card in this deck. No other card has it's value. If you need a replacement, try another high-value stand alone late game minion like Ragnaros the Firelord or Sneed's Old Shredder
Thanks for the decklist, just reached legend with it on EU, was pretty fast :D http://imgur.com/cWKUdyn
Im stack at RANK 10 ;(
I really like this deck. It really takes hold of the meta's current decks very well. I have been seeing a lot more freeze mages, and this deck beats them almost every time. You have to be aggressive until the end, and then use your hero power to make sure not to trigger an Ice Barrier. It's especially fun when they think they're still alive with an Ice Block, but you play a Kezan Mystic and demolish them. It also works well with face hunter, you just have to make efficient trades while racing them down at the same time. Houndmaster, Haunted Creeper, Kezan Mystic, and Explosive Trap are the key cards of this match-up.