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[Legend] Skulker Rogue - Full Guide

  • Last updated May 20, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3480
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/27/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hi there,

I just hit legend with this rogue deck in NA server. (Season 13)

It's a pretty standard rogue list, but the addition of Dark Iron Skulker raised the win rate against Warlock matchup to over 80%, and the deck's overall win rate went from 47%, since I started playing rogue last month, to 63% in the last five ranks, which was enough edge to push to legend.

This season's climb was weird, since it took me longer to reach rank 5 than legend. It was 424 games till the Sea Giant, during which I meekly achieved a 52% w/rate while playing with 12 different decks, 3-4 per day (now that I look back, switching decks so much wasn't quite the greatest  move).

So when Dark Iron Skulker arrived I just sticked to Rogue and made from rank 5 to Legend in 105 games, at 62% overall w/rate. Here is what I faced:

25% Warlocks --> 68% w/r (after the Skulker was released it went up to 81% EDIT: but I guess it was a luck strike coz 81% is not realistic)

19% Hunters --> 45% w/r

14% Paladins --> 73% w/r

13% Druids --> 64% w/r

11% Warriors --> 33% w/r

9% Mages --> 60% w/r

4% Rogues --> 75% w/r

3% Priests --> 100% w/r

2% Shaman --> 100% w/r


Mulligan and strategy guide:

Generally, you should start by playing control-like, removing every threat in the beginning. Then drop some minions, do some combos to deal with more threats and refill with Sprint. In the end you usually finish off with with combinations of weapon buffs, Blade Flurry and/or an attacking dude.

It is important to have something on the board so you can get a few attacks and target with the Oil. That's why Violet Teacher fits in this deck. For the same reason it's usually better to kill a minion by playing SI:7 Agent, and thus leaving a body on the board, than killing with weapon/spell. Another card that fulfils this role nicely is the newly added blackrock dwarf Dark Iron Skulker. His power can range from a mere Si:7 effect to a full board-swipe, while leaving behind a dude who can add up to tons of damage.

Avoid trading minions because you don't have many. Clear with weapons and spells and preserve your folk to attack the opponent.

In the end, the Violet Teacher can screw with your Tinker's Sharpsword Oil by creating a token that can't attack. Try to get her killed before this time comes, after she's left some students. By the way, a great defensive move when playing against Rogue is killing the tokens while leaving the Teacher alive.

Sometimes you have to be the aggressor. Paying a SI:7 Agent flat on turn 3 against a Druid for example can escalate in your favour if not answered. Against a Warrior, stab him from the very beginning because every damage counts (but will rarely be enough). 

About some cards:

Preparation combos nicely both with Sprint and Tinker's Sharpsword Oil, but don't be afraid to burn it to activate an Eviscerate or other removal, or even  to Deadly Poison your dagger if you really, really need it. It is a card usually kept in the opening hand against faster decks, to gain Tempo.

Eviscerate is mainly a removal that eventually is used to reach lethal, don't hesitate to kill that Knife Juggler!

Deadly Poison your weapon to clear minions, reach lethal or feed your Blade Flurry.

Blade Flurry is amazing! What can I say, it clears huge boards AND deals face damage. Although it feels awesome to cast the biggest blade possible and destroy everything, sometimes bursting your 1/2 Wicked Blade can also help clearing a board and gain you Tempo. Just remember you only have 2 and try to use one in a combo, because after you've attacked a few times with your minions, your main victory condition in the majority of games involves Tinker's Sharpsword Oil your 2 durability dagger and a dude, attack with both then play Blade Flurry.

Fan of Knives for clearing tokens and using in combination with spell power Bloodmage Thalnos and Azure Drake.

Bloodmage Thalnos is best at buffing AoE spells, but Eviscerate an Innervated 5/5 monster at early turns can be disruptive as well. It also combos nicely with Backstab.

- Sap Can be either used at killing time, by lifting that last taunt standing before your deadly assault, or it can be used to gain Tempo by Sapping costly targets like Sylvanas Windrunner, Druid of the Claw, Savannah Highmane. When the Voidcaller pulls Mal'Ganis, that's a good target! If it pulls Doomguard early while there is still a hand, he can go back as well. The best target of them all is surely Tirion Fordring, and Just forget about sapping stuff like Loatheb or Harrison Jones.

Southsea Deckhand is great for activating Tinker's Sharpsword Oil, especially when you have no board. Sometimes he laughs as your last move, but occasionally you'll have the opportunity to oil him up early and score a hit, go for it! Against early-game decks such as Zoo, FaceHunter, or MidPaladin it's mostly used to kill some impertinent minion.

Antique Healbot is here as a Meta tech solely because of FaceHunter, as I've been facing almost one of them in every 5 games. When not many Tards, I'll swap it for another Earthen Ring Farseer or a Shredder Dude.

- Emperor Thaurissan is a card that I've been testing in the deck and so far I'm convinced he performs well. He enables bigger and deadlier combos in the same way it does for Druid, but as you are constantly wiping the board, he frequently survives for more than a turn and wrecks havoc. He is best played after Sprint.


Warriors - your toughest challenge








Play aggressively, kill the Armorsmith, hope he doesn't draw much armor. In case of a Grim Patron Warrior it'll be much easier, always eliminate the Warsong Commander and have some answer for the Frothing Berserker.

 Hunters - your second worst nightmare






Haha Deckhand


If it happens to be a Midrange Hunter you're in advantage, but against Facers kill everything quickly or die soon. Pray for the Antique Healbot or, if feeling greedy, keep it in your mulligan.

 Warlocks - they help you by killing themselves!







Haha Deckhand


You are built to smash them!

 Druids - fast, but slow start








Kill him steadily. Play a minion early, then some big health minion he struggles to remove. Blade Flurry shines in this match as big threats mass removal. Sap can also gain enormous Tempo  when bouncing Innervated minions or any creature that cost a lot to play (early on, even a Piloted Shredder may be a valid target).

 Mages - any of them but freeze


Mulligan as if for Mech/Tempo Mage:









Vs FreezeMage we're in disadvantage so gotta be quick. Against TempoMage, deal with her early threats and she'll run out of steam (always kill the Flamewaker). In case of a MechMage you're favoured as well, but will be reliant on a good Blade Flurry clear.

 Paladins - better have dragons









Against a standard Paladin, just frustrate his gameplan by doing what this deck does best: clearing his precious little minions, it should be kid's play. Even if is the trendy Drag-o-din you are still favoured, it will just fell more like a Druid game, except his combo will be lacking.

 Shamans - endangered species










Easy one. They suffer gravely from your AoE effects.

 Priests - poor priests









They're in a bad position here since there's not much they can do about our combo. They can heal up but it won't be enough. If they play Velen's Chosen on someone or heal an Injured Blademaster up, it might be a good idea to Sap. It's important to save a Blade Flurry for the end.

 Rogues - where are they hiding?








In the mirror match, whoever Sprints ahead has the upper hand. Leaving an enemy minion on board can be very dangerous because of Tinker's Sharpsword Oil. Beware of overextending your board into Blade Flurry.


That's all, enjoy! glhf



The Holy Gem!

Legend Gem