[BRM] Midrange Overload Shaman
- Last updated May 1, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/24/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- airbass0
- Registered User
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First of all, thank you all for supporting and helping to develop my Mill Rogue deck. I'm really glad that you enjoyed it so far. I'm really unhappy that Shaman decks are very rare and I tried to create a solid Shaman deck which you can climbing the ladder comfortably.
We have finally had the last Shaman card of BRM which is Fireguard Destroyer. It is an amazing card which fills the 4 mana gap of Shaman perfectly. Because of being a 4 drop, it also has a very good synergy with Unbound Elemental which seems to be a better 3 drop now for Harvest Golem with Fireguard Destroyer and Lava Shock.
This deck is similar to the old midrange Shaman decks and I think you are familiar about the general playstyle. However, now you should be more carreful about planning your turns because you should also consider Lava Shock on your turns. It allows you some extra moves if used wisely. Of course, it hasn't tested in detailed jet, but I found this deck very solid by now. Let's discuss some cards,
I can predict some questions already and try to answer it right now. I didn't add Earth Elemental because of the two reasons. First of all it can be easily destroyed by BGH you can't rely on a taunt that can be destroyed by one of the most common meta cards. If you want to use it as a tempo swing, you are really looking at the wrong side, because of the 3 mana overload and BGH again. You have lots of overload cards to use with Lava Shock already. 2 Lava Shocks can't be enough in a deck with 7-8 cards with 2-3 overloads. It's also a 2 mana card, mostly you don't gain mana you gain tempo.
I also think people might ask about Doomhammer. I saw that Harrison Jones is being played lesser and you can use Doomhammer before a final hit. It can also burst your opponent and help you to control the board. So I find Doomhammer more useful than Al'Akir. You should still consider Harrison Jones if you are suspecting that your opponent might run it (ex. control Warrior). If this is the case, you should keep it in your hand until lethal if you don't have to use it. It's also 5 mana and you can remove the overload effect. In some uncommon cases, you can also buff unbound elemental with it. If you still don't want to use it, just replace it with Al'Akir it should be fine.
- Aggro/Rush (Face Hunter, Mech Mage etc.) : Keep rockbiter, earthshock, feral spirit, haunted creeper, lightning storm. Against hunters, also keep healbot or argus. If it is face hunter (%70-80 it is) also KEEP LAVA SHOCK because it can kill almost all of the face hunter minions without taking face damage or overload. Don't hesitate to use it, it's a removal too.
- Zoo/Tempo/Midrange(except Druid)/Any Pally: Search for early game board control cards, low mana minions or AoE like rockbiter, feral spirit, haunted creeper, unbound elemental, lightning storm, fireguard destroyer(if you have coin) and most of the cases earthshock.
- Control/Combo Druid: You should build a good board against these opponents but you don't need much removal or AoE this time. Keep fireguard destroyer(if you have coin), unbound, haunted creeper, feral spirit, earth shock, rockbiter (in order to get a favorable trade and gain tempo on turn 3-5, if your draws are really shitty it's up to you to take the risk and drop this one too.). Against Druids you may keep 1 Hex or Crackle if your other draws are good enough (in case of an innervate + something big on early turns).
* Important Notes: These things above are not strict rules you should also think about your gameplan, mana curve, combos etc. For ex. If you have haunted creeper and flametongue totem you should think about to keep both. Another ex. if you have feral spirit and lava shock you may keep them as well.
Thanks FailCraft for this amazing guide video, check it out:
What are your thoughts on updating this deck for TGT? There seem to be some interesting new cards for this archetype in the new expansion. What's able to be taken out do you think, and for what?
TGT version can use Totem Golems for absolutely murdering the early aggro and for great mid game Unbound synergy. I have even used forked lightning with the lower curve TGT overload with some success. New totem combo cards are not essential at a but Ancestral Knowledge can give that needed late game boost.
aggro deck is gg
hearthstone so far 99% face hunter 1% aggro so gg
Well I mean.... Face hunter is still an "aggro" deck.
I have an amazing 13-3 (81%!) win record with this deck so far. I'm not even using the right Legendaries, replacing Neptulon with Chromaggus and Dr. Boom with Sneed's Old Shredder. I'm really satisfied with Unbound Elemental and Fireguard Destroyer. Fire Elemental and Flametongue Totem are still strong staples powering Shaman. Lava Shock is good, even when I just need to use it for removal and it doesn't get its effect off. This is definitely my favorite BRM Shaman deck.
I stoped on 12! Its to hard to face hunter face =D! I'm a shaman lover but its too hard! Can you give some tips? Thanx and congrats for the ranking!
It's all in the mulligan. Try to search really hard for the Tunnel Trogg (A card I added), Earth Shock, and lightning bolt, haunted creeper, and feral spirit. If you get a solid hand with any of these cards you should be set!
I do not have Neptulon , even if he is a great finisher, a drop 4 card it's essentials to cover FM overload. In this moment I'm testing Senjin, Hungry Dragon, Kezan, Shreder and even Voice of Wind, VoW it's incredible to combine with FG...
You guys, what about this?
Impressive, ranking 16 to 13 so fast! The problem it's reaaaaaally !! But Windspeaker i'ts amazing
I'm using Chromaggus to replace him.
Seems fine to me. You get the upside of a cheaper finisher, but often times the 4,4 body is really great- especially sense it doesn't die to a hero power.
i lose to aggro every single time. I must either be an idiot or this deck sucks against it, which is 90% of the ladder thanks to blizzards shit ladder system. HOW HOW HOW do you consistently perform against aggro (huntard, mech mage, tempo mage, ANYTHING)?
/salty 7 losses in a row to aggro shaman player
Shaman has no real solid counter to aggro whatsoever. That's why it's one of the least played classes out there. It's a real tragedy to be honest because Shaman is fantastically fun to play when you aren't getting facerolled.
It's not any different for me, I encounter plenty of aggro decks. I really want to like the class and play a fun midrange deck where you actually have to think about your next move.
just curious why no bgh for thos pesky dr.balance? and do you think this deck can make it to legend this season?
After many games, I find this deck's worst match-up is face hunter. Lack of strong recovery and not enough taunts.
Definitely Kel'Thuzad if you don't have Neptulon imo.
There is another fairly new deck called Egg Shaman that is good at dealing with aggro decks. It's working pretty well for me so far.
Neptulon is a great finisher for this deck, not sure how KT will affect the gameplay because Shamans have difficulties establishing board presence when they are behind. And the current meta is filled with aggro and tempo decks (hunter, warlock, mage). It might be hard to get value out of KT. Also Shamans don't have instant card draw spells. Neptulon is a great addition because he refils your hand and allows you to continue pressuring your enemy.. I'd replace him with Rag, Sylvanas, or Piloted Sky golem.
I've played a similar deck (with some odd cards such as Harrison because of how much I hate Grim Patron) and I'd play Sylvanas if I were you, because she has a lot of tempo. If you don't own her, maybe a Control Tech is a good meta replacement as well, or even a Loatheb if you play against Giant zoo :)