superdiogo's Legendary Druid [TOP 50 EU]
- Last updated Aug 11, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 8000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/18/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- user-16815597
- Registered User
- 5
- 9
- 17
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Hello guys,
After I played more than 100 games with my Druid deck I decided to share with the world, I think this is an awesome Druid deck and I'm just in love with Druid of the Flame. Why? Because it's a damn good body and way better than shades at this moment. I never enjoyed shades to begin with so that's why I prolly hate them but still, I have winning so many games with this deck that I can tell you for sure that Druid of the Flame is a damn good card. Believe me, I know.
Are you ready to drop everything and get legend in ~1 day or 2? Go ahead and use my list and please make sure you mulligan hard for innervates and druid of the flame.
Contact: (HS ONLY)
From Rank 5 to Legend (49-24):
And you can check here the win ratio against each classe:
Pretty insane huh? The only bad match up tbh is mirror Druid for one and only reason: Whoever gets the Innervate and Wild Groth pretty much wins the game. And of course it's bad against tempo Mage and Mech Mage. Other than that this deck CRUSHS the ladder. Just go check urself! :)
Update: If you enjoy the deck please follow me on social media, it really means the world to me! =)
Update 2: Just reached top 100 EU with it! :)
Update 3: Just got top 50:
Update 4: Mulligan's
Since alot of people asked for mulligans here you go;
Against Shaman; Just mulligan hard for 4 drops by following up with 5 drops. It is really important that you have a nice curve against shaman. Try to get Loatheb as soon as possible.
Against Warrior: Well, I have 15 wins and 2 losses against Warrior's so my advice? Just control the board and deny every draw possible. Just mulligan for Keeper's, Wild Groths, Shreders.
Against Rogue: Actually, many people say that its a bad matchup and I also agree with them but I don't know so far I'm 7-1 against Oil Rogues. The mulligan its pretty easy, just mulligan hard for Wild Groth's , Loatheb, Dr Boom its really important against Rogue. Do not play him on turn 5 with Innervate, it's useless and you will lose tempo.
Against Priest; As I said before, just mulligan hard for both Druid Of The Flames and play them as 5/2. Don't play them as 2/5 because they will steal them from you.
Against Warlock; I'm up 6-2 against Warlocks, mainly zoo's. Against zoo just mulligan for Innervates, Shreders, Wrath is really important and Keeper's. That's the only way you can win against zoo. Against handlock and demon it's the usual mulligan.
Against Hunter; Yeah, I don't think I have anything to say. Just try to get Wild Groth into Keeper's and Wraths. Just try to stop the rush and before you play Belcher just bait them with Claw so they can use the silence.
Against Mage; It's pretty hard to tell tbh, there is so many versions right now that I don't even know, my advice is try to get Wild Groth as always and Innervate, don't play off curve.
Against Paladin; Card Draw is really important in this matchup, you may want to use Wraths for card draw and you really need to mulligan for 1 swipe atleast. Druid Of The Flame is also nice against Paladin, so try to get them both.
Against Druid; Nothing to say, whoever ramps first wins. (It's a really bad matchup)
You can check the 2min guide that FailCraft made here: (Thank you for this)
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Replacement for Harrison Jones?
streaming right now: come support me boys <3
Why did you take Cenarius away? I crafted him for this deck man...
Hey guys, I have updated the decklist and I also have created new social media please be kind to follow and like.
streaming again come support me <3
stats of this season:
hope u guys are doing well :D
stream is up! come support me :) giveaway soon
not bad at all but not for climb! streaming starting soon! come support me , getting legend on stream tonight! :D
Sub for cernarius? I know it's important... I have almost every good legendary in the game and all decks type... I even have malourne.. I always subbed the cernarius with the rag and skipped crafting him.. but idk now.. in your opinion is ok to use the rag instead? Or mby a controll card like oldsneeds/kelthuzad... or should i start crafting the cernaius?
I have Cenarius but i really don't like this card, i prefer Alextrasza or Ysera, actually i'm using Ysera :)
Yes, its also good :)
streaming right now guys playing this deck for whoever want to learn! :) getting legend tonight
hey guys! sorry for being afk but ijm back from the lan house so im back to streaming! lets hope the pc can handle it, come watch me playing this deck :)
I changed Force of Nature with Faceless Manipulator
Is this deck still good in ladder atm?
I'm really sorry if It seems that I'm away or taking a break from the game, but the truth is that I've been working hard off stream for tournaments, so I'll be back streaming next week (this weekend perhaps) so make sure you show ur love! thanks =)
Thanks, It is Track O Bot :)
Thanks man, go for it! Let me know when u play some ranked games witht he full list , btw you can put drake instead of thalnos :D
You can try that yes but harrison jones is quite important now, atleast on ladder.