General Drakkisath Heroic Easy Win (very little...
- Last updated Apr 17, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 2 Minions
- 28 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Boss: General Drakkisath
- Crafting Cost: 4640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/17/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- Astrohawke18
- Registered User
- 12
- 35
- 52
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Total Deck Rating
This deck basically can beat Heroic Drakkisath without worrying about the RNG of the cards he plays. The only thing you have to do is mulligan for Deathwing.
Once you have Deathwing in your hand, you just stall and remove any minions he plays until he plays Mindgames which should happen around turn 4-5. Mindgames will pull Majordomo Executus from your deck, you play Deathwing, clear his board and turn him into Ragnaros, putting him on 8 HP and removing all his armor. Next turn you swing for 12 and kill him.
Drakkisath's Command is the only thing that can shut you down after playing Deathwing. To prevent this, you need to set up a Spellbender before playing Deathwing or you need to have baited him to use it on a Mirror Image or Mirror Entity. Otherwise you have to hope he doesn't have it in his hand.
Most of the spells can be swapped out with whatever you have available. You just need 28 spells and the 2 minions. The only exception is probably don't run Counterspell because that will just get Mindgames countered and won't actually protect your Deathwing from being killed.
This strategy no longer works.
I will post this here since this is the highest rated deck for this fight:
Credit goes to original poster:
Heroic General Drakkisath - Adventures - Hearthstone Game Modes - HearthPwn Forums - HearthPwn
Deck Code
Ressurrect priest deck, aim for zerek's or y'shaarj first, then just outvalue with divine shields and catarina
No longer works.
Seems like this was nerfed by Blizz? Got Deathwing in hand and he pulled Majordomo with Mindgames but when I played Deathwing the deathrattle did not go off. Tried twice to make sure it wasn't just a glitch. =(
20+ quick restarts using deck tracker to see if DW was in my mulligan quickly. First two times I got him he got destroyed. Third time I got him with a Spellbinder. Turn 1 Spellbinder, he goes Mindgames, turn 2 DW, turn 3 win.
After trying several decks and not working out. Then this deck worked after 5 restarts, It was absolute joke. Love it
Worked perfectly, one try.
After i finally crafted deathwing i did it first try, i put fireland portal that i used to kill a core hound and made him use his command card on the minion that came out.
Far the best deck for this.
...Unless you get White Eyes! :D Took me about 30 tries to get the right combination, I kept drawing Majordomo right after getting Deathwing in hand, finally. Once I got the right RNG it was awesome!
in the end its all about RNG, i did LK on hunter with barnes+y'sheraj and it took some time to get that combo going
It took a while but I was finally able to win. I used this basic deck but didn't have Deathwing. Majordomo was my only minion in the deck everything else were spells. Secrets were very effective (especially against Troggzorr). Use the spells to maintain the board and when he plays mindgames kill off majordomo and then the 8 damage to the hero. Be aware that once Majordomo is dead all mana costs go back to normal so it may take a few turns to get off a kill spell. I also didn't wory about doing any face damage until after Majordomo was dead. He is the ultimate fight for the win.
The title is VERY misleading... this deck requires INCREDIBLE rng. I highly discourage anyone to play this deck. Took me easily around 50 tries or so. When you finally do get Deathwing down on the board he will have, by definition 1 or 2 1 mana removal spells which gives him 10 AC as well. I had to get lucky to get a few minions from spells that he used those removal spells on.
So to sum up... the title says little RNG yet you need the following RNG for it:
I would suggest, for the sake of your own health to not try this boss... but if you insist, please oh please don't use this deck. Neither this boss nor this deck are monitor proof.
Your expectations going in are too high. It's a heroic boss, of course it's going to take a lot of tries. The point is, it's not about how many tries it takes you but how long it takes to get it done. You don't want to play a deck that makes you play 8 turns before you realize you can't win and have to restart. A lot of people don't understand that you need to mulligan for DW in your opener so if he's not in your opener, then restart until he is. That removes 2 of your RNG elements because you're not wasting time realizing the RNG isn't going your way 5 turns in.
At the time of making, this was by far the best deck for the boss. "little RNG" because it has a solid plan for killing the boss. Most other strategies were just playing your own big minions and hoping for the best which is a hell of a lot more RNG than the few points you listed for this deck. Just go compare this deck to the other top decks for the boss. There's a rogue one that wants you to stall until you draw Kelthuzad, a taunt and master of disguise to conceal KT. Yea good luck wasting your time for 8 turns trying to piece that together while staying alive. Then there's a priest deck using the same Majordomo strategy but requires a combination of cards that allows you to kill majordomo and have 8 direct dmg in priest, as opposed to just having DW which you can mulligan for. How many times do you think you will restart 3-4 turns in when he plays mindgames and you don't have SWD/lightbomb or don't have 8 direct dmg? Yea, it's a lot and it wastes a lot more time.
So to sum up:
Edit: Went back to try this again before BRM rotates and I killed him 3 times in about 10 minutes. It's incredibly easy and still works.
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took me a few tries but with deathwing in my hand he played mind games on turn 3 ....and end of game....thank you very much for the deck
Second try! there must be something wrong about the AI. He used Mindgames to summon Majordomo and he also has 3 other minions. I'm having no minions (just spells in my hand. Then he used Twisting Nether by himself and he turned into a 8 HP minion) so i finished him off with fireball and frostbolt. SuperEasy!
Excellent deck, and a great set of instructions. Of course the RNG element is key here, but you provide all the tools and the perfect set up, it's just a matter of trial and error, great deck mate.
This deck works... eventually!
rng is only hope, thying more than 40 times, still nothing. But this deck has big potential!
Deck still works.
The combo is hard to pull off. Took me about 1 hour of trying before it worked.
First, you need to have Deathwing at the top of your deck (mulligan for it), and Majordomo at the bottom. Second, he needs to have Mindgames in his hand. Third, he can 1-shot your Deathwing with one of his 1-mana "destroy a minion" cards. Fourth, he can also use Kidnapper to remove Majordomo from his board before you have a chance to destroy it.
So in order for the combo to work, you need Deathwing, he needs Mindgames, and the 1-shot and Kidnapper both need to be buried in his deck.
Many thanks to OP!!! To those of you still trying, this strat is definitely still effective.