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Priest Rend Blackhand Heroic

  • Last updated Apr 17, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Boss: Rend Blackhand
  • Crafting Cost: 2100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/16/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Not a hard boss.

He just can't get through a Deathlord with Divine Spirit, and you should have enough clears. A lot of his cards requires minions to die that turn, so deal with then in your turn to not make his cards too cheap. He also buffs injuried minions, so clear the board the best you can.

It doesn't require a premium hand to win this game.

Try to get a good start with either zombie chow or norshire cleric(I think that he is less likely to coin hero power if you play a 1 drop, I don't know if thats a coincidence). If he overwhelms the board, use Auchenai Soulpriest with Circle of Healing. And, as soon as possible, play Deathlord with Divine Spirit and that should be game.

If you ever get behind a deathlord if divine spirit with a cleric on board, this encounter should be a breeze.



@Kizaru1 was  kind to send me a video of his run through this encounter. Watch it if you're having trouble with the boss:


Budget tips:

This deck has only 3 epics, so I'll talk about them since I think none of them are keys to this matchup, even though they help. If you lack any other card, you may post in the comments and I'll try to help you.

Lightbomb is a good card, but you can sub it. The role of this card is to clear the board later if you lost control of it, or just clear the board if you have big taunts with low attack. It should clear the board most of the times. But if you are in a spot where you have nothing on board after playing this card, you most likely lost, so this is why this is not a key to the win, but a tool for it.

Cabal Shadow Priest is a really good tool for clearing the board while seting up the next clear. You remove a minion you need to remove anyway, and, in the next turn, you'll have an extra minion to trade, easaing the removal you'll need. But this is only good if you're already ahead and you could totally get a win without playing her.

The subs that I consider to be viable:

Explosive Sheep: I see a lot of comments about this card, but I would keep the deck as it is(even though you should feel free to use it if you may, I'd sub lightbomb for it). In case you lack  any of the epics I mentioned, this card could be good. The thing about it is that this card is only good at turn 2. I'd run only 1 copy of it. On turn 2 this card will make a really good board clear and you could be ahead and maybe play deathlord. But, if is not turn 2, you can't activate in your turn, and even in the next turn, you'll hurt your own minions, which you don't want at that point of the game. And you need to clear the board anyway, so you'll play the sheep and clear the board at the same time, which could be hard if you're not in a dominant  position.

Holy Smite: Smite can squeeze that last kill while playing strong cards. Totally viable option.

Velen's Chosen: A nice buff to your taunt. Also a good option.


I do not  think that Lightwell is a good card to this deck. You don't need heals in this match, you need board control. If you're healing yourself, it should be when you're squeezing the  last points of damage, and by that point lightwheel does not help. If you play it on curve then Rend will snowball the board to the point where heals are not helpful. You may argue about a good Divine spirit - Inner fire combo, but I don't think an early combo would do it because of how easily Rend snowballs the board.