Heroic Rend Blackhand Hunter(After Nerfs)
- Last updated Apr 28, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 15 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Boss: Rend Blackhand
- Crafting Cost: 1280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/16/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- Zer0Hour17
- Registered User
- 4
- 5
- 20
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
If you don't have Mad Scientist or Explosive Trap on turn 2, concede. Explosive Trap is better if the hero power shifts from the 3 welps to the 2 2/2's with taunt. Mad Scientist is better if it shifts to the 5/4(in which case hit the scientist into the 5/4, the trap will do the rest)
Beyond that, you just face face face. Hunter's Mark is in just in case you need to send one doggy from Unleash the Hounds into the 8/8 hero power to buy yourself another turn. Doomsayer was initially just there to fill a spot, but it saved my ass big time in conjunction with Annoy-o-Tron.
edit: If you don't have a Doomsayer, people in the comments have seen similar results using Explosive Sheep. Had I remembered the card existed, I probably would have put it in before trying Doomsayer.
Edit: Glad this is helping a lot of people.
Edit: Changed some cards out that got nerfed with the release of standard. -2 Leper Gnome -2 Arcane Golem +2 Argent Horserider +2 Disciple of C'Thun. Same strategy. Tested it 3 games, 3 wins.
still works in 2022, didnt have disciple (there are better cards for that slot anyway) and I didn't even draw it,
mulligan was: 2x madscientist and an annoy-o-tron
I went face other than to kill the mad scientists for secrets
First try win. Deck's still legit in 2020.
30 games, 0 wins. Did exactly what the discription says. And I am not new to this game.
it works fine, I just completed it in 2022 with this exact deck I only swapped out disciple of c'thun because I didn't have it and I didn't even draw it. mostly went face other than to yeet the mad scientist into the mobs to activate the secrets
Thanks, got it on first try. :)
This list is not optimal. The one below is much more effective.
No luck after many tries. Freeze mage worked for me in the end.
Gotta make sure to add Scavenging Hyena to combo with Unleash the Hounds. With the right draw, works like a charm!
I replaced the disicples of cthun and the annoy-o-tron with GvG explosive sheeps and the frozen throne 4 mana neutral double taunt minions. It worked like a charm! Face is the place :-)
Took me two tries... Thanks!!
As for now Scavenging Hyena + Unleash the Hounds working like a charm.
Thank you for the deck and all comments with suggestions about Hyena.
nice, thanks)
nice! 1st try! I didn't have some of the old cards:
- 2X Glaivezooka + 2X Dire Wolf Alpha
-2X Annoy-o-Tron +2X Psych-o-Tron
-1X Doomsayer +1X Tentacle of N'Zoth
-2X Argent Horserider +1X Argent Commander +1X Leeroy Jenkins
-1X Disciple of C'Thun +1X Fire Plume Phoenix
Worked on the 10th try -2 Glaivezooka +2Fire Fly
-2Annoy a Tron +2Jungle Panther
-2Hunted Creeper +2 Mind Control Tech
I made these changes because i didn't have the cards.
Sooner or later you'll get a run where the Boss doesn't throw his 8/8 down until its too late meaning explosive trap and mad scientist can clear most of his minions
Got it at 2nd try, thx!
this deserved to be upvoted, since it's cheap and effective
all it took to me is conceding the first for lack of secrets, the second i got both the trap and the scientist and it was too easy to believe.
nice job!
Took me 6 tries, but finally the RNG was on my side. In retrospect, I'd swap out Hunter's Mark for a 2nd Doomsayer because the latter seemed much better at clearing his big minions (plus, it could clear the small ones too).
I am doing the same thing, and i cant even get close to lethal
4th try. Doom sayer is OP if you know he will summon Glyph the following turn. This match is 99% face.
Thanks, I used a standart variant with Scavenging Hyena x2 (I don't have anything of GvG, and just the first wing of Naxx) and it really works, it's a very solid win condition. Got it at 2nd try :3