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Ogres A-Sneakin'

  • Last updated Apr 16, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/14/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hello everyone. :)

So with Blackrock out I wanted to revive some brutish friends of mine that I have found a lot of success with. I love the Ogres that GvG introduced. This deck really just has one goal: Control the board with sticky minions and with amazing removal rogues have at their fingertips. Also just a note that this deck is really so flexible, you can take out and add in all over the place and that's what I love so much about it. Minion heavy rogue is just my favorite. Also a note that this deck is on the pricey side for Dust, I'll do my best to talk about subs.

I find that this deck draws and play on curve quite well, but I do have 4 for card draw. Bloodmage is just sooo good you have to use him haha. But if you do not have him, I would suggest Loot Hoarder the 2nd or even a Novice Engineer if you prefer. I find using Bloodmage more as card draw than for his spell power, especially since there is not a spell oriented deck. However, the spells is does have is focused for removal/countering. I find that you can pretty easily set up a reliable Sabotage and it's great for the combo when needed. 

The ogres are really my star players. For their mana slot their bodies are just crazy. Some people hate them for their effect but often times it does not even matter. With smart trading they can wind up alive with an empty board, free to face. They also can soak up a lot of removal or take some ground if your enemy has already used a few. A 5 turn 6/6 that is a guranteed hit of something because of stealth is just such value. My favorite ogre plays have been when my opponent has a sludge belcher hiding behind an injured or little minion and ogre clears behind them and lives to trade another day.

Mulligan guides are much like you would want for arena: find a curve. Mulligan for backstabs/Zombie Chows and go up from there. There is also no poison or oil in this deck so I mostly use dagger to fill curve and conserve my head. A turn 2 dagger is fine generally you'll want a minion to establish board control early on. For more aggressive decks (hunter, mech mage, what have you) I like to look for my tech cards early on and for my taunts, I'll also keep any backstabs, and evis/SI only if I have coin usually (not always). This edition only runs 2 taunts because I usually find I can keep the board clear without them. Feel free to add if your face is getting overwhelmed. For slower/control decks, get minions. Shredder, SI, or card draw  minions.  I like to keep all spell removal for druids for the pesky combos that jump out midgame. 

This deck uses a lot of legendaries to keep itself afloat in the meta. However mostly they are just to help create a win condition. I've played a lot of this deck with 2 Boulderfist Ogres for that same win condition and it did just as fine. Find whatever win condition fits for you. Alex is nifty either as a life saver and then gang-up, or played as a win-more when you have enough minions on the board to really scare/finish your opponent. Gallywix is just so wonderful against Mech Mage and some of the spell casters like Priest or Shaman, he usually snags one removal or so. He's seen me through some crazy Antonidas and Mind Control wars! Cairne sticks to the board and Baine is a 4 mana 4/5 that you can gang up. That just makes me smile. Loatheb is a great tech legenedary, I find I either use him on curve to secure my board from removal, or I'll save him for when I know someone is about to combo me (muster combo, savage roar combo, freeze mage combo, etc) when I am either getting pressured or about to secure the win. Great card.

Will update more later. I hope if nothing else you have fun with the deck, :)