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  • Last updated May 1, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/4/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hey guys!

Today I wanna show you my take on the somewhat popular Reincarnate Shaman.

If you like it, make sure to leave a Comment or Rate please!

IMPORTANT! Read the ''How to make the deck fit you'' Spoiler! Do it you lazy scrub! xD


I strongly believe that it is very important that your deck fits YOU. Thats why ill try and give you some options, so you can make it fit your style!


Just a little Quicky:



Thanks to The Chiv again!




April 5th

Replaced 2 Annoy-o-Tron for 2 Acolyte of Pain.

Draw was always one of the biggest problems for Shaman.

Acolyte has some sweet synergies with Healing Totems, Flametongue Totem and Defender of Argus.


April 6th

-1 Acolyte of Pain

-1Rockbiter Weapon


+1 Sylvanas Windrunner

+1 Emperor Thaurissan


April 18th

-1 Haunted Creeper

-1 Antique Healbot


+1 Dragon Egg

+1 Bloodlust


This changes the playstyle a little bit, but what bloodlust does here is, either you draw it and have a board which allows you to either kill your opponent or trade very effectivly, or you dont draw it and you just use your other annoying stuff.



But first, let me explain the Winning conditions of this deck. 


Number 1:  Rushy

If your draws and your starting hand allow it, you can go REALLY fast. Which means your Opponent is dead around turn 7 or so. This often happens to very slow decks like Priest or even Druid.

To achieve this you'll need:

Nerubian Egg Reincarnate Flametongue Totem into Creature + another Flametongue Totem + Jea you get the clue. Just super aggro Stuff.


Number 2: Kel'thu-friggin-zad

If you happen to have a stable Livepool and you can manage not to die the next turn, there is one combo that ruins your Opponents day. Kel'Thuzad + Reincarnate

This usually wins you the game, but most of the time your Opponent will simply surrender because he KNOWS there is nearly no way of dealing with the 2 of them. If your Opponent didnt play any hard removal this game, lets say hes a warrior and still has 1 shieldslam and 2 executes left, be careful.

If you can afford to avoid the risk, its probably better to play another Fire Elemental or Dr. Boom instead.


Number 3: Outragous Outlasting

In some cases you maybe used both of your Reincarnates already and your Kel'thuzad gets removed, your Dr.Boom gets BGHd and you'll think, fine im done. But you are not. Your hero ability allows you to constantly flood the board with annoying little shit and with Flametongues and Defenders its still a winnable match. There is also some heal and generally a shit load of taunt in this Deck, so in some cases you simply slooooowly but steady chip away on your Oponnent.



Number 4: Complete Domination

This will happen most of the time if you win. You just build up board control, and keep it. You simply never let it go. Your Opponent plays a creature, you deal with it and play another creature, he flamestrikes you, and you simply drop some creatures again. But be carefull not to overextend your lead by filling up the board and completely emptying your hand. This is a mistage that mostly beginners make, but if you keep an eye on your hand and dont overextend, its easy-peasy ;)


Mulligan for Dummies:

Things you always keep:

Nerubian Egg, Haunted CreeperAnnoy-o-Tron

Things you keep if you have one of the cards above:

Reincarnate (only in case of Omlette (Eggs Badumtss)) Flametongue TotemRockbiter Weapon

Situational keeps: (Do not mulligan an ''Always Keep'' for the chance to get one of these!)

Keep vs. Aggro (Hunter, if you are sure its a Zoolock, mayyybe Mechmage)

Lightning Storm Earthshock

Keep vs. Control (Warrior, Priest, Druid)

Piloted Shredder

Against Warlock you pretty much always wanna keep the Earthshock


 Combos that i found to be very satisfying:

Kel'Thuzad + Reincarnate = Huge Threat which is pretty much not removeable. Or others said 12 16 worth of stats for 10 mana ( which is insane). The downside is that its a 10 mana combo which is very very expensive.


Nerubian Egg + Reincarnate = 4/4 + 0/2 which can spawn another 4/4

This combo is INSANE if pulled of at the start of the game. Which means you coin out an Egg (or play it on turn 2 if you are First) and on the next turn you Reincarnate it. If you happen to have this combo early, and it happend VERY often to me, you basically 50% won the game already. Unless you play very badly or you happen to face one of those pesky pesky facehunters which kinda received a buff with quickshot. (now taunts are even more useless vs hunter JAAAYYYY<3)


Piloted Shredder + Reincarnate = Random 2drop. Carefull! Only use this combo if you are behind! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER ever use it when you built up a nice board. There are two creatures who ruin your day. Explosive Sheep and Doomsayer. You will think, that are only 2 creatures out of quite some others, but there is the chance and if it happens, dont say I didnt warn you.  After all it isnt a great combo, as you pay 2 mana for a random 2drop. Dont you have any better moves?


Reincarnate + any damaged 5 or higher drop = Favorable trade and an full health Minion. If this minion happens to be a Sludge Belcher you even get another 1/2 taunt for nuts! 


Nerubian Egg + Defender of Argus = 1/3 taunt with spawns an 4/4 when killed, but its weak to taunts.


 How to make your deck fit you:

Are you more of the Aggro Type Player? Do you like smashing your Opponents face in a few turns? Do you hate to plan more than one turn in the future? Go play Hunter then. (Just Kidding)


You can include Al'Akir the Windlord instead of eitherKel'Thuzad or the Antique Healbot. You can also include stronger earlygame Minions and get rid of something else instead. Be Creative! Oh you arent thats probably why you are here. xD


Other Cards to maybe include somehow:

You could try to make Mountain Giant work, although im not sure if they would work that well. In combination with the Defender they are quite great, kinda like in Handlock.


Earth Elemental works too, instead of the Sludge Belcher. But keep in mind that they overload you very very hard and are weak to Big Game Hunter. They also are much more likely to get removed because your Opponent sees them as a huge threat. (which they are tbh.)


Bloodlust Never ever more than one. I tried it and 90% of the time it was a dead card in my hand, and the other 10% I used it to clear the board. Most of the time you will have like 4 or 5 Minions on the board, which would be +15 dmg but either your Opponent has a taunt ore more than 20 hp, which doesnt put him in danger.


I would not recommend putting in a Neptulon Its slow and not worth it.


Unstable Ghoul add one or two if you are having real trouble against pala or facetard.

An unstable goul on turn 3 or 4 takes nearly his full board (if facetard) and if you got a strong board he cant Unleash the Hounds if you got one of these out!

If you dont like them, you can also add Annoy-o-Tron, which is also slightly better in lategame.



General Tips for playing Shaman:

Your Hero Ability spawns one out of 4 Totems at random (You are not stupid of course you knew that) (I hope so=))

>>>>Lightning Storm<<<<

Lets say your Opponent has a built up a board that you'll need to Lightning Storm.

There are a few Options now:

Your Opponent has only 2 or 3 health Minions. Now you have to consider, that every Creature could potentially only take 2 dmg. Always go for the Worst-Case-Scenario. It saves you from first Lightningstorming and still having to go for an really unfavorable Trade.


If you have 5 mana and NO Totem up jet you CAN totem up and HOPE. The Chance of getting the Spelldmgtotem lies at 25%. 

With one totem up its a 33% Chance. With 2 Totems up its 50%.

You could go for it but lets say you have 5 mana, Lightning Storm and lets say a Haunted Creeper on the board. (Or something else not to valuable which you can use to trade. 

You also got another 2drop in your hand.

Your Opponent has only one or two creatures with 3 hp. Go for the Lightningstorm and play your 2drop. Then you trade your Creeper in the one creature that survived. (Yes, both of them might survive. But sometimes you gotta take a risk in order to get Tempo. And Tempo you get by doing this.


>>>>Flametongue Totem<<<<


Something that is VERY important as Shaman (pretty much more than with any other Class), is the decision on where to put your creatures.

A good general Rule is to put all of your Creatures to the left. Your Hero Ability spawns totems on the right, and if you Reincarnate something the Creature also spawns on the right side.

If you have like a Flametongue Totem and 3 Totems on the right side this basically allows you to trade 3 of your 0/2 (or 1/1) for a 6-7 hp Minion. (INSANE VALUE INC.) (Trump approves)

Dont put Flametongues near Sludge Belcher when facing a priest. (Shadow Word: Death)

Never never never ever put Flametongue Totem near one of your (hopefully at least two :3) Kel'Thuzads! (only counts if your Opponent didnt play Big Game Hunter this game.)