DRAGODIN - Dragon-Ramp Control Paladin
- Last updated Apr 24, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 22 Minions
- 6 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4260
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/27/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
- Serology
- Registered User
- 9
- 17
- 34
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Total Deck Rating
Thanks to FailCraft for this great preview of the deck, check out his great work on YouTube
Paladin is a class that has always excelled in late game domination and value trades. Until BRM, expansions in Hearthstone have basically served to make the late game harder and harder to reach and undermine trading. BRM looks to change that through rewarding the Paladin for keeping high cost control cards in it's hand by giving low and mid-cost minions buffs and battlecries.
Dragodin is a control Paladin that takes advantage of the particularly strong Dragon synergies available to the class. It is also a ramp deck that brings some powerful high cost control cards out earlier in the game. The aim is to control the board and survive into the mid-game before overwhelming your opponent with undercosted mid and late game minions like Volcanic Drake, Chromaggus and Ysera.
This is a control deck that centres around two major synergies; minion/token deaths and dragon tribal synergies.
Muster for Battle is one of the central cards of the deck and rather than looking to buff your recruits with Quartermaster you are using them to liberally clear your opponents board with or without the use of Equality in order to reduce the cost of Volcanic Drake and Solemn Vigil.
In terms of Dragon synergy, Paladin is perhaps the class with the most of it. The second card this deck centres around is Dragon Consort, a classic specific Mechwarper for some of the most powerful cards in the game, further reducing the cost of Volcanic Drake, giving you a 2 mana Hungry Dragon and 7 mana Dragon aspects like Ysera. Note Chromaggus is also a Dragon. In addition to this, these higher cost Dragon cards likely to be sitting in your hand for some time will enable your Blackwing Technician and (Blackwing Corruptor) should you choose to run one.
Key Plays
1) The "dream start"
2) Board clear into cheap/free minions/card draw
3) Dragon ramp into the late game
4) Chromaggus card draw plays
• If you're facing a lot of control then Big Game Hunter may be switched out for Rend Blackhand who is like to be significantly underrated in Dragon decks and may be invaluable in dealing with Ysera, Emperor Thaurissan etc.
• Ysera is typically the most valuable 9 drop Dragon and in a deck that benefits from Dragons in the hand and can play them for 2 or 3 mana less, there is likely room for two of them. There is more choice in the second 9 drop with Nefarian, Alexstrasza and Onyxia being reasonable choices depending on your choice of other sideboards.
• Tirion Fordring is notable by his absence and can likely be swapped back in from any other high cost minion without hurting the deck too much, but running 2 of Dragon Consort makes him less than necessary in comparison to the strong 8 drop inChromaggus
• A single Blackwing Corruptor may fit in this deck in place of a mid-range minion like Volcanic Drake or even a Consecration if you're facing mainly control decks
• One of the Solemn Vigils can be subbed for Harrison Jones if you're facing many weapon classes
Great deck Im looking forward to using it
but im only missing zombie chow
any replacements?
Looks good, but should definitely add x 1 or possible x2 Wild Pyromancer for great combo with Equality..
If you need removal why not drop pyromancer and then do equality, you drop all minions to 1 hp then kill all. It can also be played many other ways as well. It is such a good combo though to not have it.
I would def add the dragon who is a 6/6 which gains +3/3 if the other players HP is at 15 or below. Why have alex w/o having this dragon as well??? Such a good move if you use alex then you get a 9/9 minion for 6 mana the following turn. It's pretty op as well if you have a consort to set up that minion for 4 + hungry dragon to have a 9/9 and a 5/6 both out for turn 8.
Deck's looks awesome. It's so funny I actually miss only Ysera and some rare's and epic's. (just 3 or 4)
I would swap Emporer for Boom for sure... Emporer is not going to be that useful in a deck w/o much card draw. There is no justicar so your hero power is fairly weak.
I really don't see how boom screws up the synergy of the deck.. You still have more than enough dragons as you would swap emporer for boom. The following is very possible with this deck involving boom..
turn 5 - dragon consort.. turn 6 - chromaggus.. turn 7 dr boom then turn 8 can drop peacekeeper to help remove whatever minion they drop combined with another consort to set up a strong turn 9..
That can play out a number of ways. I guess the only possible issue could be that ysera and alex both cost 9 and if you consort on 5 then chromagus on 6 following another consort on 7 w/ ysera on 8. I really don't think it's that big of a deal though being that on turn 8 ysera would only cost 7 it doesn't really give you anything else to do so it's not efficient anyway. It seems more efficient to play ysera as is normally for 9 mana on turn 9 then drop a consort on 10 followed by alex for 7 mana on turn any turn past 10 to combine with another move such as BGH or Peacekeeper..
Boom also helps set up good use of volcanic drake and card draw being that he summons 2 boom bots to trigger both of those cards cost down.
I did the exact same thing as I don't have Ysera, and I'm doing fine. I'd even go so far as say other than control rogue, this is the deck with the next highest win-rate for me.
I do have to agree, though, that the deck can be a little hit or miss. Get a poor mulligan or just have shit luck with getting the necessary dragon cards in your hand and you can be screwed.
Try these changes and it is far stronger of a deck.
out - ironbeak owl in - wild pyromancer creates huge clear when combined with equality.
out - Emporer in - Dr. Boom
out - x1 Zombie Chow in - Blessing Of Wisdom
out - x1 hungry dragon in - drakonid crusher
Tried on rank 5 and normal game ... it's pure RNG, "dream start" or free lose because it's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too slow
its too slow but its too fun :)
What could i substitute Alexs for? Since it's the only card i'm currently lacking :(
You guy can check my deck.
I'm sorry dude, but I HATE when people post their own decks to other people's deck posts. If you want to publicize your deck, make your own deck post. If you want to suggest deck changes, go ahead. Posting your own deck here and saying "You guys can check my deck. I think it better" is insulting Serology and the work he put into posting this deck along with the description.
I've been looking for a dragon deck and pally suits it best. I really like the cards in the deck. Lots of variety and pretty decent control, but it is VERY slow compared to another control deck and as some mentioned earlier, it would lose to aggro decks (especially hunter). Despite all that, I've been doing fairly well on ranked (just started it at rank 20).
I noticed also there are a LOT of big drop mana cards which would contribute to its slowness. The Dragon cards synergize well with each other, but they are very big mana cards and the only cards that reduce is Thaurissan and Dragon Consort (which already are mid mana cards). I think the main problem is that more dragon cards (especially spells and low mana cost dragon-specific cards) need to come out. I'm positive in the future more will be added and a dragon deck would be amazing, but right now, it'll be rough to take the deck as is to the top.
I'm sure someone mentioned this, but the deck needs to have Dragon Consort. I'm not liking Volcanic Drake and Solemn Vigil either. They work well with Muster, but it can only be used on your turn. So if your opponent wipes out your field/Muster/Silverhand Recruits, you're stuck with 2 high cost cards that are not worth their cost. I actually dropped Volcanic for Dragon Consort. It's tough to drop Solemn Vigil because the only other draw power in Pally is Lay of hands and Blessings of Wisdom. Blessings of Wisdom could actually work pretty well in this deck and I would probably consider dropping Solemn Vigil (both if you run 2) for BoW and it's a low cost.
what would be the best replacement for Ysera ?
I think, that Guardian of Kings will more better, than [card]Antique Healbot[/card].
nope, cuz of manacost
also AH heals 1 hit point more
it sucks so bad, too slow
This is a control deck...
Great deck. I made the same changes to the deck as PewPewBlast and I am on a 6-0 win streak.
I made a few slight changes to this deck, but it has taken from Rank 16 to Rank 13 after a few setbacks, but winrate is well over 50%. Great deck idea, thanks very much. +1 from me!
Changes I made:
-1 Zombie Chow / +1 Acidic Swamp Ooze
-1 Muster for Battle / +1 Coghammer
-1 Volcanic Drake / +1 Blackwing Corruptor
-1 Ysera / +1 Tirion Fordring
These changes seem to help with the meta I'm currently encountering, especially the Acidic Swamp Ooze and the Coghammer.
2-0 so far and already LOVING this deck, with some slight modifications (see below). Very fun to play! First game I absolutely DOMINATED my opponent, and my second I turned around from the brink of a loss. So much versatility that you can add to this deck to suit your playstyle; I absolutely love it and it's brought forth a new love for Paladin that I definitely never had before (it was among my bottom 3 classes played, alongside Shaman and Priest)
-1: Big Game Hunter, Emperor Thaurissan, Sludge Belcher, Antique Healbot
+1: Nefarian, Blackwing Corruptor, Solemn Vigil, Volcanic Drake
Additional considerations for +/-1: Alexstrasza (-1), Rend Blackhand (+1), Tirion Fordring (+1), Emperor Thaurissan (+1)
Edit: Alright, I swapped Alexstrasza out for Rend Blackhand. He just won me a game just now. Lived with 1HP. *Thumbs up* 4-0 so far!