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"Changing" Control Hunter

  • Last updated Feb 27, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/27/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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Ok this is my first deck i have created here and looking for advice and provide my thoughts overall on this "revamped" Trap Hunter deck into a more enjoyable hunter control.

By no means is this too be a competitive deck, more or less a fun deck for those early 25~15 level games before you face every faceroll net deck in existence. 

So the idea behind this deck is too hinder your opponents moves and play your own personal mind game.

For those that don't knowwhat the term control deck means (by Google search: control deck definition) "In Hearthstone, I would say that control decks are made to control the board as opposed to control the opponent like it is in MtG (Magic the Gathering). Aggro decks are still made to deal damage to the opponent, but this is often at the expense of board control rather than by having board control: an important difference."

Key cards too this deck:Illuminator + Traps (Hp Regen), Steamwheedle SniperEaglehorn Bow + Traps (too increase durability, Bomb Lobber (viable due to low stat line with comboing Recombobulator for 7 mana or playing then waiting for the following turn to get a better 5 drop such as Loatheb) and Mad Scientist too pull your traps out too keep your Bow topped off.

Overall Use of This deck

Use your traps ( Explosive Trap, Freezing Trap ) appropriate too the situation, use Explosive when you are low on pressure and want to mind game the opponent from playing any lowbie health cards (insert every warlock zoo deck here). Freezing when the aggro warrior has buffed their Raging Worgen and punish them by sending it back too their hand for being too greedy. 

the Eaglehorn Bow is too be used with your traps to keep its durability intact thus you may take out lowbie cards that may be causing your problems, Antique Healbot and Illuminator are provided into this deck too help you keep your health Coffers to par and keep you in the game and drive your opponent into forfeit due too your unbridled efforts too live. 

Recombobulator is the tricky gimmicky "who knows what will happen but it will be fun" card that you use with your Antique Healbot and Bomb Lobber too provide them the proper upgrade they deserve after doing so much for you, if you have used the wisely.

Finally when we get too late game (and you WILL get too late game with this unless your opponent has decided to surrender too too your unstoppable line of self perseverance) You have your King Krush and Alexstrasza to provide you some needed late game punch.


Again and final this is a deck for fun and useful suggestions so please post and let me know what you think [: