Warrior Deck v1
- Last updated Jan 30, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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- 18 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 0
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/31/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
- LeahyJ
- Registered User
- 2
- 7
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I recently started playing Hearthstone and this is the first deck that I created after obtaining all of the basic warrior cards. I watch a lot of Hearthstone streams and Youtube videos so I have a lot of knowledge about Hearthstone and this deck has taken me to Rank 18 this season, but I'm hoping to get higher before the season is over. I'm hoping people can recommend some cards that I should remove to replace with different cards so that I can improve this deck and become better at this game. I've really been enjoying this game so far and I'd like to collect all the cards that I can so I can create some really cool gimmick decks like TotalBiscuit.
Do you have any of the solo adventures? If not, I suggest either putting real money in or saving your gold - The legendaries you get in them are worth it alone, and the only way you're likely to get past rank 18.
I personally currently use Sottle's Mech Aggro Warrior deck, minus a few cards I don't have, and I have a pretty high winrate - My current rank is 18 with the deck, but it is definitely capable of hitting legend, if I keep at it and stop making stupid mistakes.
It is also a pretty cheap deck, save for needing Naxx.