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Brainboy (Top 50 NA legend) Mech Warrior

  • Last updated Feb 7, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/29/2015 (GvG Launch)
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Hello everyone I'm Brainboy, this is my first time doing a deck write up so please bear with me :). I really want to get closer to golden warrior, but playing control warrior lately has left me a little unsatisfied. So I thought about playing something more in tune with the current meta.

The basic concept of the deck is a simple one, good minions, good weapons, and cheap removal. Control warrior can survive until the late game because of good weapons and early game removal, so why not play the same weapons and removal, but between playing a new weapon, play a minion! Now I'm not talking about a weapon deck, but using warrior weapons to keep board control, while playing mechs which can swarm, buff, and just overall have good enough stats.

Also imgur of rank and decklist. http://imgur.com/ImtFg4d

Match ups:

Warrior: You want minions early on, a lot of warriors will throw away war axe to look for deathbite in warrior mirror. You'll be surprised how often mech warper can go uncontested if you play it turn 2. If playing vs control warrior try to end the game before their late game cards can take effect, even though you both have similar removal a lot of late game legendary cards get value right away so you'll fall behind. If vs an aggro or midrange warrior then be careful about over using your weapons to clear, and just maintain board control while putting on enough pressure so you don't over extend.

Mage: Lots of different mages running around lately, I've done well vs most of them, but I don't have a lot of games against most of them overall. Vs Mech mage you want war axe and a very strong curve of minions, you'll have enough heal in deck to be okay late game, they key is just to not fall too far behind since you dont have brawl to catch up. Freeze mage and fatigue mage are both favorable matches, don't over extend into the aoe, get your armorsmith out , and just keep hitting that hero power button while you apply pressure. I didnt hit much echo mage, either late game or aggro, but your weapons and early game minions should stop them from getting echo value as long as they don't swarm you.

Shaman: This is a tricky match up, spell power and storm will clear you in a heartbeat. Try to keep your minions at good amounts of hp, 3 when they don't have access to spell power, and 4-5 if they might. This is easily going to be 50% win/lose, try to identify what sort of list they are using early, and play around obvious board clear while applying pressure.

Hunter: Even before undertaker was nerfed, this match up is nice for this deck. Unless you get a bad start, then you probably die by turn 6. You want war axe, mech warper, cruel task, and mechs to go with warper, with 3 different sources of 5 burst life gain, you'll be okay if you can survive the rush.

Warlock: I haven't played against much handlock or demonlock lately, so I don't have too many thoughts on how those match ups would go. Void caller may prove a problem in demonlock but with a strong curve you should win pretty fast. Handlock in theory seems like a tricky match up, the lack of silence will hurt you a lot, but you can play around most aoe and be fine with an answer to the first few threats. Zoo on the other hand is a life or death struggle. You will never miss brawl more in your life. In order to beat zoo, you will need both early game minions and weapons, and mid range life gain to survive the swarm. The main problem being that you cant clear monsters as fast as they can play them, and they can buff their cheaper minions to evenly trade with your higher value ones. It's about 40/60 in the warlock player's favor.

Paladin: This match up is tough as well, not because of the aoe clear, but because paladin can swarm and flood the board similar to the way zoo does. If you can cycle faster then the paladin with Harrison and battle rage you have a strong chance of winning.

Priest: For the most part, you aren't going into the match up in a bad spot. The worse things that can happen are thougthsteals taking Grom, Harrison, or weapons. Also, a Cabal stealing a golem. War axe and death bite can deal with almost all priest minions at their normal health, so be proactive with your weapons and maintain board control. Overall you deal with priest the same way as other classes, get weapon and early game minions. You have to be worried about soul priest clears, but keep in mind that they won't always have it.

Druid: So many druids on ladder lately, fun times :P The druid list I struggled with the most was neither ramp taunt druid or double combo druid, but super late game druid with tree of life and ysera. You're weapons will work okay vs druid, but keep in mind that a lot of them run Harrison, another potential issue is sylvannas, namely because the deck doesn't have an answer for it. Once she hits the board you need to decide between racing, or losing a lot of tempo

Rogue: This is really balanced match up if the rogue is running miracle or some form of double azure late game. If it's aggro then you'll need Harrison and you're life gain to survive, but your minions will be sturdy enough to trade a few times, so tempo is on your side. Vs a more control style of rogue the game will play out fairly normal, just don't get upset if they do something crazy with prep and spell power, you can go later game because of you're hero power.


A few of the cards in this deck can be changed to fit your playstyle, or to counter something you keep hitting on ladder. Piloted Sky Golem is a really fun and strong card, but if you encounter a lot of aggro then a second shield maiden will help you.

Battle rage sets up really well with deathbite plays, but if you aren't getting enough value out of consider swapping one for a brawl or whirlwind depending on how aggro decks are at your rank.

Crush is actually a very strong card, but if you don't like it you can play a second shield slam, I can't explain the card too well with words, but in a minion heavy deck that uses the weapons proactively, it can work wonders. Don't knock it until you try, I used to think it was bad, but I'm coming around to it.

Clunker Clunker Clunker.... as first glance I thought the card was really bad, but 2/5 are solid stats. It's a strong perma buff that will improve more trades then you'd think, and mech warper makes it a good price.

If you want to see some game play with the deck the vods will be under my past broadcasts on my twitch channel.  http://www.twitch.tv/brainboy722 .

(Edit, added a whirlwind to help vs hunter paladin, and mech mage. Also got golden warrior :))