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Extreme Budget! Forest Druid Deck!

  • Last updated Jan 10, 2015 (GvG Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1120
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/11/2015 (GvG Launch)
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The Forest Druid is an extreme budget Druid deck that abuses the synergy between beasts and Druid of the Fang it is fun for when you want to progress on a different region or if you're new. It's a fairly straight forward playstyle that involves controlling the board and placing down average to large minions. Replacements will be available! 

Deck Basics: 

This is a midrange control Druid deck that focuses on Druid of the Fang. Druid is a class that has a number of strong basic cards that make it easy to build a cheap deck around. The point of the deck is to get off a 7/7 Druid of the Fang early on and crush your opponents board. Most of the beasts are basic or cheap allowing the synergy to be a cost effective and fun. Try the deck out and tell me what you guys think! 

 Mulligan Strategy: 

Cards to keep: River CrocoliskPower of the Wild, Wrath (not more than one), Ironfur GrizzlyInnervate, and Keeper of the Grove against aggressive classes (Hunter, Warlock, sometimes Shaman and Mage. It is best kept when you have other early game cards as well; if not, throw it back and look for a good early game drop). You can keep Druid of the Fang when you have a River Crocolisk or a Power of the Wild and Innervate. That way, you can turn 2 River Crocolisk or Panther and then turn 3 Innervate Druid of the Fang for a turn 3 7/7. 


Sure, this is a budget deck, but that doesn't mean there aren't great expensive cards you can put in it! Some cards I swapped for similar cheaper versions that would make the deck extremely cheap. 

Mark of the Wild - can be swapped out for two Savage Roars if you want to be more aggressive. I don't recommend this as this deck doesn't have an easy time flooding the board. Most of the minions aren't sticky at all and Savage Roar doesn't synergize with anything in the deck. You can also swap Mark of the Wild out for a preferred two drop of your choice. Swapping one out for an Earthen Ring Farseer is pretty good too. 

Ironfur Grizzly/Jungle Panther - can be swapped for Emperor Cobra which is better value while keeping the beast tag. Ironfur Grizzly would be the one I would swap it for personally, but whichever one is your choice. I think that Jungle Panthers stealth allows you to coin Druid of the Claw on turn 5 with an almost guaranteed beast on the board. 

Keeper of the Grove - is tough to replace because it's so good. Ironbeak Owl (no more than one), Earthen Ring FarseerHarvest Golem, Burly Rockjaw TroggChillwind YetiSen'jin Shieldmasta, and Spellbreaker (no more than one), are all great replacements. Ironbeak Owl and Spellbreaker fill in the silence mechanic of Keeper of the Grove which is good to have in this meta. The rest are just good cards that can replace a missing Keeper or two. 

Stranglethorn Tiger - can be swapped for a Stampeding Kodo. This is a swap that I would always make if I had a Kodo, as it is a very strong card against the aggressive meta that fits the deck theme. It is one of the best neutral beasts there is. Stranglethorn Tigers stealth, as with Jungle Panther, is good as it secures a beast for Druid of the Fang the next turn.

Starfire - can be swapped for a second Ancient of Lore or Argent Commander. It could even be swapped for Maexxna or Sunwalker

Ancient of Lore - is the first card you should craft out of this deck. It is really good and provides the card draw the deck needs. It can be replaced by a Nourish or a second Starfire

Ironbark Protector - serves as the late game for this deck. When you get more cards or dust, you can swap one for the second Ancient of Lore and the other for either Ancient of WarRagnarosMalorne (beast synergy!), or another late game legendary of choice. Kel'Thuzad wouldn't be a bad option either. 

It is worth mentioning that adding a Recombobulator is always fun. It works really well with Ancient of Lore and Ironbark Protector as most cards of that cost are legendaries (or just really good). I think Recombobulator is the most fun card to have come out of GvG and allows you to get amazing legendaries without spending much dust! 

If you have any other suggestions, or would like to share what you swapped out for something else, let me know in the comments below!