Lifecoach's Magelock
- Last updated Dec 29, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/29/2014 (GvG Launch)
- AbsoluteZero111
- Registered User
- 8
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This deck has a lot of burst, hence the name.
Really love the idea of this deck !
its board control is insane and i love the sinergy with cards like Knife Juggler + Imp-losion (+ spell damage).
The removal are a lot, so your opponet cannot summon a single minion without see him destroied the turn after !
and yes...sometimes i found myself thinking 'till the rope appears :P
P.S. too bad i don't get any secret from Kezan yet :(
I believe I have all cards for this deck, but after looking at the deck list, I still ask myself how to play! This deck seems fun, but could someone please guide me how to play it? What is the main idea of this deck?
Did you click the link that was provided? That would probably be the best place to start.
It's basically a tempo deck that wants to put on early pressure and keep you're opponents board clear with your spell power boosted removal spells and has the potential to finish them with burn spells when they get low enough.
Some interactions:
Power Overwhelming/Direwolf Alpha on a cheap creature + Shadowflame to clear the board cheaply. Keep in mind that spell damage adds to Shadowflame (as long as you're not sacrificing the spell damage minion). Shadowflame can really help swing the tempo in your favor and is good for coming back from behind, stabilizing, and staying ahead.
Implosion/popping haunted creepers + Knife Juggler - pretty obvious. Mortal coil can often finish off minions that survive
Sylvanas + Power Overwhelming/Shadowflame(rare but sometimes happens) - can do a lot of damage to face or troublesome minion and steal another minion.
Azure Drake may seem silly with warlock's tap ability but a lot of the time getting the 4/4 body instead of paying 2 life for 2 more mana can make a huge difference. Also the spell power is one of the main draws for it. You usually don't want to play it on turn 5 unless you have board control or you really need to dig without tapping or have no other choice. One of the best cards in the deck
Kezan mystic is mainly for the Hunter matchup since Explosive Trap can be really annoying. If you don't see a lot of hunters it can be removed for another tech card or maybe a Defender of Argus or something like Enhance-o-mechano even.
I recommend you watch some of Lifecoach's VODs to get a better idea. He's probably the best streamer at explaining his lines of play. The videos for this deck are the links that say LIfecoach plays "Mage!" in them.
I'd play it just like tempo secrets mage (Naxx version) without the secrets, obviously.
this deck really intrigues me. If it wasn't called magelock I'd still see how it resembles mage.
Played tempo mage two seasons now. I'm dying to try this and report back.
Thx a lot for ur answers. "tempo secret mage" is one of the best way to describe this deck play style. :D
Tried this earlier and it worked. Shadowflamed an Azure Drake for 5dmg
PSA: if you aren't seeing a lot of secrets, try -1 Kezan +1 Enhance-o-mechano. PO + windfury is just too awesome.
It's also very important to point out that since this is Lifecoach's deck, the key to victory is playing every single turn to rope.
First person to get the "great comment" achievement. Congratz.
hahaha! Yeah I noticed that he was the first too and I came to see what it was he said that got him 50+ upvotes. Pretty amazed that he is the first and only! Gratz man!
Let's get to 100 and see if the world gets destroyed!
I suspect bots. :)
idk, I think That's Just Crazy, if you get what I mean Kappa
He serves two purposes, the first and most relevant to this type of deck is the cheap spell damage, throw it down at turn 6 and hit Imp-losion for some fun. The other purpose being a card cycle.
You could probably get away with a vanilla Kobold Geomancer without hurting too much from the loss of one card draw since you do have two Mortal Coil's included anyway.
3 purposes actually. It also buffs the undertakers.
I'd put a Loot Hoarder, you have deathrattle for the undertaker and cardraw, you are missing the spell dmg, but meh, cant have everything
Boom will fit heaps of other decks, sylvanas is slowly dropping out of the meta because the pace of the game is changing.
Yeah, no. While Dr. Boom is an auto-include in most decks, Sylvanas Windrunner is nowhere near the decline this guy is talking about, watch the last few tourneys of the year. What do you think all those pro's are saving their Ironbeak Owl's for?
thank you, sylvanas is imo, top 3 best legendaries. definately a must craft that can fit in any deck.