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Warlock 22-4 to Legend

  • Last updated Nov 24, 2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 19920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/25/2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
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I don't usually make Legend......I have been playing since the early days of Hearthstone and maybe made Legend less than 10 times.  I usually stall out around Diamond 3-5 and just don't play enough.

BUT, when I make Legend I like to share the deck that finally got me there.

I only play control decks......so maybe the reason I don't make Legend too often.  Anyway I was stalled out at Diamond 5 with Control Warrior, Control Priest, Control Death Knight, and Control Shaman.

Then I put together this Warlock and tinkered around with it at Diamond 5.......went 4-4 and made changes every game.........

FINALLY got the final perfect deck just right and went  22-4  from Beginning Diamond 5 to legend.

Here is the reasoning and the plays for every card:

 Demonic Studies == This deck is all demons, so discover one for 1 and reduce cost 1.

Defile ==  KEEP IN OPENER.....board clear for the aggro decks.

Demonic Dynamics == KEEP IN OPENER.....great to play turn 2.

Endgame == Use this card to Bring back Sargeras, the Destroyer.

"Health" Drink == KEEP IN OPENER......good at start of contest.  FYI works with Pop'gar the Putrid 

Domino Effect == KEEP IN OPENER......BEST CARD against aggro

Mortal Eradication == Again KEEP IN OPENER......good at start of contest.

Relentless Wrathguard == KEEP IN OPENER.....BEST SLEEPER Card.  I don't see this card much but test it out......it is GREAT

Zola the Gorgon == I use this card to get back E.T.C., Band Manager ........the 2 cards I want from ETC are Rustrot Viper and Kil'jaeden.

Dark Alley Pact == Taunt and use with Forge of Wills

E.T.C., Band Manager == Priorities  Kil'jaeden then Rustrot Viper........I never used  Twisting Nether in the 22-4 run

========== Rustrot Viper.......against weapon decks

========== Kil'jaeden.........late game a MUST HAVE

========== Twisting Nether......did not ever use

Forge of Wills == Big minion with rush.

Pop'gar the Putrid == get and use with Barrel of Sludge , and "Health" Drink

Symphony of Sins == Lots of fun and different usefullneeses

Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron == If you have location Forge of Wills, then looking for 15/15 card  Fanottem, Lord of the Opera, and The Ceaseless Expanse .  ALSO looking for Sargeras, the Destroyer.

Party Planner Vona == You just naturally take 8 damage in game and then play.  FYI does not have to be in hand to get the 8 damage.

Sargeras, the Destroyer  == MUST PLAY.....With RENO not used too much anymore.......If you play this on 9 the game is over.  ALWAYS take Legion Invasion! .

Zilliax Deluxe 3000  == Mainly 12 healing and maybe more.

========== Twin Module

========== Perfect Module 

 Fanottem, Lord of the Opera == Just nice to play towards end of game.......Also play with Forge of Wills.

The Ceaseless Expanse == Board clear around turn 12-15


"DISCOVER" Cards I like:

Opera Soloist == Midgame board clear

Wretched Queen

Enhanced Dreadlord

INFERNAL! == for end of the game if you need it

Archimonde == For end game


Popular Cards == Reason for those Cards being left out:

Reverberations == Most of the time does not help......very situational.

 Rin, Orchestrator of Doom == It messes up your deck also.

Lord Jaraxxus == Love the card but just no room for Overkill card.

Wheel of DEATH!!! == This is probably controversial.......but I tested this card in the first 8 play test games......I played it 3 times and lost 2.

Marin the Manager == To unpredictable......trying to concentrate energy one Demons.

Yogg-Saron, Unleashed == Great Card.......with only 5 health I just never liked it at 10 mana.

Have Fun........And Goodluck......I Hope You Reach Legend Also............
