Warlock 22-4 to Legend
- Last updated Nov 24, 2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
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- 15 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 19920
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/25/2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
- Archimedes_HS
- Registered User
- 5
- 12
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Total Deck Rating
I don't usually make Legend......I have been playing since the early days of Hearthstone and maybe made Legend less than 10 times. I usually stall out around Diamond 3-5 and just don't play enough.
BUT, when I make Legend I like to share the deck that finally got me there.
I only play control decks......so maybe the reason I don't make Legend too often. Anyway I was stalled out at Diamond 5 with Control Warrior, Control Priest, Control Death Knight, and Control Shaman.
Then I put together this Warlock and tinkered around with it at Diamond 5.......went 4-4 and made changes every game.........
FINALLY got the final perfect deck just right and went 22-4 from Beginning Diamond 5 to legend.
Here is the reasoning and the plays for every card:
Demonic Studies == This deck is all demons, so discover one for 1 and reduce cost 1.
Defile == KEEP IN OPENER.....board clear for the aggro decks.
Demonic Dynamics == KEEP IN OPENER.....great to play turn 2.
Endgame == Use this card to Bring back Sargeras, the Destroyer.
"Health" Drink == KEEP IN OPENER......good at start of contest. FYI works with Pop'gar the Putrid
Domino Effect == KEEP IN OPENER......BEST CARD against aggro
Mortal Eradication == Again KEEP IN OPENER......good at start of contest.
Relentless Wrathguard == KEEP IN OPENER.....BEST SLEEPER Card. I don't see this card much but test it out......it is GREAT
Zola the Gorgon == I use this card to get back E.T.C., Band Manager ........the 2 cards I want from ETC are Rustrot Viper and Kil'jaeden.
Dark Alley Pact == Taunt and use with Forge of Wills
E.T.C., Band Manager == Priorities Kil'jaeden then Rustrot Viper........I never used Twisting Nether in the 22-4 run
========== Rustrot Viper.......against weapon decks
========== Kil'jaeden.........late game a MUST HAVE
========== Twisting Nether......did not ever use
Forge of Wills == Big minion with rush.
Pop'gar the Putrid == get and use with Barrel of Sludge , and "Health" Drink
Symphony of Sins == Lots of fun and different usefullneeses
Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron == If you have location Forge of Wills, then looking for 15/15 card Fanottem, Lord of the Opera, and The Ceaseless Expanse . ALSO looking for Sargeras, the Destroyer.
Party Planner Vona == You just naturally take 8 damage in game and then play. FYI does not have to be in hand to get the 8 damage.
Sargeras, the Destroyer == MUST PLAY.....With RENO not used too much anymore.......If you play this on 9 the game is over. ALWAYS take Legion Invasion! .
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 == Mainly 12 healing and maybe more.
========== Twin Module
========== Perfect Module
Fanottem, Lord of the Opera == Just nice to play towards end of game.......Also play with Forge of Wills.
The Ceaseless Expanse == Board clear around turn 12-15
"DISCOVER" Cards I like:
Opera Soloist == Midgame board clear
INFERNAL! == for end of the game if you need it
Archimonde == For end game
Popular Cards == Reason for those Cards being left out:
Reverberations == Most of the time does not help......very situational.
Rin, Orchestrator of Doom == It messes up your deck also.
Lord Jaraxxus == Love the card but just no room for Overkill card.
Wheel of DEATH!!! == This is probably controversial.......but I tested this card in the first 8 play test games......I played it 3 times and lost 2.
Marin the Manager == To unpredictable......trying to concentrate energy one Demons.
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed == Great Card.......with only 5 health I just never liked it at 10 mana.
Have Fun........And Goodluck......I Hope You Reach Legend Also............
Really nice deck. With some modifications, just hit legend with a 70-75% winrate from D5. Reading the comments and wondering about wheel of death + Kil'Jaeden. Maybe I'm too dumb to use it properly, but Based on the matches I played, most of the time it is just a dead weight, cause when you can play it safely, you don't really need it (only exception is reborn armor warlock, where you need to play if faster, than the opponent) cause its already GG, while at other matches if you don't have a 0-1-2 mana Ceasless, you cant afford to skip one turn. OK, you might have Fanottem in hand, but if not...
Also in the current meta where every 2nd deck is a roid shaman, you might need every minion in every turn on board to tank the roid damage.
Here is my deck:
Basically it works really well cause I can have decent board control/pressure while building up for the big guns and use Zola for Ceaseless or Sargereas.
The only big struggle against roid shamans where I need decent hand and some luck for bad mulligan on enemy.
I make three changes on your deck Marin the Manager for Party Planer Vona and for the 2x Defile i added 2x Siphon Soul.
With Party Planer Vona i have often the problem that i cant get the damage cause i need the life or i dont have the space for carddraw. Siphon Soul helps with Big Taunt Creatures.
Good Deck but I struggle often with big creatures
Wow, this was an expensive deck to craft. Spent almost 10k dust cause I don't have the legendaries.
Yeah, played something similar more built around Kil'jaeden. Got fired upp against hardcounter warrior for the next 5 games in a row. This game is absolute bullshit.
You mentioned wheel of death is controversial, here's my deck list for Wheel of death. Currently 66-9 88% winrate.
I faced someone playing your deck and I won
Deck Code for Copy:
If you use Endgame to bring Back Sargeras don't you get a Titan with no portal that can't attack for 3 turns while he uses up his useless abilities?
I feel like they keep changing how that interaction works but maybe I'm just dumb.
Edit: Fun deck anyway. But I can't get Party Planner to trigger either.
For. Sargeras, the Destroyer ...........
If you steal him nothing works, and if you use Reverberations nothing works.
If you Zola the Gorgon the Sargeras, and then replay him, you get 2 portals that work each round.
If you resurrect him with Endgame, then you DO NOT get a portal, BUT you get a fresh 3 ability options to use. I usually choose Legion Invasion! and then have 3/6 taunts every turn.
Every day truly is a school day, huh?
Just went 11-1 to legend after struggling with various meta decks, thanks.
I agree Vona is tricky to activate but you can do it if you discover the right demons and it's great with forge.
Didn't use ETC and had no need for viper or Kil'jaeden.
I love control decks. You put quite a bit of thought into this and your explanations of how to use the deck are awesome. Thanks!
man u got legend at the end of the month :) dont be proud ... most of the decks are able to go legend 5 days before the end of the month :D
You are such a good player! We all hope to be good as you are, seriously. I wish I could be like you so i would be able to sh 1t on other people who are proud of their accomplishement. I love you and i'm looking up to you. Hero
Fun deck! But I'm having trouble getting value out of Party Planner Vona, so I'll throw in the Wheel instead.
damn i really wanna try this but aint got enough dust
Looks very similar to the deck I'm currently playing, although I'd reccomend changing something for the Wheel of DEATH!!!. Could be on the sideboard, if you're not sure you want it, but it really makes most control matchups almost an autowin. In short, you play Wheel of DEATH!!! first, then Kil'jaeden. All you have to do is survive for 5 more rounds and enjoy an easy win. Make sure to have a good hand before playing Wheel of DEATH!!! though, preferably with lots of board clear.
I've noticed you mentioned it in the description already. I get your point, but it's still worth running in my opinion. The meta is full of control decks currently and as I said, it makes those matchups much easier. It's true, that it's worthless against aggro though.
Yes many true points. I just have not had experience or success with Wheel of DEATH!!!.
Maybe drop Fanottem, Lord of the Opera for the Wheel.
I would rather drop either one copy of Defile or "Health" Drink. Yes, they are good board control tools, but imo, one copy of either is enough to survive against most decks in the current meta anyway.