Reno Rainbow DK
- Last updated Nov 2, 2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
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- 26 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Rainbow DK
- Crafting Cost: 30680
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/2/2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
- GrodyBrody
- Registered User
- 3
- 9
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Total Deck Rating
Perhaps the deck I'm most excited for. I've always enjoyed playing Reno DK, and while triple blood has always been the most control friendly, Rainbow is definitely getting there with some of the interesting cards they're going to release.
Chiefly, Exarch Maladaar seems like the ultimate corpse burning card. I even wanted to put Velen, Leader of the Exiled in to get that effect twice but even that seemed too greedy. Another card I'm exceptionally excited for is Airlock Breach. I always thought the triple blood payoff card Vampiric Blood was super interesting, but I lamented the lack of payoff 3b had gotten since March of the Lich King. Airlock Breech is, in effect, a different Vampiric Blood. In my reno 3b deck, I had cards like Queen Azshara and Brann Bronzebeard to copy that effect since I thought it was so powerful, especially with Reno Jackson and The Primus. I took that same sort of package and threw it into this deck. For ETC, add your favorite tech cards with a second copy of Airlock Breach
For sheer win conditions, there's both Climactic Necrotic Explosion and Astalor Bloodsworn and for control, there's the fresh Archivist Elysiana 'I want my games to take 40 minutes I hate fatigue' Kil'jaeden.
I like that you are trying to build a reno dk but imo this has so many wrong choices
Let me Clarify:
- Dragonqueen alex is a useless card but fun sure... if you want value you need marin/or harthstonebrew
I recommend replacing alex with marin and putting harth in etc Harth = always a win con hand I would even put kiljaden in etc and harth in deck idk, If you are goind to add alex atleast add broomstick
-why is Helya not in the deck ?
- YOu defintely need theotar in this meta...
-Azshara is fun and I love her but seems slow
-Corpse farm is fun but inconsistent
-I don't know how I feel about the 100 mana legendary I have it as a signature , yes its a board clear but i feel like you have enough resources to survive until reno lone ranger and start clearing board again and again so idk
Your list looks promising! Looking forward to trying it out myself.
Your thoughts on my spell school/disruption focused variation? (
Oh, that looks good. I'm definitely going to try this one, disruption is super fun. I wasn't a buttons believer but after playing a couple games in the tavern brawl with the spell school package, he's better than I thought.
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Though to be honest, I have a cynical feeling that we're going to have to wait until Blizzard nerfs Demon Seedlock (and/or Holy Wrath Expanse Paladins) into oblivion in order for our Reno DK decks to become more competitive.
I would recommend either...
1- Bulwark-teching Reno Odyn Warrior (,
2- Or Holy Wrath Exodia Reno Paladin (