Starship Rainbow DK
- Last updated Nov 24, 2024 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
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- 23 Minions
- 7 Spells
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Rainbow DK
- Crafting Cost: 15480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/25/2024 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs - Radiant Elemental)
- Krewcify233
- Registered User
- 4
- 40
- 34
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(Thread of despairs got nerf to 3 mana so now regular rainbow dk gets even more dumped on and blizzard now encourage to play even more reno rainbow dk since rainbow dk will be very limited on aoe beside miraculously discover an AOE , so yea best option is to fight even more for board now and be protected with taunts on this deck ive puted crystal welder cause i didn't find better on turn 3 cause 2/2 rush get 1/1 isn't rely reliable since it's synergies with nothing like no Eliza or way to give it reborn or location who deal damages,there was some good ups but yea for people like me who enjoy the pure and enjoyable rainbow dk im really sad,it's the best i can build i will changed it and update depends on my games and the deck might need Yogg-saron since it's a more based minion deck i will see. )