Greedy Big Druid
- Last updated Sep 13, 2024 (Perils in Paradise Mini Set)
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- 14 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Big Druid
- Crafting Cost: 15960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/13/2024 (Perils in Paradise Mini Set)
- Dalaman_Mage
- Registered User
- 5
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Very highrolly deck I used to get to legend. 67% WR from rank 5. Honestly doesn't feel unfair in this monstrosity of a meta. Easy to get steamrolled by aggro. Pretty good against Big Spell Mage though. Feels nice to play an early Dungar with Trail Mix and Innervate.
Switch Assemblybot for Therazane to pump up your elementals. Works great
lol, this deck is pure trash in this meta. By turn 4 the match is over. Typical mana cost cards in my hand on turn 3: 7,10,2,9,10. By the time I have playable cards they have a full board and I’m at 3 health. This deck has almost zero removal and control opponents that let you ramp are just sitting on mountains of removal to handle anything you drop because it’s turn 7 and you haven’t played a single minion. This isn’t greedy it’s just stupid. I’m not a great player but I’m good enough to see this deck gives no agency to counter your opponents in a timely manner. Thus, it doesn’t even feel fun to play like say an elemental deck does. Sure, you’re gonna lose but it’s fun until the end because you actually have things to do.
Sure if you can’t pump up your manna fast you will probaly lose. But whats the fun of playing a ultra fast Brainless metadeck to kill your opponent on turn 4?
I really appreciate your idea & deck. Thanks again. PLEASE keep on building out-of-the box decks, Dalaman_Mage ! you got that talent!
After about 10 days' with some modifications as I don't have all the orginal cards - it works great! I don't play too much, but it really gives 50-60% wr. maybe more. At least till gold level. I will keep going with this deck next month.
I did a wild variation. Works like a charm. but i think it (my wild version) needs improvement, some healing (and my concentration to focus in play only...) . Now it's more like patch work. I'll post it here next month, if you want. Just imagine the fun of Mo'arg Forgefiend and Carnivorous Cubicle . Still wonder about Guff which works or not... as the maestro may appear very late and too late. Yet I won games without its push of mana.
Thank you for having Ragnaros, bouldering buddy and amplified elekk. Other big druid decks lack the huge minions, playing gloomstone guardian a 6/8 minion too small.
Nice deck, thank you!
Looks interesting. Will try it soon.
will Wildheart Guff be good, maybe replacing one innervate? or Poioson Seeds as defence till the show starts?
Oooops... before the comment above i didn't see it was standard