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  • Last updated Aug 19, 2024 (Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/6/2024 (Perils in Paradise)
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Hello everyone,

EDIT : i climbed legend with this deck so i add the 4 cards i changed in this section for people who had copied the old version. I removed Acolyte of Pain x2 and Digging Straight Down x2 to add Mixologist x2, Dehydrate x1 and Malted Magma x1. I think Mixologist was THE change to do and i wonder why i forget him so many time. The potion can only be amazing (draw, board clean, summon dead minion). The only difficulty is to keep 9 cards in hands while you do not have Incindius and Shudderblock


Goal :

draw fast, you need to have no more cards in your deck to put Incindius with triple battle cry (Shudderblock), then any drawn at the end of the turn (Needlerock Totem or Gold Panner). This combo make 30 damages at the end of the turn.

If you want to make 60 damages, just add double Novice Zapper.


Weak against :

  • Pest DK (if they exist anymore but they don't. If you met Helya, try to put Incendius without deck empty but you have like 30 % winrate if you met her)
  • Warriors : if you met Boomboss Tho'grun, you loose or if Hamm, the Hungry destroy Incindius or Shudderblock
  • Dirty Rat could be end of game (but i don't see him a lot right now)
  • Big creature are difficult to manage so mid range Paladin is very hard too
  • DK because of hacked Horizon's Edge (btw wtf is this card, 15 damages for 4 cost ?! Blizzard pleaaaase)

Strong against :

Honnetsly, good deck against controls (we are faster) and aggressive decks (so much removal)

I think i had 80 or 90 % winrate against elemental mage, 60 % against elemental rogue

Very powerfull in fact i am going to climb legend with this one

EDIT : Yep, i did it


Tips :

  • The most important thing for the combo is this following : End of the turn effect happens not from left to right like in battleground, it happens depending who was first, so put Incindius BEFORE Needlerock Totem or Gold Panner
  • If you want to draw faster, you can use the triple battlecry effect with Cactus Cutter or Flowrider, if you do this you need to prepare your tripple battclecry later on Incindius anyway. Honnestly, i do this sometime
  • Trusty Companion is usefull on elemental (3 in the deck), murlocs (2), Naga (2), Totem (2)
  • If you have double Novice Zapper + spell damage totem + Bloodmage Thalnos, the combo could do 90 damages in theory. Never happens but we can dream
  • You can overdraw if you already have Incindius and Shudderblock

EDIT : Sometimes, grinding the ladder to legend, i have played Incindius turn 6 without Shudderblock and try to kill fast with spells. Depends what you are struggling with i guess

 If you want make some changes :

  • I tried a lot of things but this one is the most efficient to draw and control
  • The following cards could be not bad : Caricature Artist (i tried it, too expensive i think), Far Sight (never tried, i think it's not good), Malted Magma (i just removed it because we need to remove a lot of cards and this one has 3 uses but it is good) (EDIT : well this one is good even if it stacks in your hand i think)



Enjoy this OTK, the deck is very strong right now if you understood how to take the board and draw. I have 60 to 70 % winrate right now

Btw there is an OTK deck Rogue with Incindius too, i'll share it on demand, it is less good obviously

