Tourist Aggro Priest
- Last updated Aug 22, 2024 (Battlegrounds Season 8)
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- 24 Minions
- 5 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Priest Tourist
- Crafting Cost: 11160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/5/2024 (Perils in Paradise)
- GreyMouser
- Registered User
- 3
- 11
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Total Deck Rating
Pretty successful deck got to top 100 legend for the first time with it
Mulligan for brain masseuse, clergy , weapon or Gorgonzormu
Main gameplan is to make a huge early game board from weapon and priest overheal stuff, finish your opponent using acupunctures + parrots.
If the game gets longer remember you can duplicate/repeat the 1 mana cards generated by Griftah or Grub
UPDATE: Finding lots of Shaman in ladder , added 2 holy novas and working well, just be careful with 20 damage hits from titan on masseuse
UPDATE 2: Some adaptations to new meta
-1 nova -1 fan club -1 lightspawn + 1 Shadow ascendant + 1 grub + Salesman
UPDATE 3: Mixologist actually seems to work pretty well most of the time I'm getting the +2 hp one
-1 grub -1 Synchronize + 2 Mixologist
UPDATE 4: Griftah not really performing well , I feel that most of the choices are defensive only the + 3 cards sems to be always good but the other ones also help my opponent. Tested Birdwatching and its never dead on hand , buff is rellevant on this deck.
- 1 Griftah + 1 Birdwatching.
UPDATE 5: Some more changes, mainly changed Ascendants for Geodes and added fan club, Geode is much better in the freeze DK matchup.
Metagame is better than last week, most DKs are now 2 frost 1 unholy, so no threads of despair, keeping a 63% Winrate in top 100 legend
Currently 3-0 so far in Legend 23k. Plan on taking it as far as I can before next reset. Loving the deck. Thank you so much for posting this!
Loses to practically any deck that plays cards. Pain lock, paladin and Dk to name a few. You call it an aggro deck but overheal is a horrible mechanic that eats cards and dont get much for it
that's a lie, i literally climbed from bronze 20 to legendary with it, what about learning to play with it and do 50 games before coming with hate? This is just from today, after i applied his latest changes yesterday
Yet everyone posting here is getting a 70%+ winrate hmmm
I'm Speechless, thank you so SO much, first time in 6 years
Congrats! :-)
After 100 games, i'd say worst matchup is paladin and druid as they put divine shield + taunts and druid has bigger monsters to output ours, i ended up doing 76-24 (76% Winrate) but i may have done some mistake at the start so in reality would be like 80-20, here's is the detailed stats.
This was made by climbing ranks i started at Bronze 20 and now i am at Platinum 7
The only change i'd do is probably in the mulligan, if you have 4 cards at start i always keep Gorgonzormu as it's a extremely powerfull card in our gameplay, some cases is safe to save a Mixologist too if you feel like it
Ignore the name, i thought about using Madame Lazul for Griftah, Trusted Vendor at first but the creator acknowledged that a Birdwatching was a better option and he was probably right.
Reached Diamond 10 /105-42 (71%)
Diamond 5 121-51 (70%)
I'm surprised to see griftah cut, I have an extra 4 wins against control decks from duplicating the 1 mana deal 6 amulet with Pip and a few Acupunctures or 1 mana deal 3 damage potions to burst them from ~20 HP. The draw 3 amulet is great for refueling and the opp's is nearly useless (draw 3 discard 2). Heal 12 can actually buy you an extra turn in the aggro mirror too, as their amulet only heals 6. If you low roll, you summon a free 4 cost with taunt and use it for tempo. Seems like a great card! I won't be cutting my copy
I only played the latest version of the deck but I might just cut Aman'Thul for Griftah, as I haven't played that card once.
The point is that with 7 choices you have less than 50% to get the correct one, you get an ok card but your opponent gets one too and he didn't have to play a vanilla 4/5
The 6 damage one is only good on your last turn as you give your opponent a 1 mana card that kills your best minion
The 4 hp minion you give basically the same to your opponent.
The -1 cost can cost you the game as your opponent gets to play a discounted turn first , also you can't duplicate your 1 cost cards anymore.
The draw 3 is the only that is generally good but you give your opponent a draw one, so overall is a draw 2, Grub is similar and more consistent.
The mind control one is good occasionally, but again less than 50% to get it, your opponent can keep his one in hand so no Aman'Thul for you.
Maybe that depends on the meta you are finding , in my case I'm moving forward an backward from 50 - 100 rank, so games are very close (specially against DK) and a card that is not useful on the right moment can cost you the game.
By the way about Aman'Thul , I was also considering cutting it , as you comment it's dead for many turns and if things go well you don't have time to use it, however there are some games that don't go so well when he sometimes saves me so not sure.
It took me only 2 games with this deck for someone to add me to rage about losing, love the deck nice one
What is this, suicide priest? Why would you put the worst 1 drops in the game in there (deal damage to your hero) when it revolves around 1 drops? Not to mention giving your enemy priority on healing and zero healing cards yourself when you take like 5 damage per your own turn
Just try it, early board advantage is extremely important in this deck , and masseuse survives trading with all 1 drops and some 2 drops, and if you check there's actually some healing in hidden gem which also happens to heal it back.
This is an aggro deck where you live total is barely relevant on 80% of matchup's, if you opponent gets control of the board and you can't kill him from hand you are mostly done no matter if you have 12 or 30 life.
what can i trade for Griftah, Trusted Vendor? The only one i'm missing
Maybe Madame Lazul ? Closest i could find
That's a hard one to replace, cause it gives you the 6 damage card, which is kind of a big deal.
If you really like playing this deck, it's worth it thinking about crafting the card. Especially as it's a non-class card. So you can play it in any kind of deck.
Actually in latest version I'm using Birdwatching instead of Griftah, sometimes was good but is not consistent at all
awesome, ill look into it then, thanks
so far 38-6 with birdwatching ,i'd say it works pretty good, but i'm climbing the ladder so, got from bronze 20 to gold 10 today