- Last updated Aug 8, 2024 (Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
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- 20 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 8700
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/31/2024 (Perils in Paradise)
- AndyG
- Registered User
- 1
- 7
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Total Deck Rating
Hunter is supposed to be the worst class but this deck had a sick run up to legend.
R.C. Rampage & Saddle Up are such underrated cards. Other aggro decks have obvious advantages but these cards are unique to Hunter.
Nearly every card generates or draws a card, which is the reasoning for the specific 1 cost cards it runs. You'll usually have a full hand.
Always fish for a 1 drop as most of the 2 drops are slow/support.
Keep a 2 drop if you already have a 1 and it is obvious synergy (buzzard with awakening tremors/patchwork pals etc)
Keep Cheese Dragon on the coin
Keep R.C. Rampage on the coin or in a slower match up.
Mixologist: fishing for 2 health to all minions. Then summon a minion as next best.
A.F. Kay is fun and good in some match ups. Trading off minions with Saddle Up then dropping her is pretty good.
Play aggressively. Most games are decided early.
Made it to legend!
Maybe bc they know you have a cheese in hand? A. F. Kay into Ball of Spiders or R.C. Rampage... this is just evil. :-)
Reminds me of the good old Shu'ma deck.
Patchwork Pals and Jungle Gym are mainly used for taunt removal, aren't they? Seems like Shamans Meltemental and Druids Desert Nestmatron are your biggest enemies.
Thanks mate! I've made a few changes since then and on my way back to legend this season. Will let you know if I get there.
Confirmed legend today.
Congrats! I'll try this deck later, when I'm tired of my big paladin deck :-D
Awesome! :)