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[Legend] Tourist priest control 69%WR

  • Last updated Aug 4, 2024 (Perils in Paradise)
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  • 11 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Priest Tourist
  • Crafting Cost: 11280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/28/2024 (Perils in Paradise)
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Here's my priest deck i climbed legend with :)

EDIT : card changes added at the end of the guide 

Goal of the deck :

1) Get the board clear in early game with Injured Hauler 

2) From turn 7 (or 6 with coin) Put an Aman'Thul on the board every turn and win the game.

New extension brought priest this delicious card : Rest in Peace allowing us to get a cheap Aman'Thul for 3 mana, and get rid of these annoying Zilliax ! 
The cool thing is that Aman'Thul can delete 2 minions  so the tempo is big.

Main strategy :

Birdwatching , Creation Protocol + the mulligan will gives high chances to get Injured Hauler early in the game, and keep the board clear until the mid game.

Once you are ahead in tempo, you can start searching for Aman'Thul copies with Creation Protocol then basically spam it every turn, bringing it back with Rest in PeaceSasquawk and Power Chord: Synchronize .
The value generated from this generally gives the win, but if needed,  Heartbreaker Hedanis will help finding a fast lethal, which can be needed in some matchups.

Mulligan :

Vs aggro/board centric matchups

Injured Hauler is the absolute priority so if you don't get it,
mulligan all your hand for it or for Birdwatching ,
if you already have it, then mulligan for Flash HealFan ClubHidden Gem , basically every healing effect card.
The ideal setup is : 
T1 : Fan Club
T2 : Hidden Gem
T3 : coin + Injured HaulerFlash Heal

You will not always have the best scenario, so just try to survive with what you got.

Important note:  

Rest in Peace is mainly used to bring back Aman'Thul but vs aggro you can be forced to use it on Injured Hauler , the cool thing is that it will bring him back with full life, so you'll need less heal to proc his boardclear :) 

_ only Flash Heal and Holy Springwater will overheal directly the Injured Hauler. Count wisely your heal to stay thrifty with your ressources.

_ Funnel Cake can be used on full life enemy minions, allowing you for example to T3 : coin + Injured HaulerFunnel Cake on 3 enemy minions that gives you 3 more mana to overheal your Injured Hauler

Hidden Gem is very precious vs aggro, generally it's way better to keep it stealth but you can be forced to value trade with in delicate situation, you can even consider buffing it with Power Chord: Synchronize depending on the game.
You should not have enough time to play Love Everlasting or to forge the Creation Protocol, just use it to get the minion that can let you alive,
don't try to get big value plays vs aggro, just try to survive.

Vs control : 

Creation ProtocolThrive in the ShadowsPower Chord: Synchronize  (to steal key cards in certain matchups)
Love Everlasting is cool too, but don't play it if you're not sure to keep it active with enough spells. 

Also, don't play Crimson Clergy too early, make sure to get value from it with multiples heals. The faster you draw all your deck, the faster you can finish the opponent with Heartbreaker Hedanis

You will have space to make slow plays, so try to get some big value as soon as possible.

General Tips : 

_ Keep in mind that Rest in Peace brings back your highest cost minion, so be carefull when you play a 7mana+ minion generated by Aman'Thul as it will ruin your Rest in Peace . Also, since they have the same mana cost, Rest in Peace can sadly bring back an useless Sasquawk when you expect an Amanthul, (i'm not sure but i think it's a 50/50 chance) so play the cards in the right order if possible.

_ Sometimes you can copy Heartbreaker Hedanis with your Aman'Thul to find lethal. Be sure to fully heal the first one, THEN copy it, and play as much as you can multiple target heals ( Funnel CakeHidden GemFan Club for a big burst 

_ If needed, Rest in PeaceSasquawk played in the same turn can bring you 2 Aman'thul  


Card changes 

Since control warrior is a problem, even more in Diamond 5+ ,  i tried a different version to have a better chance to beat them;
- 2 Thrive in the Shadows
Narain Soothfancy

Puppetmaster Dorian
+ 2 Pendant of Earth
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed

Now it is possible to draw a key minion from the deck earlier in the game, with a 1 mana cost.
Ideal setup is T3 Love Everlasting
T4 : Puppetmaster DorianBirdwatching into Yogg or Amanthul

This version seems good in general but you can keep the original one. 
Also, you can replace the cut cards by something else depending on what you face the most, as it doesn't change the core deck. 
Here are some good cards fitting the deck : 
Ignis, the Eternal Flame
Holy Nova
E.T.C., Band Manager with Speaker Stomper (for Mage druid matchup), Tidepool PupilDirty Rat


deck is fun and kinda strong but games can be very tricky. If you enjoy this kind of control priest, give a try, have fun, and leave a comment :)
I'll make a matchup guide if upvotes