New Hero Power Druid!
- Last updated Apr 30, 2024 (AoE and Highlander Changes)
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- 14 Minions
- 14 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Hero Power Druid
- Crafting Cost: 5040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/1/2024 (AoE and Highlander Changes)
- FunkiMonki
- Registered User
- 8
- 17
- 46
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Hey everyone! My name is Funki Monki and I build and refine new off meta decks every day to break the meta and promised to NEVER to netdeck to give you guys tons of variety and the coolest decks! I hope you enjoy this fun new off meta deck!
A lot of work goes into building & refining each deck so if you enjoy this deck, don't forget to upvote it! :)
I post all my off meta decks on YouTube -> Click Here
And stream all new decks on Twitch -> Click Here
This deck is alot of fun. I found not using the Celestial Projectionist at all. I replaced them with Free Spirit and my survival and win rate increased. If my peacful piper isn't getting the cats, I am getting the free spirits, and have the armor for my enemy to chip away at instead of my health.
I also replaced Bloodmage Thalnos with Trogg Gemtosser. Just that extra board clear along with the 4 swipes is useful.
I have ran into a few taunts, and managed quite well. I think Shaman is my bane lol. I lost twice on turn six against different decks.
it will be cc if you meet a taunt
Despite your lack of constructivism you actually have a point. I've played against hero power druid a couple of times and all you need to do is put up taunts and he can't win. If you don't have taunts it's another story.
Nice meme deck, that said it’s mostly trash
Embrace of Nature is also nice for pixie as for piper
Good job :)