Cow Cleave (D5-Legend, 72% WR*)
- Last updated Feb 8, 2024 (Druid, Rogue & Paladin Balance Changes)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 7560
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/4/2024 (Druid, Rogue & Paladin Balance Changes)
- Gnorf
- Registered User
- 3
- 17
- 31
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
[Update: Check comments for stats! Gameplay video below!]
[Further update: You guys are brilliant; the deck is now showing up at HSReplay with a win rate of 66%. In fact, when I sort by WR, it's on top! Not too shabby. :-) ]
My legend deck for February 2024. I've been playing a lot of Cleave Hunter, but was really struggling with the usual list in the current meta, so I started trying all kinds of wild things to improve my result, and this is where I ended up.
The first unusual pick or the deck is Bovine Skeleton. Skeleton is just a strong early game play that can give your opponent fits trying to remove, especially when you weave Thornmantle Musicians inbetween. If it goes well, Skeleton will get multiple attacks at the opponent's face, while the opponent trades multiple minions into it.
The deck doesn't go super-hard into Skeleton synergy, so there's only one copy each of Bunch of Bananas and Camouflage Mount. That makes room for two Titanforged Traps, the second unusual pick for the deck. It's a utility card that I added because depending on the situation match-up, different secrets may be game-making.
For example, vs Odyn Warrior, you want Wandering Monsters. Against paladins, you may want Explosive Trap or ZOMBEEEES!!!. Bait and Switch with Skeleton or Twisted Frostwing on board. Emergency Maneuvers with any decent deathrattle on board. If you need a little more reach, Motion Denied, fool!
Mulligan for Musician, Selective Breeder, and Messenger Buzzard. If you have Musician, keep Skeleton. Buzzard on 3 into Yelling Yodeler on 4 is one of the more powerful plays, if you're not under pressure. Yodeler into any large deathrattle can make a very threatening board. And then there's the classic finisher with any combination of Stonebound Gargon, Hollow Hound, Absorbent Parasite and Always a Bigger Jormungar.
Anyway, I see so few hunters on ladder, this is my suggestion to those of you who enjoy playing the class. If you improve the deck, please share your changes and experience here. Thanks, and GLHF.
Here are a few games, including cow highlights, from the run I described in the comments:
Thank you all for your comments; they mean more than you might think. I play a lot of off-meta jank, and my preferred play style tends toward control and combo, but always hunter. So when I have fun, and sometimes success, with a deck, enough to share it, my hope is that you also have fun, and success. And I've been super happy to think that together we've made cleave hunter just a tiny a bit more meta at the tail end of the expansion.
Thanks for sharing. I tried it but I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
This is my version of a deck that I got back to back legend with in Feb/March if you're interested:
Some of your explanations helped my thought process with cards.
Easy late legend climb last month with this gem of a deck.
Very fun to play with lots of decisions and varying long term game plans.
All around great matchups but the win rate is surely inflated because no one knows what they are playing against.
Basically nobody expects a bigger Jormungar.
Bovine skeleton was my absolute favorit, closely followed by absorbant parasite.
Thank you so much, I had a lot of fun with this deck, from Bronze to D5 and I think I can even go higher
So far
130 Wins
70 Loses
Good deck. It struggles against paladin and warlock but it destroy warrior and death knight.
Instead of Nathanos (i don't have it and don't want to craft it) i took Stereo Totem and then changed it for Coroner (i'm thinking bringing a second one instead of Camouflage Mount to see if it change anything for paladin matchup).
I have played it from gold to legend (EU) with a 65% winrate (46-25).
(0-0 vs priest and shaman ^^)
For me, good deck, but not great. At lower Diamond, it's exactly a 50% win rate for me in 20 games, maybe because nearly anything gets played at this level. Of course, I've never been to Legend and therefore according to Hearthpwn I am no good, so flame away.
I hit legend any month I dedicate enough time to it (I always hit at least D3), and now that the deck is a known entity on HSreplay, its stats are way, way down. You are right; it isn't that good. It's at 56% even at bronze through gold, which is really bad because the best decks at those ranks have like 60-70% win ratings. It is proving ineffective to climb in D4-D1 so I'm dropping it. Wanted to give it a run because it seems fun. But losing half my games is no way to hit legend. It had its meta breaking moment when no one knew what to expect. That moment has passed.
I love this deck, thank you for posting it!
Only big issue is that I'm struggling a lot against paladins, current record is 0-5... Any suggestions on potential changes to improve this matchup?
Thank you!
Good job :)
Some results from a play session in legend, where I climbed from rank 953 to 607 in 25 games over about 3 hours. I went 18 and 7 for a 72% win rate. I'll post video of a highlight game or two, later. I wouldn't call this a statistically relevant sample, and a few of my opponents misplayed, but it looks like the deck is competitive against the current meta at this rank, and favored vs the most popular class (multiple archetypes), warrior.