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Renathal Arcane Hunter (D5-Legend)

  • Last updated Feb 2, 2024 (Druid, Rogue & Paladin Balance Changes)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 22 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Arcane Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 12040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/2/2024 (Druid, Rogue & Paladin Balance Changes)
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This is kind of a weird one...But it seems to win games quite often. Being a Prince Renathal deck, it suffers a bit from inconsistency, but with a 40 card limit, you'll manage to put in almost every card that's being used in Arcane Hunter decks these days. It turned out pretty good and actually feels great to play. Since you have more options, you have several ways to eek out a win with cards like Collateral Damage, Raj Naz'jan and Queen Azshara. This deck is pretty much a mash up of two other decks I've uploaded here on Hearthpwn:



There are a couple of differences however, one being the no-so-often-seen Crushclaw Enforcer. This has really turned out to be a great addition, since it will draw you either one of the Twinbow Terrorcoil cards, Queen Azshara or Raj Naz'jan. Other cards I played around with was Elemental Companion and Mantle Shaper, but this fit the deck curve perfectly and has worked out really nicely. This deck also runs one copy of the Rustrot Viper since it is just a great tech card against Warriors as well as a solid card cycler.

In every other way it pretty much plays as the standard Arcane Hunter decks. You want to get Halduron Brightwing out as soon as possible, flood the board with Bursting Jormungar in the early game and use the cheap spells to clear the board so you can go face with Ancient Krakenbane, Taeshalach and powered up spells. Starshooter helps with both board control and face damage as well as activating the Krakenbanes. A forged Titanforged Traps is of course also always welcome early on.

I'm still on the fence about the Twinbow Terrorcoil. Sometimes it wins me games, sometimes it just sits there in my hand, staring at me...Still, with the Naga/Arcane synergy it works out nicely most of the time. Since this deck has more minions than most Arcane Hunters, the 4/4 body is also sometimes quite good to have and trades favorably in many situations.

One of the two "combos" that is important to keep in mind with this deck is the Urchin Spines together with either Ricochet Shot or Star Power for a nice board clear in many situations. The other one is of course the Raj Naz'jan and Collateral Damage combo, which will surprise many opponents and push for the last bit of health.

Again, I don't feel like this is as strong as the "regular" and more tight Arcane Hunter (mainly because of inconsistency), but it gives you a bit more options, some added health and a fairly dynamic and very fun deck to play.


 Footnote: Look at that beautiful, beautiful deck curve...