Therazane's EXTRA Large Druid
- Last updated Jan 26, 2024 (Delve into Deepholm)
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- 10 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Druid
- Crafting Cost: 8760
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/26/2024 (Delve into Deepholm)

- OnlyWebz
- Registered User
- 1
- 5
- 15
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Sorry, but I'm with the masses on this one... quirky fun decks can be fun... but they've got to stand a reasonable chance of going off.
The current meta is simply too insanely fast for this deck to go off on anything but a perfect draw against an untalented or supremely unlucky opponent.
dont be try this deck to the top ...
i downgrade to diamond 1 to 3 thnx this deck creator...
its guarentee to loose
Terrible deck. If it works once in 6 games consider yourself lucky.
I was able to pull off atleast 200+ stat minions about every other game when playing it. However I completely understand its wasnt the best deck in the world i even point that out in the video BUT it did do what i wanted to do which was make HUGE minions with Therazane.
Tried it and had a blast thx!
glad u've enjoyed it!
100% lossrate deck... the time you are setup you are dead... plain and simple
I mean with druid being druid this definitely wasnt the best combo to try do but atleast it was unique. Showcasing the absolute insane of Therazane stacking so in my books it was 1000% worth it
Holy shit ! I thought it was BG minions ! I’ll give a try on this one ☝️ thx for sharing
It definitely was fun tho it lost some surviviblity in the balance patch :/ Either was glad to showcase the insanity of it