Cho"gall Renowarlock (Effective and unexpected)
- Last updated Jan 21, 2024 (Delve into Deepholm)
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- 28 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Highlander Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 29380
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/14/2024 (Winter Veil Buffs & Nerfs)
- ferternTrue
- Registered User
- 5
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[UPD. 21.01.2024] Thanks to everyone for the AMAZING feedback and upvotes! As promised, I'm adding new features to this guide. (Mulligan, Cho"Gall features, Winrate history)
1. Versus druid / paladin / hunter / demon hunter - always keep cheap spells and starter minions like Hellfire or Thornveil Tentacle. Even if that will be a Dragon Druid or Erthen Paladin, that will help you survive early aggresion.
(DO NOT keep Astalor Bloodsworn in starter hand, that never a good idea)
2. Versus Death Knight - ALWAYS keep E.T.C., Band Manager. In half (or even more) scenarios that will be Plague DK, so you need Steamcleaner from E.T.C to active Reno, Lone Ranger. But do not play Steamcleaner until you know that you will play Reno, Lone Ranger in next turn or you are low HP, because Plague DK can spam more plagues after Steamcleaner is on board
3. Versus Warrior, Priest, Shaman, Warlock - always keep Pozzik, Audio Engineer, Cyclopian Crusher and early minions. If thats a warrior, also keep Symphony of Sins and try to burn his core cards.
4. Versus mage, rogue - early minison and spells, but keep in mind that Hellfire will not help you agains rogue's Scourge Illusionist
The Cho'gall Anomalies
Embrace chaos! Warlock can outplay a lot of anomalies and win the worth matchups. But they can also help opponent aswell...
Full description of EVERY anomaly you can find here, but here is my tierlist:
1. S TIER. (Best one, if you get it - game will be much easier) - Opportunity Knocks, Shifting Fate, Severed Souls, Control the Makers, Driven to Greed, Uncontrollable Growth, Fast Track, Spread of Corruption.
A little about the most cool scenarios:
Driven to Greed - try to collect at least 3 coins, that will give you a chance to play Sargeras, the Destroyer or Reno, Lone Ranger much earlier and end the game on 5-6 turn
Fast Track, Spread of Corruption, Uncontrollable Growth - helps you play some core cards early
Opportunity Knocks, Shifting Fate, Severed Souls,Control the Makers - great buff for our deck, and can help with early aggression / give us second chance /
2. A TIER (Absolute random and chaotic. Thats fun, but success in not in your hands ) - Approaching Nightmare, Shifting Futures, Seeing Double, Unimaginable Horrors
Approaching Nightmare - EMBRACE THE GOD OF RANDOM!
Shifting Futures - do not be afraid to play cheap minions from Zerus versus agro. Also, if you see that minion will fit by mana - play it, because you never know when you will have "perfect" one.
Seeing Double, Unimaginable Horrors - can do nothing important or break the game. (For you or your opponent)
3. B TIER (Helps you, but help you opponent even more) - Light in the Dark, Gift of Gluttony, Surging Inspiration, Driven to Excess, Army of the Corrupted
Your hero ablity - is your advantage agains other decks. But when you opponent gains more cards (Driven to Excess, Gift of Gluttony) - you will be equal and loose your advantage.
4. C TIER (Useless for you, very useful for you opponent) - Fortifications
5. 40 minutes game TIER (agains Blood Reno DK) - Twist Reality. Oh God, that will be an infinite game for you. If you are playing against any control deck without an OTK (like Warrior with Odyn, Prime Designate), you will face the eternity.
6. Feel like millionaire TIER (THE most OP anomaly) - Your Eyes Betray You
Also you can place here an additional Defile or Hellfire
E.T.C., Band Manager Siderboard:
# 1x (1) Chaotic Consumption
# 1x (5) Steamcleaner
# 1x (8) Twisting Nether
1. Versus agro - deck includes 5 the most powerful clears in the game, here is priority:
Reno, Lone Ranger > Sargeras, the Destroyer > Twisting Nether (from E.T.C.) > Gigafin > Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
Also, you have small clears for early and mid-game:
Defile > Hellfire > Opera Soloist
And remember, you can discover more spells from Mechagnome Guide
2. Versus control / OTK - Play Pozzik, Audio Engineer when opponent have 8 cards to burn core card, be carefull with Theotar, the Mad Duke and burn deck with Symphony of Sins. Also, try to play Sargeras, the Destroyer AFTER enemy Reno, Lone Ranger.
1. Steamcleaner can destroy your Symphony of Sins shuffeled spells.
2. DO NOT recruit Sargeras, the Destroyer from your deck, because his portal spawns only from his Battlecry
3. Sargeras, the Destroyer will not destroy minisions, so he will not trigger they deathrattles
4. Gigafin is very uneffective agains mages and druids (Spells and Spinetail Drake), so check clear priorities
5. Yoggie cards (Yogg-Saron, Unleashed, Prison of Yogg-Saron) can break you deck by The Fires of Zin-Azshari so play them only when it really needs. (Clear board, clear minion, lethal on opponent)
Thats pricy deck, but no worries if you didn't have some legendaries. The core idea of this deck - being a multitool deck with option to draw additional card every turn. Some ideas to replacements (thanks Lesku for ideas ):
+ Elementium Geode - good starter minion with additional draw
+ Twisting Nether - replacement for a core card
+ Gloomstone Guardian - interesting alternative of Imposing Anubisath
+ Flint Firearm - random cards guy, but especially good with some anomalies
+ Lord Jaraxxus - like in good old days
Enjoy, this deck is remind me good old renowarlock from 2017)
Thanks everyone for you feedback!)
2-7, this deck sucks
New meta and rainbow deathknight makes it harder to win. But some matchups still good, deck just need some updates after two game patches
Fun deck highly enjoying it!!!!
With the mini set released i've made the following changes
- Imposing Anubisath
- Greedy Partner
- Thornveil tentacle
+ Elementium Geode
+ Flint Firearm
+ Gloomstone guardian
Thoughts ? :D
Looks good! Will add possible card changes in next guide update)
Hello fun deck! Do you got replacements for tram conductor ?
Flint Firearm, Twisting Nether
Hello, usually I'm too lazy to write comments, but this deck looks so good and fun!
Can't wait to hear your Cho'gall tricks, since I've been wanting to craft him for so long to just mess around with xl reno decks, like Warrior, Priest, DK and now Warlock.
Also I'm a consistent 11 stars legend player, but never heard/thought about concept of clear priority. This is HUGE. I've been using it intuitively, so having a term for it will help to make my decisions even better.
So thanks and GG!
Thank you)
I updated the guide, so now you can check Cho'Gall tricks
Good deck! Very versatile
I was thinking a bounce card could come in handy with so many good candidate minions to bounce (astalor, the snake etc). Maybe swap one for the Crusher?
Hello! Thanks for your feedback :)
Bounce is interesting idea, but for most of cases you will be not able to play it. I love to use Zola Gorgona or Saloon Brewmaster in Wild Renolock (and can play few original Reno), but for Standard meta is too slow
And don't underestimate Cyclopian Crusher, this guy has a very good synergy with Forge of Wills and can help with Ignis, if other two forge cards are still in the deck)