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  • Last updated Jan 25, 2025 (The Great Dark Beyond Launch)
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  • 29 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Highlander Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 38280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/11/2023 (Patch 28.2 & Season 6)
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1.25.25 UPDATE: Revolve for ZERGS and STARSHIP PIECES

Considering removing Farseer Nobundo.

Reno and Jim make good friends.

Hello! I've been playing Hearthstone since Goblins and Gnomes. When the Witchwood brought us Shudderwock, I realized that while it brought us infinity, it also gave us the Unicorn. With the rise of Even Shaman, AOE became the dominant answer. I finally reached legend in November 2023, and I'm polishing to see how far I can go with a Highlander Shaman that uses Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, does not go for infinite Shudderwocks, and does not play a certain slate of Battlecry-related minions.

Please note that this deck is designed for those who understand the game, who aren't just playing to ladder, and that there are two key phases: (1) Surviving turns 1-5 with finessing card draw, trades, Sphere, and AOE; and (2) Teaching your opponent.

Considering removing Corrupt the Waters as it interferes with proper use of Hagatha and Reno's hero powers. If you play it, try not choosing it in mulligan. But it gets tricky maneuvering when you complete the quest, and ultimately, choose which of the three powers you want for endgame.


Revolve for Shadowpriest and Buffadins - but weak and risky against control decks.

Hallazeal the Ascended - At best, an AOE + massive heal for 1 turn, given its cost - but unless saved for additional spells dealing damage from Bewitch, can really only be used with Lightning Storm, Elemental Destruction, and Volcano, 2 of which might kill it. Going by this deck's philosophy of if it can be played that turn mana-wise, playing it can be good, ultimately doesn't make the cut.

Pro Gamer - Wonderful, just so entertaining with Shudderblock, can of course be replayed by Shudderwock (where you don't even know what you threw), and while at the time of this comment the RPS meta seems to be veering towards paper, because of its uncertainty, was ultimately removed. BUT, with Shudderblock can be great if you're great at RPS for milling your opponent, especially as you can throw three times in a row, having to anticipate what their throws are. It's brilliant. One of my favorite cards, but alas.

Cards I Don't Include because they take away from a pure Hearthstone experience (in my opinion)

Astalor Bloodsworn - too many games are won by this card. So I don't play it.

Boompistol Bully


Toxfin + Firemancer Flurgl

Lor'themar Theron

Any cards that lead to infinite Shudderwock.



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Will update next time I reach Legend.

Even Totem Shaman

Run draw and play 3 turns ahead for Devolve, Revolve, Lightning Storm, etc. Let them fill their board with base Totems and WAIT until you can kill em all. Totem bots also generally always go face, which means they leave Needlerock Totem unabashedly generating value...

Jade/Mill Druid

See above; run draw, trade, and supremely time Sir Finley, Sea Guide so that the 1 card that wins you the game, Skulking Geist, can be achieved, but ideally after they've played Jade Idol from their ETC. This is the only surefire way to beat these annoying

Dragon Druid

Difficult. Sometimes they have two dragon's nests, which means they burn. Ultimately use Steamcleaner from ETC if they play Kazakusan. Think every turn, plan turns ahead. Nerfed Reno can't remove the nest but ideally go for Shudderblock into Lor'themar.

Pirate Rogue / Pirate DH

Attack On Everything

Odyn Warrior

Always watch your health, because there's a limited max armor they can attack with on a single turn. Draw, trade, Finley for precluding Odyn from battlecrying. Play N'Zoth, the Corruptor after Blightblood Berserker has died.

Shadow Priest

Devolve and Revolve against Voidtouched Attendant so that they can't get it back with Raise Dead. Control otherwise with AOE and healing ft. the 4-cost Volcano.

Demon Seed

Still haven't figured out a way to tech, other than using similar tactics against Shadow Priest for Crystallizer, and not playing/summoning any minions on your end so that they burn and (hopefully) they don't play Blightborn Tamsin the turn they get her, so that you can steal her with Theotar, the Mad Duke, etc. There's a certain way to play against Demon Seed such that, by not doing much, you encourage them to expedite the quest, such that they complete it but not play Tamsin on the same turn - that's how you take it from them.

Highlander Shaman (the traditional version, not mine)


Exodia Priest

Sphere of Sapience, draw and trades for Shudderblock with Dirty Rat, Mutanus, or Theotar, or Steamcleaner for after they put Exodia into their deck.

Big Shaman

ETC into Soul Seeker wins you the game. Plague of Murlocs otherwise.

Big Priest

A bit harder as they can resurrect, but that also means if you Plague of Murloc them, they'll summon Murlocs. Their only real way to counter this is Psychic Scream.

OTK Paladin (Holy Wrath or Four Horsemen)

Truly hard strategy needed. There is a lot of tech available in this deck.