New Secret Mage!
- Last updated Sep 20, 2023 (Fall of Ulduar)
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- 17 Minions
- 13 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
- Crafting Cost: 7860
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/20/2023 (Fall of Ulduar)
- FunkiMonki
- Registered User
- 8
- 17
- 46
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Hey everyone! My name is Funki Monki and I build and refine new off meta decks every day to break the meta and promised to NEVER to netdeck to give you guys tons of variety and the coolest decks! I hope you enjoy this fun new off meta deck!
A lot of work goes into building & refining each deck so if you enjoy this deck, don't forget to upvote it! :)
I post all my off meta decks on YouTube -> Click Here
And stream all new decks on Twitch -> Click Here
I want to love it, but it's just too darn slow and very inconsistent :(
Don't feel like the Contract Conjurer are needed.. Finding a spot for Norgannon would be good as well.
thank you, Funki, for a standard version. can't wait to try it. :)