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Wild - ShadowPiratesETC

  • Last updated Mar 25, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shadow Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 9960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/26/2023 (March of the Lich King)
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Just hit legend for the first time with this fast/fun deck, so thought I'd share it:

E.T.C., Band Manager: Loaded with Shard of the NaaruTight-Lipped Witness, and Platebreaker.  A weapon destroy or steal may be a better option than the silence depending on the matchups you face.


Generally always mulligan for cheap minions, but a single weapon or location in the starting hand is not a bad thing.  

If a starting hand has Raise Dead or Shadow Visions, it could be ok to keep the spell if the other 2 or 3 cards are minions.

Astalor Bloodsworn may be advantageous before before manathirst, for tempo, if you have Raise Dead and are sure you can acquire another.

E.T.C., Band Manager is only worth saving or rolling for when matching up against Mage, Druid, or Rogue* (If carrying a weapon tech card).

Always keep Astalor BloodswornVoidtouched Attendant, any pirate except Patches the Pirate, no more than one Shadowcloth Needle, &Shadowbomber.  If you are confident you have the damage in your starting hand to play Frenzied Felwing for free, then it can be kept.


Combos to consider: 

Double Voidtouched AttendantAstalor Bloodsworn at 10 Mana with an open board does 42 damage.

Double Voidtouched AttendantShadowcloth Needle + Double Mind Blast + One Mind Sear + Ping is 32 Damage

The CoinVoidtouched AttendantShadowbomber +Frenzied Felwing is pretty amazing on turn one if you go second.



This is mainly a face/combo deck.

In general, your minions go face & your pings go face.  If your opponent is developing a board that threatens your minions, and you are behind, you'll only want to use your hero power on a minion and trade if it will maintain a clear board advantage, or remove a taunt.  Otherwise, unload as much of your minions on to the board and go face as early as you can because time is of the essence!

Start thinking about lethal as early as turn 2-3, because you just may very well have it by or before turn 5 if you've developed a board & have a weapon/couple spells in hand.

Sometimes it's best to Mind Sear your own minion.  Sometimes it's best to buff an enemy with your location for that little bit of extra draw.

Sometimes it's best lead with Voidtouched Attendant on turn one for the tempo, but DO NOT play it turn one against another Shadow Priest.  Other times, it's best to save Voidtouched Attendant for when you already have 3-4 minions on the board and can achieve lethal with it.

Sometimes it is better to play out the pirates before the cannon.

Sometimes it is best to burn down the opponent with all of your spells before turn 5, if you have them.

3x Mind Blast is usually a fairly surprising turn.  With Double Attendant & Weapon, it is a OTK.  With a single attendant & weapon, its 24 damage.  Just the 3x and weapon is 18 damage.  Hopefully by the time you can play a combo like this (turn 5 or 6 the earliest) it would be enough to finish the job.



Mage - Coin flip if this deck beats Time Warp decks.  Tight-Lipped Witness will get you through all secrets, so E.T.C., Band Manager is a card you'll want to mulligan for & make sure you can play when there are no secrets or a recently popped Objection! .

Rogue - Concoction Rogue was a medium-easy matchup.  Pirate Rogue is a coin flip.  Must mulligan for minions/weapon and hope you can out-tempo & get the spells to clear the board and stay ahead.  

Warrior - Fairly easy matchup.  Platebreaker can help a lot.

Druid - This matchup can go either way.  If you have the damage, you may be able to burn through all of the armor or out tempo the mana/shield gain before turn 6.  After that, Lethal basically must be a surprise.  Platebreaker out of E.T.C., Band Manager may be your only way to get through.

Shaman - It can do OK vs all of the double battlecry business unless they have multiple board clears.  Does poorly against Genn Greymane deck.  

Priest - If Holy (summoning), try to burn down as quickly as possible.  If it's a shadow pirate mirror, try to save up the burst spell damage & maintain the lead in health.  Mulligan for minions and weapon/location.  In general, other priests are some of the toughest matchups

Warlock - Fairly easy matchup

Paladin - It can out tempo The Countess decks, has trouble with Mech decks, if encountering a lot of Lightforged Cariel decks, put weapon destroy into E.T.C., Band Manager

Demon Hunter - Kind of tough matchup but didn't face enough to need to adjust the deck

Hunter - Fairly easy matchup, unless they're playing a Beaststalker Tavish deck

Death Knight - Generally a tough matchup.  Save the spells for a big final blow of at least 18 damage, otherwise this deck will not be able to keep up with the DK healing, or minion swarming.  Otherwise, if you can rush em down before turn 5-6, good luck!


To be clear, this deck took me from Diamond 5, to Legendary in one day.  

I mainly played Leper Gnome deathrattle & Undead Shadow priest decks to get me up to Diamond 5, but found them too slow to break through the final top ranks into Legend.