First Legend ever, Deathrattle/Undead Priest
- Last updated Jan 31, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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- 13 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Priest
- Crafting Cost: 9660
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/31/2023 (March of the Lich King)

- Willbeplayin
- Registered User
- 1
- 8
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Total Deck Rating
This is the first deck I've published on Heartpwn and it's the deck I reached Legend for the first time ever. The latest update buffed many of the cards that are in this deck.
The goal is to either play your Scourge Rager,Shadowed Spirit or Haunting Nightmare ASAP with the Undying Allies spell (doesn't affect the Rager), then resurrect them with Animate Dead and/or Amulet of Undying and/or High Cultist Basaleph. Later in the match a double Shatterskin Gargoyle or Undying Disciple is amazing for control with the Undying Allies spell.
Usually you finish your opponents with Xyrella, the Devout. Watch out for early Theotar, it can ruin your game and remember to count your deathrattles. Xyrella can also be used as a wipe if you've had your Undying Disciple die multiple times.
Shadowcloth Needle plus Shadow Word: Undeath is surprisingly good combo for board clears and access to your opponents face should they use taunts. Remember that the needle does damage to your opponents face aswell, so it's an easy 6 dmg to do.
Sylvanas, the Accused for the Shaman's Gulper or Druid's big taunts.
For mulligans, I'd advice on keeping the needle for enemies with 1/1, 2/1 minions at the start. Save atleast one 3 mana minion and save Undying Allies as well.
And now?
Yeh, if not, there is no shadow priest.
Grats on legend dude you've completed the game nothing more exiting than hitting legend the first time and I really mean nothing
Wait few years till you get to have sex...
Congrats on getting to Legend. I've only done it once, myself, and I was telling everyone!
Haha, thanks! It's been really fun to read these comments here too :D And yes, I was telling everyone from coworkers to IG followers etc.. It was such a moment to finally won the matches needed to hit Legend.
I hope Benedictus goes to the next Core set.
Was really fun deck to hit an early season legend with multiple ways to find the win.
I did take out Shatterskin Gargoyle and Undying Disciple for 2 of the murloc a with lifestel and undying. They always felt good to draw.
once I hit d5 I started running into a lot of agro though so I put 1 undying disciple back in, but never added in Shatterstone. It just never felt good at all.
I love that you Tech’d in Sylvanas. I was rarely unhappy to draw it.
Interesting, I never considered Murlocula for this deck but I can see how it works. It won't get revived by Animate Dead orAmulet of Undying but Bonecaller obviously can revive it. I'd actually go for -1 Shatterskin Gargoyle and +1 Undying Disciple now that I think of it, although sometimes Shatterskin Gargoyle has won me matches where I haven't drawn Shadowed Spirit
Congratulations. I also reached first time legend in standard with a Undead priest deck last month. Much different than your deck but the buffs did the trick for me too.
Not having any luck with this list. It feels like almost all of my early hands are just spells and high cost minions. I feel like I'm doing everything right but every variation of Undead Priest just seems like junk.
Dont feel like crafting bendictus, would another undying disciple fit?
I would go for another Shatterskin Gargoyle for the extra damage it can deal to the enemy hero, since you will be losing the hero power of doing 2dmg. With this deck, you want your hero power to deal damage, not restore health (especially to your minions - you want your minions to die! :D)
Thanks for the comments, really appreciated!
copying now. I've always tried this strategy, but your list seems very consistent. will update with my experience