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Stoneborn Fiend (Legend)

  • Last updated Jan 25, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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  • 8 Minions
  • 30 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 8080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/22/2023 (March of the Lich King)
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This deck works well against the current wild meta and took me to Legend rank all on its own. The amount of value it can get on the board mid game that is difficult to remove is unbelievable.  I don't see anyone else playing it so perhaps that's part of why I did well with it--people don't recognize it yet.  With careful play it can beat most the top tier decks and easily crush some of them.

Depending on your play style you might substitute another Shadowcloth Needle for the Insight or the Devouring Plague.

Play Tips (from legend and near legend play)

With this deck you'll mostly be warding off early attacks until you can get your creatures out and going.  Once your creatures start coming, it gets fun as you dominate with huge rushing brutes and massive amounts of armor.  Dropping a Grave Rune on a Stoneborn General is very strong--copying a Stoneborn with a rune on it with Vivid Nightmare is insanely strong.  Same goes for the Forgefiend though it's more passive/defensive.  It's good to focus on the Forgefiend if you're playing against big damage or people copying Astalor.  Focus on the Stoneborn if you want to control the board and possibly win fast.

By the time you play Xyrella, the Devout her effect should put you in a very good position.  In the unlikely event the game goes long and you need a strong end game you've hopefully pumped up both the Amulet of Undying and maybe created a 3rd one with Shadow Visions that will be more than enough to win.

To mulligan you'll often want to look for cheap spells, defense, and creature fetch: Shadow Visions, Breath of the Infinite, Devouring Plague, Hysteria, Gift of the Naaru and Shadowcloth Needle, Illuminate etc.  Keep amulets and shards as you can immediately trade them for a card. Usually keep a Masked Reveler and/or Shadow Essence to get your creatures going.  I also keep Prince Rosenthal in my opening hand to keep it from messing up my fetch effects and because it's ok early game if I need a defender.

If you're not pressured to use them for something else, use the Shadow Visions to copy spells like Grave Rune, Twilight's Call,  or Amulet of Undying  to create more and more giant thumpy critters.  Grave Rune or Vivid Nightmare on a Masked Reveler is useful to bring out a variety of your creatures to bring back later.

Against Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warrior the deck is quite strong.  Focus on keeping their creatures under control until you get yours out.  Soon you'll be gaining armor, copying Stoneborn, and running away with the game.

Against pirates it's a tougher match but still usually winnable if you don't get a terrible draw and they don't get a God Draw. Once you get that first serious creature out the game swings to you very fast.

Against secrets mage it's also a tough but winnable match.  Focus on getting creatures out by spells or clearing out the Objection with the Prince. Against quest mage you're most likely going to lose to their nearly infinite turns unless you get lucky and can kill them quickly or build up insane amounts of armor.

Paladin, mechs and totem Shaman are usually easy to beat, just keep a Shard of the Naaru  in hand to silence everything if it starts getting out of hand. Shutterwock can be a problem but isn't as common right now.

Warlock is usually beatable unless he's playing Mecha'thun.  You will probably die to Mecha'thun unless you get lucky with some early Stoneborns, but again it's not as common right now.

Druid has many absurdly ridiculous decks that will kill you depending on their win condition. It's difficult to know if you should try to beat them down fast with Stoneborn before they draw the combo or build up armor to survive a massive damage volley.  But either way you want to hold a shard to silence their taunt wall that will be coming, and Stoneborn is difficult for them to clear, especially if you have multiples.  If they play aggro standard play should win.

Most priest decks are winnable with standard play except Neptulon.  You perhaps have a slight advantage against Neptulon priest.  With care and proper spell fetch you can usually repeatedly kill off his Neptulons and will have time to develop your own creatures.  You will usually have more value than he does if the game goes long and he'll run out of resurrections before you do.