Gift Exchange winter veil Tavern Brawl.
- Last updated Dec 28, 2022 (March of the Lich King)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Brawl: Gift Exchange
- Crafting Cost: 6360
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/29/2022 (March of the Lich King)
- shiang20171
- Registered User
- 5
- 22
- 47
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Just destroy all the boxes first.
Bounce 3 snowball is usually the best pick, go for cheap good values stuff don't go for big and shiny.
excellent, 2-0 very easy games
Check your filters maybe that might help with Sanguine Reveler.
I wouldn't recommend you craft it as it's not constructed playable unless you're just swimming in dust ;).
I can't craft sanguine reveler, in fact i just can NOT find it anywhere, what the hell?
some help?
Did you try to remove first Sanguine Reveler (by hand) from the list (should be shown as red shimmering) and THEN try to craft ist?
Did you ever had Sanguine Reveler in your collection? Btw why do you try to craft him? Try playing a bit with the check boxes. What happens, if you switch your shown cards from "wild cards" to "frozen throne" only? (left bottom button)
TRIED out your list, worked fine for me 1:1 overall but got my pack:
void ripper was wrong keep you need to have turn 1 and 2 clears
knowing his deck I wouldn't have played despicable dread lord.
should've played void ripper on turn 3
should've used the bird on turn 6, don't worry about opening the gifts too much do that with spare mana.
held solarium for too long your deck has a 2 damage aoe
You keep wasting mana opening gifts that's the main problem.
Priority should be:
destroy your own box
destroy their box
develop board
open gifts with left over mana.
Thanks for sharing the video btw, gave me the opportunity to give pointers I would've not thought of.
thank you too man, you had nice constructive feedback I guess i will own next years tavern brawl :P
How was you able to play this deck in the brawl? Sanguine Reveler is not allowed, because it is a wild card.
Edit: Interesting, after manually removing Sanguine Reveler and adding it by hand, I was allowed to play this deck. Strange.
You removed the "Removed from Core" version and added the "Knights of the Frozen Throne" version :)
i can't craft it, i am getting really pissed off at this
I have it in my collection, but they messed up by adding unavailable versions instead of the ones you can use.